Black pills=大寶法王的黑藥丸
一般而言,每一世大寶法王只製造一次黑寶丸,每次都在佛缽中製作。而這只第十六世大寶法王用來盛裝獅子奶的瓷碗,則是來自第五世大寶法王。通常,在製作黑寶丸之前,需先灑淨。之後,由大寶法王於其法座上親自製作“大”的黑寶丸又名“A Ma”(俗稱母黑寶丸),其餘“小”的黑寶丸則由四名僧人製造,再由大寶法王特別修法加持。
3:堪布卡塔仁波切與第十六世大寶法王所製作的黑寶丸也有一段特殊的因緣。在十六世大寶法王製作黑寶丸的前一年,堪布卡塔仁波切被派遣到一座格魯派(黃教)的尼師寺院教學一年。圓滿後,仁波切回到印度錫金的隆德寺,正好遇見大寶法王正在製作黑寶丸。當時,法王正將“小”的黑寶丸送給僧眾們做禮物,就順手送了許多粒給仁波切。當大寶法王邊製作“大”的黑寶丸,邊暢談之際,不知不覺中就又做30粒“A Ma”,然後一併都送給了仁波切。
The Karmapa's enlightened activity manifests in his ability to make and bless small black pills called rinchen rilnak [or rilnag in Tibetan.] The pills are rare, being made of several precious substances including gems and metals as well as animal and plant products, and are prepared in a complex ritual involving the implements of Marpa Lotsawa (1012-1097) and Jetsun Milarepa (1052-1135).
Through the power of interdependence, they are believed to confer blessings and protection on people who consume them or even just carry them on their person in a relic box or locket known as a gau [called such as its shape recalls the head of a cow or deer.]
The rilnag are believed to aid in the liberation of the individual at the time of dying via the link with Karmapa. In circumstances of serious illness, they have been known to effect amazing changes -- from dramatic physical improvement to complete remissions.
Where physical improvement is not apparent, it is reported that the death was noticeably less traumatic for both patient and friends. The rilnag seem to alleviate the bitterness and depression that usually accompanies chronic illness, and the anxiety and conflictive emotions of traumatic events.
Prior to the auspicious day selected for the manufacture of the rilnak, His Holiness picks assistants from among the lamas. They rise early to purify themselves and to recite the guru yoga of the 8th Karmapa, Mikyo Dorje (1507-1554).
The Karmapa uses a tsampa [roast barley] base to which are added ingredients from the treasury of relics and precious substances. The iron plough-shoe used by Marpa the yogi-farmer and translator, and the trowel used by the singing saint Milarepa, who obediently built whatever his guru demanded of him, are what are reported to give the rilnak their characteristic black colour.
The mixture is then rolled by His Holiness' own hand and divided into pills. It is the begging bowl of the 3rd Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje (1296-1376) that serves as a container and a measure for the (3-4 mm) "mother" pills. This is filled to about two-thirds.
During the rolling of the tinier "baby" pills, the monks recite Karmapa Chenno, the Karmapa mantra.
At the end of the day, the bowl is covered with the robe of the 3rd Karmapa, and set on a cloth to remain there overnight.
The next morning it is found that the pills have multiplied spilling out of the bowl onto the cloth. This remarkable quality is one of the attributes of the "mother" pills, but it often happens that the smaller ones do the same.
Ani Demmer at Ladybear tells us that a surgeon who did not believe in this sort of thing found that a pill he had been given had multiplied into seven. And a lama who was in the habit of carrying around some mother pills in a small case found he had a constant supply of "baby" pills to distribute to those in need.
~ The origin of this information is Ken Holmes' Karmapa: His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa, Urgyen Trinley Dorje, 1995.
The Ayurvedic medical tradition's appearance in Tibet is partially due to the influence of the Karmapas, according to Jürgen C. Aschoff ("Tibetan Medecine and Mercury.")
The Tibetan scholar and yogi Ogyen Rinchenpal (Tib: O-rgyan-pa Rin-chen-dpal) brought from his journeys to Northern India (Udyana/Swat) the art of preparing mercury for medicinal use to Tibet.
Under the third Karmapa (1284-1339) this knowledge was utilized for the first time in Tibet to produce the "black pills" (Rin-chen ril-nag) which were subsequently called ”Karmapa black pills” . . . .
