Greg Giles 通靈傳遞
Have you noticed a certain air of truth in these messages? These messages are being sent to you from higher intelligences to assist you to better manage the transitions that you as individuals and as a people are experiencing and will continue to experience as the days and months pass by. There are many tools that can be of assistance to you at this time, and these messages are but one of them. Utilizing all the tools at your command is advisable as it is not one of these tools that will be the only tool that you will need to gain as much from what this experience offers you. We advise you to take stock of the tools that you possess and make a conscious note of them, as each are just important as the next to help you better facilitate these changes for you and your society as a whole.
你 們注意到了這些資訊中的真理嗎?這些資訊是由來自更高維度的智慧存有傳遞給你的,為了幫助你們更好地應對你們作為個體及作為集體正在經歷和當每日每月走過 時將繼續經歷的過渡。當前有很多工具可以説明你們,這些資訊只是其中之一。運用你們能使用的所有工具,因為要從這些體驗中完全獲取它提供給你們的,你們將 不會只需要一種工具就夠了。我們建議你們清點一下你們擁有的工具並有意識地對它們添加備註,因為它們每個都同等重要,都能在接下來幫助你們對你們和你們整 個社會的這些轉變能更加順利。
Complications may arise due to the unpreparedness of many individuals of your world and we wish, through the dissemination of these messages and others like them, to help better prepare all that will read and will heed these words from us shared through our channels. This is the only way we can communicate with you at this time. Telepathy is a means to communicate commonly here within the higher realms of this universe. Many of you at this time are learning and experiencing telepathic communication for the first time, and many of you are experiencing a difficult time communicating in this manner. This is quite all right and has been expected, as telepathy is an art and a skill that must be practiced before any level of competence is achieved.
由 於你們世界中許多個體的缺乏準備,可能會出現一些混亂,而我們希望通過傳播這些資訊和其它與之類似的資訊,説明所有將讀到和將注意到這些我們通過我們的通 靈管道傳遞的資訊的人有更好的準備。當前這是我們能與你們交流的唯一方式。在這個宇宙的更高實相裡,心靈感應是普遍的交流方式。你們中許多人正在第一次地 學習和體驗心靈感應式的交流,並且你們許多人在以這種方式交流的時候都遇到了困難。這是非常正常的,是在意料之中的,因為心靈感應是一門藝術和一門技能, 在達到任何層次的能力以前,都必須經過鍛煉。
We do not expect any of you to suddenly begin attempting to communicate telepathically and being able to readily recognize and receive clear and accurate messages in this way. We instead wish to proceed slowly with you by sending you short messages in the early stages and learn if you have received these small pieces of information accurately, understanding who it is that is sending you these messages. This is the stage of this operation that we are engaging in currently with a large number of you, and we will continue to test these grounds with you over the next weeks and months to better acquaint you with sending and receiving telepathic communications from the higher realms.
我 們不指望你們任何人突然就開始試圖用心靈感應交流和有能力以這種方式識別及接受清晰準確的資訊。我們更想與你們緩緩地推進,通過向你們傳送初級的簡短消息 來瞭解你們是否準確地接收到了這些小片段的資訊,是否理解出了是誰向你們傳遞的這些資訊。這個我們正與你們許多人合作的行動就處在這個階段,我們將在接下 來的每一周和每個月裡與你們測試這些基礎,使你們能更加熟練地用心靈感應與更高實相接受和發送資訊。
We ask you to ‘listen’ for our messages to you through the dream state and even while you are fully awakened. Our messages will be subtle and they will be brief. Our messages can be best perceived as a thought or idea that has seemed to come from other than your own mind. Think of these messages as someone recognizing you as you walk by them on a city street and they gently whisper your name and say hello to you. This would be a suitable mindset to begin to learn to better recognize the instances when a message is being sent to you telepathically. Once you have begun to receive a few messages in this manner you will begin to better recognize each successive message that is being sent to you. As we have said, this is a skill that takes some practice and some experience, but as any skill that is to be learned you will make headway and improve little by little as long as you apply yourself by giving this new skill some effort.
我 們告訴你們,在睡夢狀態以及甚至完全清醒的狀態‘傾聽’我們給你們的資訊。我們的資訊將會是微妙和簡短的。我們的資訊可以被最恰當地比作為一個看起來是從 別人那裡而不是從你們自己的頭腦裡出現的念頭或想法。將這些資訊想像為當你們與某人擦肩而過時,他們認出了你們並輕輕地耳語你們的名字和向你們問好。當一 條資訊正以心靈感應向你們發送時,這會是開始學習更好地識別它們的合適意向。一旦你們開始以這種方式接受少量的資訊,你們將開始更好地識別每一條成功發送 給你們的資訊。就如我們說過的,這是一門技能,需要一些練習和一些經驗,但是無論你們學習的任何技能,只要你們為這個新技能持續地付出努力,它就會取得進 展並且一點一點地提高。
There is nothing the human being cannot accomplish. You are an incredibly complex and intelligent being, and each and every one of you is far more capable, talented and intelligent than many of you believe you are. When we say this to you we mean every word of it as we see you from a much more complete and clear vantage point then you can currently observe yourselves. We understand greatly what you are capable of as we have seen what you can accomplish firsthand, and we wish to say to you that there is absolutely nothing you, the being that is human, cannot do.
