
2013/06/05 09:36

Beloved Ones,

You, as our beacons of Light, are igniting the very atmosphere around you as you move through your daily activities. You are each powerful in your own ways and contribute much to the stabilization of your planet. More of you are now stepping out of the dense fields of expression into greater feelings of joy and happiness, peace and harmony and this in turn adds to the collective field of humanity. You are aware that your thoughts, words and deeds have a greater influence on those around you than you ever thought was possible and you are ever more discerning in the ways in which you interact with your sisters and brothers, always mindful that the impact upon their fields of energy be one of blessing, empowerment and goodwill.



This is not to say that you cannot express your human moments as old issues come up for review, for indeed, this is all a part of the process of letting go and becoming more centered and aligned with your true divine essence. Anything that is not in alignment with the higher aspects of your true self will continue to come to the surface to be acknowledged and accepted as a part of your total self, human and divine. What happens when you work on yourselves in this way is that as you release all the aspects within you that do not serve you on your ascension journey into higher consciousness and expression, you start to appreciate and love yourselves more and when you love yourselves unconditionally, without judgments and justifications, you begin to love others in the same vein. 


This can only help to further clear and alleviate the heavy dense energies and this work on self ultimately helps all, for ALL is energy, frequency and vibration. By being mindful of your effect upon those around you, it is always beneficial to remind yourselves of your true nature and that of course is, that you are a Being of Love. Love is the bottom line in all things and in all situations; sometimes, however, it needs a deeper introspection within yourself to connect with your heart in order to feel it. Many of you, at one time or another have been hurt or wounded in some way in your interactions with others and this has caused you to put shields of protection around your heart which can keep you from experiencing all that is good in your life now. It is time to release these now, Dear Ones.


Dare to become vulnerable as you open your heart wide. Your inner light must shine bright and it is important to daily maintain your rituals and practices to accomplish this, whether that is through meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, visualizations, mantras, decrees, listening to music that uplifts and inspires or even singing. These are many ways to keep your light shining bright and we are sure that there are many more we have not mentioned here that you know of and utilize. The point we are making here is that the time for playing small in your world to conform to outdated paradigms has come to an end. It is now a new time, a new beginning where all souls have equality in their right to pursue their passions, that which brings joy to their inner being and outer self. Think upon the activities which bring you joy and make that a priority in your daily life. Spend some time each day in this activity for your souls highest and greatest good.


It does not matter if the passion that gives you joy is something that will never bring fame, fortune or accolades from the world around you, all that matters is that you begin to connect with feeling good about yourselves so that the gifts you bring to bless this world begin to surface. Each of you has gifts that you bring to this world and it is now time to find and connect with yours. The world is very rich and there is enough for all, connect now to the world within and let yourself shine!


Until next week
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒

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