聖哲曼大師: 靈魂的夢想

聖哲曼大師: 靈魂的夢想

The Dream of the Soul ~ Adamus ~ Saint-Germain

As channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130327

My dear friends, this physical body of yours is preparing itself to accept the true crystalline nature of yourself, your soul, your I Am-ness. Its the dream. Oh, a lot of other dreams, a lot of other things youd like to do, but the true dream or the true desire of the soul was about present embodiment. Present embodiment. Not being in two places or a thousand places or ten thousand at one time, but being back together. Clarity right here.

親愛的朋友們, 你們的物質身體正在準備好自己來接受真正的 “水晶能量”本質的你自己, 你的靈魂, “我是”的存在. 它就是這個 ‘夢想’. , 是的, 有很多其它夢想, 許多其它你想做的事, 但你的靈魂的 ‘真正的夢想’, ‘真實的欲望’就是關於眼前的 “注入顯化”. 眼前的 “注入顯化”. --- 不再分開兩個地方, 或一千個地方, 或一萬個分身 --- 在同一時候裡, 而是 ‘整體的回歸’! 靈魂清楚的澄明就在這裡!

Embodying this crystal and when I say crystal, Im not talking about the stones; Im talking about crystal means clear clarity, pure. So this crystalline nature of what you would call the soul is preparing to come in.

重新恢復水晶態 --- 而當我說 ‘水晶’ , 我不是在說那個 ‘礦石’ --- 我所說的 ‘水晶’ 意指 ‘清楚度’ --- 澄澈的, 純粹的. --- 所以這個 ‘水晶態的靈魂本質體’ 的恢復 --- 正在準備回復的當中.

The dream. The frightening dream, because youve been pursuing it. Youve been a work in progress, as Marianne would say, for so many lifetimes. Youve been studying it. Youve been in the churches, creating the churches. Youve been in mystical societies, secret organizations, everything else. But in a way, those were steps along the way, maybe even necessary steps or steps of experience. Its time we stop taking the steps.

“這個夢想”. 這個令人害怕的夢想 --- 因為你一直在追求它. 你一直是一個在進行中的工程 --- Marianne說的 --- 而且已經歷經幾個轉世了! 你一直在研究這件事. 你一直參與教會活動, 創造教會. 你也曾參與了神秘學協會, 秘密組織, 和所有其它. 就某方面而言 ---那些都是過程. 或許是 ‘必要步驟’, ‘必要經驗’. 但現在過程結束了.

This body of yours, Linda and Roy and Edith and all of you, this body is getting ready to accept the I Am.
你們的這個身體 -- Linda and Roy and Edith以及你們全部 --- 這身體已經準備好來接受 ‘我是’的’本我.

It is a true crystalline structure that has not been in the physical before, but its coming in. It needs clarity.

它是一個 ‘水晶能量的架構’ --- 以前並不存在於物質體中, 但它現在來了. 它需要 ‘清澈度’.

It needs the attitude. It needs the dream, and this dream is the grandest of all dreams. Its the dream of the soul being together and present within this physical experience; being human and divine simultaneously, no longer separate; being in and of this reality with all of itself. This desire of the soul, if you take a moment to feel it, the soul into itself now. The soul into itself.

它需要這個 ‘態度’. 它需要這個 ‘夢想’, --- 而這 ‘夢想’ 是最雄偉的夢想. 它是靈魂的夢想 --- 能夠在這物質經驗中同時存在. --- 同時是人類又是 ‘神聖的存有’ --- 不再是兩回事 --- 能夠屬於這個實相, 與全部的 ‘自己’在一起. 這是靈魂的渴望 --- 如果你花點時間去感受它 --- 體會現在靈魂深處的感受. 靈魂對自己的感受.

The soul created this aspect that would go into human experiences before all of it came in. And it gave this human aspect, who has had many, many lifetimes, a large degree of freedom and free will. But there are times when the soul has superseded or overruled some of the things of the human. Its given the human a very, very, very, very, very long line. And this human is the soul, but the soul in its brilliance didnt send all of itself within itself right away. The soul said, To know myself and to love myself, Im going to dive completely into me. And in that moment, this aspect, this fragment of the soul that would go into the human experience, went forth, paving the way, blazing the trail or adjusting the frequencies so that ultimately the entire I Am-ness could be present within itself.

靈魂自己創造了這個層面 --- 是個人類經驗 --- 在全部的自己回來之前. 它給了自己這個人類層面 --- 已經幾個轉世了 --- 而且享有大程度的自由與自由意志. 但有不少時候 --- 靈魂會超越一些人類層面來掌控主導某些事. 靈魂曾給予了人身許多許多許…………多機會(自作主張). 人身也是靈魂, 但靈魂並未把全部的自己的卓越偉大馬上帶入這個人身. 靈魂說: “為了瞭解我自己, 愛我自己, 我將釋放入我自己之中來體驗 ‘我’. 然後在那時刻, 在那個層面, 在那一部份的靈魂 --- 選擇走入人身體驗, 往前走, 鋪出一條路, 往前沖或是停下來調整磁場頻率--- 來讓最終的, 完全的 ‘我是’ 之存在狀態能夠進來顯現在它之內.

Your this body that you have, this mind that you work with, this is the lifetime, the vessel, the vehicle for which the soul will come in. But it will not force its way in. It cannot force its way into itself. It will wait
patiently until this part of itself that is human is ready, has clarity, has the attitude, and is willing to receive into the physical body.

你的… 這個身體 --- 你有的 --- 你和之一起工作的心智, 在這一生, 在這人身載具之中, 靈魂進駐的車子. 但靈魂不會強硬闖入. (靈魂高我) 它不會強迫進入它自己 --- 它會耐心的等 --- 直到那部份的它自己的人身已經準備好了, 腦袋清楚了, 態度正確了, 而且等待著來接受它(靈魂高我)進入物質肉身.

You are the soul; but you are, in a way, also just a shadow of the soul. The soul right now is saying, Paul, Im right here. I am you, you are me. Really is no separation, but I was so wonderfully clever, that I created you, Paul, to go first before all of Paul came in. It said, But Paul, I love you because I love me, so Ill wait until you are ready.
你就是這靈魂, , 就某方面而言 --- 你也只是靈魂高我的一個陰影. 靈魂現在在說:

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