About ringsel: white, and black, Karmapa relics
The mantra that invokes the Karmapa is: Karmapa Chenno (also pronounced, Karmapa Kyenno.)
One important aspect of the Karmapa's enlightened activity is to make andbless a very special substance, given in the form of small black pills,called rilnak.
They are believed to bring extraordinary blessing, through the power of interdependence,
from the Karmapa to the people who wear them or, in the face of dangerous circumstances, eat them.
They are usually carried as a blessing and protection, often in a relic box worn around the neck or on the body.
If ingested at the time of death, they are believed to aid liberation, by the power of connection with the Karmapa,
causing one to meet him in the form of Avalokiteshvara and be guided by him to a better condition.
The pills are rare and it is considered highly fortunate to have the chance to take one before dying.
The pills are also a support in sickness. In case of serious illness, they may bring a physical improvement or remission that seems impossible.
Modern doctors in communist China have been nonplussed bythe results of the pills,
which they have researched and found to be extraordinarily but inexplicably effective.
There have been many cases of people very near to death gaining a years remission, during which time many special things happen in their life,
making death itself less traumatic forthe patient and those left behind.
The pills often remove the bitterness and depression that can afflict those with chronic serious illness,
giving courage and a certain peace.
The Karmapa pills are made by His Holiness using special ingredients,some of them relics, such as a plough
used by Marpa the Translator and astone building implement used by Jetsun Milarepa.
It is the latter that give the rilnak their black colour.
His Holiness picks several lamas of pure conduct and strong spirituality
to help him in the actual making of the pills.
They rise early on the chosenday of fabrication, cleanse themselves and recite a special prayer known as the guru yoga of the 8th Karmapa.
Later while rolling the tiny (about 1 mm)pills, they recite the mantra Karmapa Chenno.
The Karmapa makes the mixture for the pills from a tsampa base,
to which are added precious ingredients from the relic treasury. He rolls larger (3-4 mm) 'mother' pills himself.
From the 'dough', enough pills are rolled to fill the 3rd Karmapa's begging bowl to about two thirds.
At the end of the day, it is covered with the robe of the 3rd Karmapa and laid on a cloth where it remains overnight.
During the night the pills multiply, spilling over onto the surrounding cloth.
Multiplication is one of the extraordinary qualities attributed tothe Karmapa mother pills, sometimes even the smaller pills.
A very rational surgeon who shunned the 'miraculous' side of Buddhism, was astounded to find that the pill he had been given and worn had turned into seven of the same size.
There are many similar accounts of this happening.
One lama carried afew mother pills around with him in a small case and had a constant supplyof 'baby' pills to give for the very sick and dying.
Some say that the pills reproduce in the presence of a virtuous mind.
因為黑寶丸是大寶法王從最好的喇嘛中挑選幾位來,共同以糙粑和一種烤大麥的麵粉再加上釋迦牟尼佛(第四位佛陀)、迦葉佛(第三位佛陀)、第一世大寶法王杜松虔巴、第七世大寶法王邱札嘉措以及若干印度及西藏大成就者之舍利,還有又加上一種名為「阿魯」的藥草,還有些珍貴藥材與稀世珍寶; 最特別的還有一碗獅子的乳汁;與密勒日巴為馬爾巴建造房子時所用的斧頭一起在水中熬煮而製成,再加上製做時數百萬的持咒與淨化。
黑寶丸可口服。任何人有病無病均可口服,尤其是嚴重疾病或臨命終或心理障礙時 投服會親身體會到加持力,非常殊勝。而且黑寶丸可以給任何動物口服,當他們有 困難或快要臨命終時,可將此藥丸吞服,或溶於水中而服用。
甚至一粒黑寶丸放 入河水、湖水或海水中將會利益水中的動物。黑寶丸對生病或生產時的加持力很強 ;從前在西藏有一個遊牧家庭生小孩的時候難產又找不到醫生,結果吃了一顆黑寶丸小孩就順利出生,黑寶丸就在小孩頭頂,由此所知大寶法王黑藥丸的加持力。
當然最重要的是您只要曾經口服過的人,亦可 觀想此黑寶丸之加持力時在體內時常加持著您,您同樣會獲得永久之加持。
若是您給了沒有信仰或是沒有信心的人投服時,您可代為纖悔並虔誠地向噶瑪巴法 王祈請慈悲加護他。對方會即刻與長久獲得加持而得解脫,而您同樣也會獲得三寶護佑而福慧增長。