大角星人指導: ‘現在在發生什麼事? ’與 ‘如何創造你的實相’(二)

2013/03/17 05:51

You, the awakening ones can no longer hide in your illusions. Thus, you must enter into the chaos of the many changes that are occurring within the NOW of your reality. It is the shift from the perceived safety of a familiar and apparently ordered world that is causing the Spontaneous Awakening.

你們, 這些覺醒的一們, 再也不能躲在你的幻象裡了. 因此, 你們必須走入許多改變的混亂當中 --- 那些在你們實相的當下正在發生的事情. --- 就是這個自動遠離以前所認為的, 熟悉的, ‘安全感’以及很明顯的 ‘有秩序’的世界的 ‘轉變’ --- 造成了 ‘直覺式的覺醒’!!!

The lies that you have been told, and the ones that you have told yourself to make life good enough, no longer work to hide your disillusionment. The things you buy do not give you the same pleasure, those important people you befriended are no longer interesting, that job that gave you so much prestige has become a hollow victory, and the money you worked so hard to make is gone before you can enjoy it. What is this all about? you ponder.

所有你聽說過的謊言, 以及你告訴過自己的謊言 --- 假裝 ‘沒事’ ‘夠好了’的話 --- 再也無法掩蓋你的幻想的破滅. 以前你(盲目)接受的事情現在再也無法給你同樣的快樂了. --- 你以前交往的重要人物 --- 也不再有意思了. 而曾經給你許多 ‘榮耀和地位’的工作 --- 突然間變成了一個空洞的勝利. 你如此辛苦賺來的錢 --- 在你能享受到之前就不見了. “這一切到底是怎麼回事呢?--- 你思考著這問題.

What you may not know is that your higher expression of SELF is looking you over and waiting for this very opportunity to jar your comfortable denial. Your Multidimensional SELF gives you dreams, ideas, and opportunities for change and constantly speaks to you in the back of your mind.

你所不知道的是 --- 你的高我正檢視著你, 並等待著這非常時刻的機會來搖晃你那 ‘舒適又方便’的自我欺騙! 你 ‘多維度的自我’給了你夢想, 想法, 和機會去做改變, 而且一直在你後腦勺裡嘰嘰喳喳的說個不停.

What is that nagging voice? you ask. My life is JUST FINE, you say, a little too loud. But as much as you push away the growing wave of transformation, the chaos of change expands more and more until you are overwhelmed. But, what are you overwhelmed with? You do not know. You cannot understand. Your life is just as it was when you thought it was great. Why are you suddenly so miserable?

“那嘮叨的聲音到底是什麼?”你問. “我的人生 ‘沒問題’!”你跟自己說, 聲音有點大聲. 但是不論你如何推開這 ‘改變’ 的不斷成長的波浪, ‘改變的混亂’ 卻更擴大, 更多更多 --- 直到你有氣無力為止. 但是什麼讓你精疲力竭? 你並不知道. 你無法理解. 你的人生就跟以前一樣--- 當你以前覺得它很棒的時候. 為何突然間你現在對它感到如此痛苦呢?

It is the Light. The higher frequencies of light are erasing the third dimensional indoctrinations and replacing them with the Multidimensional Operating System. With the download of your new mental operating system, your biological computer brain can no longer compute information in the same logical, sequential manner. Many multidimensional messages are swirling through your brain and altering your neurological circuitry. These surges of high frequency light are creating sudden crashes of old mental computations.

是 ‘光能’! 更高頻率的光能正在抹去第三維度的理論教導, 而且用 ‘多維度作業系統’ 來取代. 隨著你新的心理作業系統的下載, 你的生物電腦頭腦再也無法用以前那邏輯化的, 系列式的方法來處理訊息了. 許多 ‘多維度的訊息’ 像漩風一樣跑進到你的腦袋中, 並且更改了你的腦神經管線系統. 而這些高頻率光能正在創造老的心理操作程式的突然的短路與當機.

Am I losing my mind? you wonder. No, you are just uploading a new mental system, and right now you are in-between the old system of computation and the new system of Flowing with the Light. The many sequential details that have filled your brain are at right angles to the circular flow of the Light Language embedded in the higher frequency light.

“我瘋了嗎?”你問自己. , 你只是上傳了一個新的心智系統, 而現在你正卡在電腦的老系統與新系統所要求的 --- 跟著 ‘光能’ 飄浮吧! 這許多系列式的細節 --- 那些充滿你腦袋的東西 --- 目前都正在正確的角度上 --- 正對著 ‘新的更高的頻率的光的語言’的漩渦.

Some of you know that you are awakening, and some of you have been awakened for a while. It is these awakened ones who need to connect with each other and with the newly awakening ones. In this manner, the awakened ones can learn to be fifth dimensional leaders and the newly-awakening ones can gain the assistance of those who have completed the process which they have just begun.

你們有些人知道自己正在覺醒當中, 而你們有些人已經醒來一陣子了. 而就是這些已經覺醒者們需要與彼此連結, 並且與剛覺醒的人連接. 這樣做之下, 已經覺醒者可以學習成為 ‘第五維度’ 的 領導者, 而剛覺醒的人也可以得到已經完成這些程式的人的協助來完成他們才剛開始的程式.

With a core group of humanity openly saying there is a reason for what is happening, the fear of mental breakdown is replaced with a hunger for change. It is at this point that your spiritual awakening begins, for fear has left that threshold. Many people may scoff at you, but once you have gone through your cycle of resistance, you begin to feel the unconditional love that is so much stronger than external judgment.

