(2013-02-11 23:09:57)
It is important that you trust your own judgment and do not not blindly accept all that your so-called leaders say. They all follow the same script, but use different words. There are plans afoot that would shock you to the core if you knew and understood them. The information on these sinister plans is out there, for all who are prepared to take the time to look it up.
These are the end times, so much is being done to hide this fact from you. Those in the Cabal are fighting a loosing battle but they are refusing to accept this fact. They will try to destroy as much as they can before they will accept defeat. The only person that you can truly trust is yourself. You owe it to yourself and those for whom you are responsible, to get it right. Words fall easily from the lips of those who wish to destroy your world. They smile as they guide you on the road to destruction. Forget their words and observe carefully their actions. Only then will you see the real picture emerge. These people are specially trained to deceive you, and in the past they have been highly successful. But now, you are waking up to this, and you are not so easily taken in by them. These are the people who have systematically destroyed all that was pure and good in your world and they almost succeeded in destroying humanity.
If you could see the huge effort being made by those from other planets and the spirit side of life to ensure that humanity survives and reclaims the Earth. You know in your hearts that we will be successful. You know that each of you has to take responsibility, to come together to embrace the light. Be honest in all your dealings and hold your head up high in the sure knowledge that the Light will triumph. Never give in to the fear they are peddling to keep you in darkness and try to stop playing their games.
I know that it seems to many of you that the Cabal is in control and holds all the cards, but I can assure you that this is not so. You are the 99% and without your support they cannot function. You need to take this fact on board and live your lives accordingly. There can only be one winner in this game and that is the light. The Cabal has controlled your world and everyone in it for centuries. I always said that they would not give up easily because they have everything to loose. They have had it all their own way for so long and they are not good loosers.
You are beginning to understand the importance of love. This is your weapon, since they do not have the capacity to love, and so they cannot win. They use bombs and bullets, but they need you to fire them and to fight their wars. With love, all you need is a willing heart to open up to your fellow man. Remember the old slogan, Make Love not War. Think what a wonderful world it would be, if people everywhere made love not war. When you see through the eyes of love, everything falls into place and is as it should be. Please give this fact some serious consideration as your future depends on it.
The Cabal is causing so much stress by deliberately increasing the cost of living. They believe that the worry about the cost of living will take your minds off what they are doing and planning. They are making life so difficult, as they are encroaching on every aspect of it: food, air, water; you are under attack from all angles. As if that was not enough, they are secretly bringing in new laws that are barbaric. Sadly, there are foolish people who are only too ready to enforce these laws on their own kind. Do they not realise that, one day, these laws will be used against themselves? Who will be there to stand up for them when their time comes to be removed? Throughout your lives you have been encouraged to trust the wrong people and it is difficult for many of you to see the truth of the situation in which you now find yourselves.
Know that you are creating the future that is everyone's right, and that you will return your planet to what it was created to be: one of peace, beauty, and love. When you enjoy full consciousness once more, travel will be but a thought away and freedom will be enjoyed by all. When you learn and accept how powerful your minds are, you will be able to communicate by thought. Language will never again be a barrier. When you see your fellow man without all the false barriers created by the Cabal, then you will know what life on Earth can and will be. You need to do the ground work to make this happen quickly and peacefully. You know in your hearts that you can and will do it. Every day you are a step closer to that goal.
Life will be exciting as you reject all the false history and false religions and you start to see everything as it is, not as you were told it is. Suddenly, all the shackles will simply fall away and you will know a freedom of mind, body, and spirit in which all will become crystal clear. All that was false will be laid bare before you.
Do not consider vengeance. You are above that. Vengeance is the domain of the Dark Ones and you will never stoop to their level. You are superior to them on every level. They are as leeches and they have lived off you. Without your cooperation, they could not have created their financial empires, etc. Do they not know that you enter the world with nothing and you leave it with nothing? All the money in the world will not buy you a superior place in the afterlife. You all enter it, knowing that the manner in which you lived your life is all that will be considered.
Endeavour to bring love and light to those around you, even though sometimes it is not welcomed with open arms. You never know whether some of it has penetrated.
My love, we try to bring solutions to problems whenever they arise and to give comfort and love wherever it is needed. To give love, is to receive Love. This creates the energy of light which you all need. My dear wife has had many emails offering love and light. It is a wonderful way to send love to each other, and so, out into the world.
Though the world seems grey and unpleasant, where there is love there is light ! Veronica and I have loved each other from the beginning of time. It will not end. She is connecting with others whose essence she recognises as having been part of her life experiences in times past. In your world, right now, powerful people from the past are coming together, and through the power of love, will bring about the changes that are required.
What history will be written in the future of these times, when, at the eleventh hour, you rescued your planet from disaster, and your only weapon was LOVE. Love survives all.
Let us go forward in love, my dear. You are so precious to me.
Your adoring, Monty.
Website: The Montague Keen Foundation
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