沒 有什麼是人類無法做到的。你們是不可思議地複雜和智慧的存有,你們每個人都比你們許多人認為的那樣更加有能力,有天賦和有智慧。當我們對你們說這話的時 候,我們對每個字都是非常認真的,因為我們是從一個更加完整和清楚的優勢位置看你們,而你們現在也可以這樣看待你們自己。我們非常清楚你們的能力,我們親 眼目睹過你們的成就,我們想對你們說,絕對沒有任何事是你們,人類存有,無法做到的。
As you continue to ride the wave of your journey through existence, you will garner new and greater skills as you allow the current to pass you through new learning experiences that have been designed to teach you these new skills and give you the experience necessary to hone these skills sharply and add them to your ever expanding arsenal. Telepathic communications are just one of the new skills that you will be taught and that, with the right amount of effort, you will be able to one day master and utilize to its fullest potential. The list of skills you have acquired and have learned to master are long, and some of them have required great effort on your part. Telepathy is but the next skill you will learn, and before long it will be but another tool in your belt as you go on to learn other skills that you are yet unaware of.
當 你們乘風破浪地繼續你們存在的旅程時,如果你們允許現實為你們帶來新的學習體驗,你們將獲得新的和更高級的技能,因為這些體驗是被設計用來教給你們這些技 能,以及為你們提供磨練這些新技能並將它們添加進你們不斷擴大的兵器庫的必要經驗的。心靈感應只是將教給你們的新技能之一,經過適當的努力,某一天你們將 有能力成為它的主人並發揮它的全部潛力。你們已取得的和需要學習的技能的清單是長長的一串,而且其中一些技能要求你們付出巨大的努力。心靈感應是你們將學 習的下一個技能,並且過不了多久它就將成為你們腰帶上的另一個工具,而你們將繼續學習其它你們還不知道的新技能。
What you can accomplish through the gift of telepathic communication is a means to remain connected to your friends, your family, your coworkers, your guides, and anything and everything throughout this entire universe. Connecting with others and staying connected is like a thread woven through this entire universe, as this universe is an intricately woven masterpiece that is kept together through the strong connectedness of every being and every object within it. How we are connected is based partly on this telepathic connectivity, and this is why it is so important for you at this time to begin to learn better this skill and apply it to your every day existence.
運 用心靈感應的天賦,你們能實現與你們的朋友,你們的家人,你們的同事,你們的嚮導和這個宇宙中其它任何和每個事物保持連接。與他人連接並保持這個連接,就 像一根線將這整個宇宙編織了起來,而這個宇宙就是一個錯綜複雜編織而成的傑作,由其中每個存有和每個物體的堅固連接維持而成。對我們的連接就是基於這個心 靈感應網路,而這就是為什麼你們在這個時候去開始更好地學習這個技能並將之運用於你們的每日生活是如此的重要。
The more you utilize this skill, the stronger your bond with the rest of this universe and the stronger this universe therefore grows. This is our aim; to strengthen this magnificent universe of ours through the strengthening of our connectedness between every living being throughout this universe from corner to corner, from star to star and throughout each and every galaxy. Once every sentient being that calls this universe their home is connected, this universe will be complete, and this is our mission, to see this universe reach its glorious state of completion and perfection as the Creator, our Creator, has conceived it from birth.
你 們越是多地運用這個技能,你們與這個宇宙的連接就越加牢固,這個宇宙也因此而成長。這就是我們的目標:從每個角落,從星星到星星及貫穿每個星系,通過加固 我們與這個宇宙中每個存有的聯繫來強壯這個壯麗的宇宙。一旦每個將這個宇宙稱為家的存有都相互連接,這個宇宙就完整了,而這就是我們的任務,使這個宇宙從 造物主,我們的造物主,從初生時構想它,到它達到完成和完美的輝煌狀態。
Help us in our mission, as it is a mission conceived in its love for our Creator and for each other. Help us continue to connect with each and every being throughout this universe by allowing us to reconnect with you, our brothers and sisters of our great universal family. This reconnection has already begun for many of you, and we see the strengthening of our bond and the strengthening of our universe already. This pleases us tremendously, and we look forward to continuing to reconnect with each and every one of you that wishes to reconnect with us and become part of our great mission to connect every piece of this magnificent universe.
在 我們的任務中幫助我們,這任務是出於對我們造物主和對每個人的愛。通過允許我們與你們連接,我們宇宙大家庭的兄弟姐妹,來幫助我們繼續與這個宇宙中的每個 存有連接。這個與你們許多人的連接已經開始了,並且我們看見了我們間聯繫的加強和我們宇宙的更加強大。這令我們感到非常高興,我們期待著繼續與你們每個想 要與我們連接,想要成為我們拼接這個壯麗宇宙每個片段的偉大任務中一員的人聯繫在一起。
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.