只要有一個人類的核心團體站出來公開說 --- ‘目前正在發生的事情是有理由的’ --- 害怕自己瘋掉的心理就會被渴望改變的心理所取代. 到這時候, 你的靈性覺醒才會開始, 因為 ‘害怕’ 已經不見了. 許多人或許在罵你, 但只要你走過那抗拒時期, 你就會開始感受到那無條件的愛 --- 強烈得遠超越過對那對你的表面的批判.

You remember now that there is important work to be done. You are here to assist your planet, which you can only understand once you have released your addiction to the third dimensional illusions. Through the thinning veil of illusion you can perceive and begin to enter the new paradigm of reality. In the third dimensional paradigm, REAL was comprised of third/fourth dimensional molecules organized into a physical form.

你們現在要記得你們有重要的工作要完成. 你們是來協助你們的星球的 --- 而這件事只有等你釋放掉對第三維度的幻象的毒癮之後, 你們才能明白. 透過幻象帷幕的變薄, 你們才能感應到, 並開始進入新現實的實相當中. ---在第三維度的實相中, 所謂 “真實’ --- 是由第三與第四維度的分子組織成一個 ‘物質形體’!

You knew this form was real because it offered resistance to your touch. You could see it with your physical eyes and heard it with your physical ears. This form had hard edges and familiar angles. However, your new mental operating system perceives energy patterns that feel alive to you. You do not know what these energies are, but you have a feeling that they are another reality, a life form or, maybe a Higher Being.

你們以前知道這人體是真實的--- 因為當你觸摸它的時候它有個阻擋抗拒力. 因為你物質的眼睛看得到它, 因為你物質的耳朵聽得到它. 這人體有硬的邊際, 以及熟悉的角度. 但是, --- 你們新的心智作業系統可以感應到能量型式 --- 那對你感覺是非常鮮活的. 你不知道這些能量是什麼, 但是你有一種感覺 --- 它們是另一種 ‘真實’ --- 一種 ‘生命型式’, 或者, 可能, 是一種 ‘更高的存有’!

Your feelings are changing right along with you thoughts. Feeling used to mean emotions or your sense of touch. Now your feelings are similar to a new kind of perception that you experience through your mind. Furthermore, you now realize that your mind is not just in your body. In fact, both your thinking and your emotions seem to be emanating from above you. This above is not above in space, but above in frequency.

你的 ‘感覺’正跟隨著你的思想在改變當中. 以前 “感覺”代表的是 ‘情緒’或是你 ‘觸摸的感受’. 現在你的 ‘感覺’比較像是一種 ‘理解力’ --- 而你是透過你的心理來經驗的(而不是物質感官). 此外, 你現在瞭解了你的心智並不只是這個身體, 事實上, ‘你的情緒’ 與 ‘思考’ 似乎兩者都不是出發自你的身體, 而是從超越你更高的地方. --- 這個 ‘超越’ 不是空間地點的超越 --- 而是 ‘頻率’上的超越!

Those of you who have been awakened long enough to become familiar with your new version of SELF, are hearing a call to put all that you know to use. You are tired of keeping quiet so they wont judge you. You want to talk about what is happening in your body and in your life. You want to share your new world with other people who are experiencing the same thing.

你們那些覺醒夠久的人對你們 ‘新版本的自己’ 都已經熟悉了, 你們也聽到了呼喚你們把你們所有知道的事情用出來的召喚. 你們已經對於 ‘保持沉默’ 而讓其它人不要批判你們這件事感到疲憊了. 你們想要把發生在你們身體上以及生活裡的事情說出來. 你們想要與有同樣經驗的別人分享你們的新世界.

In other words, now that your Multidimensional Operating System is integrating into your third/fourth dimensional brain, heart and body, you KNOW you cannot go back. You dont know exactly where you are going, but you WILL find out. Unfortunately, you are not sure how you will find out because you are still in-between who you were and who you are becoming.

換言之, 現在你們的多維度作業系統正在整合進入你們第三四維度的大腦, 心與身體之中. --- 你們知道自己已經回不去了. 你不知道確實自己要走到那裡去, 但是你們會找到這終點站. 不幸的是 --- 你們並不確定自己會如何找到--- 因為你們仍然卡在 ‘你自己是誰?’ 和 ‘你會變成誰?”這中間!

However, your ever-expanding Unity Consciousness is telling you that you are connected to everything and everyone. You are connected to

無論如何, 你不斷擴大的 ‘合一覺知’ 一直在告訴你 --- 你是與每一個人, 以及每樣東西都連接在一起的.

the planet, as well. In fact, you ARE the planet. It is the realization that you are the planet that allows you to remember that you are also the Higher Beings that you are hearing, seeing, touching and following into the unknown.

你也與這星球連接在一起. 事實上, 你“等於是”這個星球. 就是這個 “你是這星球’的了悟 讓你能夠記起你同時也是你的高我們 --- 那些你一直聽到, 看到, 摸到, 並且跟隨著一起走入未知的 ‘存有們’!

You dont know where you are going, but you have remembered to follow the feel of unconditional love. How did you get from the frightened, disillusioned one to following the flow of unconditional love? You dont remember, but you are not looking back to find out.

你不知道你要走到那裡去, 但你已經記得了 --- 要跟隨你直覺的無條件的愛的感覺去走. 你是怎麼從一個受驚的, 幻滅的一個人 ---- 變成一個跟隨著無條件的愛的波動去走的人? 你不記得了, 但你也沒在回頭去看那個答案了!

(因為已經不重要了! 對未來的渴望才是你現在的夢寐以求!)


Geplaatst door Méline Lafont pleiade dolphin op 12:54 PM

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