Dear BelovedFriends,
We are Ariel and wecome to you with a message of hope and love. So many now arefeeling their world is upside down,topsy-turvy and out of whack. Weknow this and understand.
Change is constantand so with that is your life. Things are not as they used to be.Things will never be as they used to be and that is okay beloveds.Letting go of the past and the old ways, the old beliefs andparadigms is important for each and every human upon the planet.Clinging to what is no more, what does not work and is of the oldway keeps you from emerging as the beautiful butterfly that youare. The cocoon has served its purpose and now is the time to leaveit and move to the new and true butterfly you are meant tobe.
If you are veryhonest with yourself can you say that you like the way things areand think nothing can be better? You have so much to receive, somuch potential, so many vistas to traverse if you allow it to come.What is holding you back?
We ask thesequestions for we want you to really ponder it all and listen to thewhispers of your spirit that tell you what can be, what your heart,your soul wants for you. Nothing can keep it from you exceptyourself dear ones. Everything is possible, everything is anopportunity and everything is doable. You are an unlimited beingand are not just a body who is finding your way through a life ofdead-ends, hardship after hardship, disappointment afterdisappointment and seeing no end to it all.
Many feel exactlylike this. Have you said or heard someone say, “Life isn’t easy.”“No pain, no gain.” “Keep your chin up.”“The rich get richer andthe poor get poorer.” “I am not supposed to be happy (or abundantor living on Easy Street).”Not everyone is meant to havehappiness.” and on and on! Oh we shudder when we hear theseutterances and yes, they are thought and spoken so very often, waytoo often.
We ask when one saysor thinks in this way, “Who told you that?” Many do not listen tous but we do say it quite loudly.Those who wish to hear will. Thosewho do not will not.
No! No! No! Belovedand dear friends it is time to let go of all of these troublesomeand even paralyzing thoughts and beliefs. For so many lifetimes youhave been made into robots who follow the programming that isinside you. You are not computers. You are not programmable dollsyet humanity has allowed this to be the way.
We ask you in purelove and with heartfelt guidance, to let this all go. You are hereas a representative of the Light which means you are part of andOne with all. We are not above you, hovering over you like birds ofprey. We are here and with you, each of you, and want only the bestfor you. You need not go by those old rules of pain and suffering,worthlessness, and the ‘we’ and ‘they’concept any longer. It is notmeant to be this way.
Again we ask “Whotold you that?” Is this something you just think is the way it isto be or were you told by peers, family, teachers, religiousfigures, the media that everyone and everything is and must be acertain way? We want to plant the seeds that will possibly give youthe desire to question what has been the way of your life and toask if it really is what you want.
If so it is time tochange who you listen to beloveds and let your heart tell you whatthe truth is, what is your truth. And with this we say that yourtruth does not have to be that of another. And they do not have tofollow yours. Each of you has your own unique truth andidentity.
Are you ready dearestones to step into your truth and the real you? Are you ready toreveal the Divine being you are and the exquisite soul that youare? Are you ready to take charge of your life and not follow whatothers tell you that you should or should not be? Are you ready toput your unique stamp on the world and allow all to see you? Thereis nothing to hide, nothing to fear and nothing to be ashamed of atall. You are, as has been said time after time on this page in themessages that are brought to you, so much more than you can evenfathom. You are loved by the Universe. You are one with all andwith the Creator so how can that be flawed? You have no flaws, youmake no mistakes, your personal power is incredible.
For some our wordswill fall upon deaf ears. We know this. We reach those who want tobe reached. If you do not and do not want to listen to what we say,we hold you in unconditional love just as we do those who dolisten. We are not here to tell you what to do. We do not expectyou to follow our guidance if you do not wish to do so. We sit notin judgment of anyone but in love and that is all.
You have Free Choiceand Free Will. So you can do what you choose to do. That is thebeauty of it all. You have the capability to do amazing things andachieving greatness in ways you think is impossible. We only offerguidance to you and nothing more. We support you in every choiceyou make. Use us in the way that feels right to you. We are yourcheerleaders, your fans, your supporters in every way.
And know this belovedones, no matter what your choices are, you will bring home the topprize. There are no losers in this what some call ‘game of life’.All win. All succeed.
If you choose to stayin the place you are in and not to advance that is okay. Yet weinvite you to consider what it is that you want. If you are happy,truly happy with how things are and think that there is no need forimprovement, then so be it. That is yours to choose.
And if you say youwant more, you know there is more out there for you then go for itdarlings. We do not care for your sayings of ‘take the bull by thehorns’ or ‘the tiger by the tail’ for animals are beautiful beingsand we do not want them hurt. We know that these are sayings thathave meanings that are not literal. How about saying instead you‘take advantage of the gifts of opportunities that come to you andgo with the ones that feel right for you’?
Above all we want youto be in joy and happiness. We want you to know how special you areand how loved you are. We wish for you to know that you have thepower within you to be who you want to be, go where you want to goand create what you want in your life with no boundaries orlimitations. See yourself as limitless instead of limited. Do notfall into that pattern of ‘I am only human’ for you are much morethan that. There is only a small part of you in your humanexperience. You are not only human. Do not forget this my dearfriends. Oh the vastness that is you. It is hard in the humanconsciousness to understand this. This is where trust can be of abenefit to you. Trust what Ariel says to you and what all theothers of the Angelic Realms and the beings of Light who are aroundyou say to you. Do you believe? Do you trust? When we ask this andyou read these words what feelings come to you? A smile perhaps ora warmth in your heart? Allow your body and your inner wisdomto help you learn to trust and believe.
Let us help youchange from ‘limited’ to ‘limitless’, from ‘powerless’ to‘powerful’, from ‘hopeless’ to ‘unstoppable’, and ‘fearful’ to‘fearless’. All that is available to you when you wish to invite itin. We would be overjoyed to assist you with making these changesin your life.
Are you ready for thenew season of your life? As on your television there are newseasons for your favorite shows. How about a new season that isfresh and filled with great expectations in joy and fun of yourlife? You get to choose what plays in your program and change whatis not to your liking anymore. You can keep some and remove others.Or you can clean house and rid the season of all and start anew.Again it is your choice.
Our wish for each ofyou is to be comfortable in your own shoes and not to feel you mustwear another’s. We wish for you to be open to change and to embraceit with enthusiasm and child-like anticipation. Our wish is for youto feel the love in your heart that is always there for you and tocreate the life that is meant to be yours. You can do this if youchoose. Do you choose beloveds? Do you?
With blessings oflove, peace and joy,
We are ArchangelAriel and we are with you.
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