(2013-03-18 20:45:10)
The moon is waning and the equinox is swiftly approaching, Spring for the northern hemisphere and autumn for the southern. The equinox is always a time of change and with the completion of the first tri-semester after the Great Shift, even more so.
Are you in neutral yet? Have you arrived at still point and can view the world from a peaceful place? Not many of us are, myself included, but I am working on it. I am in the process of becoming aware.
Are you feeling a bit bipolar these days, not in terms of feeling mentally ill, but a little unstable in your moods?
Are you going from happy to sad to angry to frustrated and back to calm and happy, all in a matter of minutes? Do you feel like, at times, that you are losing your “mind”, that you cannot remember simple words and phrases or even what you ate for last night’s dinner?
Well, you’re not alone. Many people are feeling somewhat displaced from the world that they thought they knew so well, which is swiftly proving to be unreliable and at times, unconscionable.
Perhaps you are becoming more uncomfortable with ways of doing things and thinking about things that you have always identified as being “you” in the past.
Perhaps you are beginning to understand that your childhood conditioning and that as a young adult, no longer suit. Perhaps you are beginning to realize that you do not know yourself very well. You are beginning to realize that for most of your life, you have been unconscious of being unconscious.
The third dimension is going away; more than one source has told us this, but what does it mean?
What does it mean for the man or woman on the street? It means freedom for one thing. And with the advent of freedom into our lives, we begin to understand that we have never been free while living within the thought structures of the third dimension. Choice does not reign there. Reactive thinking and emotion does.
To awake to the notion that you have never been free in your entire life or at least when you have been unconsciously reacting to the judgments and rigid structures that make up the matrix of the third dimension, is a disturbing thing for most people, especially those of us who are lightworkers.
Many of the lightworker community are still dealing with releasing the ties of the third dimension. It takes a willingness to look at ourselves, how we react to other people, how we judge ourselves in contrast to others, how we look to others for advice and direction, how we have relied upon those values that were taught to us by our parents, our teachers, our religious and community leaders.
Much more than a willingness to look at ourselves, there is a need to take responsibility for each thought, each emotion, each reaction that we experience, and to realize that in unconsciously reacting to the world around us, we have been and continue to give our power away to others and to the now crumbling matrix of the third dimension.
What can we do to move beyond this reactionary mode of behavior? We can learn to observe ourselves from a neutral point of view, one that is removed from the hustle and bustle of the third dimensional world, a place that is within, that is protected, that is quiet and is completely free of judgment.
We can learn to go within our mind, into the area of the pineal gland that is a connection point for the soul within the body, as well as the secret chamber of the Heart.
The secret chamber of the Heart, as it has been called by esoteric teachings, is simply the place where the Christ within resides.
This is the Christ energy of your higher self that is a portion of your multidimensional self, most of which resides outside your physical body. The Christ is part of your awareness that is aligned with sixth dimensional and higher thought. In combination with your Divine mind and sacred Heart, you can attune with universal wisdom and begin to flow with the rhythm of the Universe.
With these two parts of yourself in balance, you will arrive at a point of neutrality, a zero point, where the emotions and thought forms of others can no longer move you from balance and equanimity.
By no means will you be turning away from Life by learning to become more neutral in your responses.
Instead, life will be able to offer you so much more. You will be living in the moment, in the divine Present, rather than being constantly fearful of the past and projecting the past into your future, as most people do in the third dimension.
By living in the present, you will be able to take whatever and whoever comes into your life with equanimity, grace and ease. You will have freed yourself of the matrix of expectation and disappointment. You will be living in the moment, with peace and free from worry and concern. No thing or any person will be perceived as a threat to your person.
You will begin to perceive that you are interconnected to all other persons, and as such it will be seen as impossibility to see another person as being scary or strange, for they are only another part of your being yet unexplored. Your natural sense of curiosity will be engaged and the stranger before you will no longer be threatening.
Your peace will radiate out from your calm center and peace will be instilled within all those who are around you.
By living in a neutral calm manner and radiating a gentle sense of peace and serenity, you may find other people reacting strangely to you. Rather than being calm and centered in return, they may lash out in anger, even outrage when they see that you are no longer reacting to those things which cause fear to arise in their own emotional bodies.
Your calm and peaceful demeanor will be deemed as a threat simply because it is a different reaction than what the other person or persons have been conditioned to believe is reasonable. They have been conditioned to believe that anyone who is different is dangerous.
This is one of the main limiting factors of third-dimensional thought and one that has led to much despair, destruction and disease.
Instead of responding to the anger or outrage in a like manner, you have a choice. You have stepped out of the third dimension and into the fourth and are now swiftly moving towards the fifth dimension in your vibrational field, but you can just as swiftly fall back into the third dimension by reacting.
You can choose now, to react or not, and by not reacting as expected and maintaining your neutrality, you will remain in the higher vibrational levels and not descend back from whence you have come. It is simply a matter of retraining your mind and learning to trust the wisdom that emanates from your heart space.
It is simply a matter of learning to “like” yourself and to open to the love within so it may flow forth, to bless you and others, in its beautiful warmth and compassionate acceptance of all life.
With the disappearance of the third dimension, we need to learn to live from a point of view that is more accepting of others, that allows other people their experiences without judgment.