Beloved Ones,
Through these next few weeks more of your natural and innate abilities and gifts will become more clarified within you. Your intuitive gifts are coming into greater focus and awareness within you and a greater feeling of oneness and unity with others and all the wonders of the earth will pervade your consciousness. There will also continue to be more moments of confusion and mental fogginess as your brain and body systems are recalibrated and aligned to your highest potentials and greatest good. All that you have focused your energy upon that is aligned to your individual and collective good will begin to manifest for you in wonderful ways.
Those who have done the spiritual work of clearing, refining and purifying their bodies, minds and feelings are aware that there is a feeling of something great and wonderful about to happen. This is in anticipation of the movement of the heavens into greater alignment with galactic center in the cosmic scheme of things and that this will open up a whole new realm of potential within humanity and the collective consciousness. All is in constant movement and transformation on the etheric levels but takes more time to be manifest upon the earth plane and within you.
If you have not already, begin to spend more time outdoors out in the sunshine for at least 20 minutes each day just gazing up at the sun in silence and reverence. The sun is the life giver of energies and further knowledge for all who are ready. Bask in its glow and warmth and connect to the trees, plants, birds and other creatures within your environment. Notice how much more connected you are to all that is around you and that communication is taking place between you. You will notice that there is a sense of family and oneness in your encounters with the birds and animals. You notice they are friendly and more trusting than before.
Be sure to ground yourselves deep into the crystalline diamond heart of the earth by visualizing a cord of light from your root chakra going deep into the center of the earth, anchoring within the diamond there and then flowing back up your spinal column up into your crown chakra and all the way up to the great central sun’s diamond at galactic center so that there is a flow of energy that occurs within you. You are the cosmic conduits who are here to help the earth expand her light within her core to become the beautiful star that is her radiant destiny.
The wonders that are waiting to be discovered stand poignant and ready for humanity to connect with. The elemental kingdom is joyfully in service to all of creation, helping to bring form to that which is envisioned by the beautiful co-creators of the new earth reality, the magnificent beings of light which each of you are. Get focused, beautiful ones, and hold your vision!
Until next week…
I AM Hilarion
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