(2012-06-29 20:01:47)
I am here, I am Jeshua. I am your brother. I am so close to you now. And by ‘now’, I don’t just mean this very moment, but in this era, in this age of time. You have all changed so much. I know many of you from ages back. We have been together before. In the time I lived on Earth, I met many of you. And during the centuries right after I lived, many of you felt drawn to incarnate on Earth. You felt an opening in the collective consciousness of men. You wanted to contribute to that opening, to the awakening of consciousness. A new consciousness was seeded at that time. As you know, it has met with a lot of resistance. You have all experienced this resistance in your own life, in this life and in past lifetimes as well. You have felt what it feels like to be different from other people and you have felt lonely because of that. You are the forerunners, the pioneers of a new awareness. In this time, in this age there is an opening in human consciousness across the world. I am here to celebrate this with you. A new era is truly being born right now. Perhaps you don’t always feel it like that, because you feel troubled at times. But I can see the awakening in your souls very clearly. I am here to salute you and honor you from the deepest of my heart.
我 在這裡,我是約書亞。我是你們的兄長。我現在是如此的接近你們。同時在“現在”,我並不是說此刻的當下,而是這個時代,這個世紀。你們都已經改變了如此之 多。在許多世紀以前我就認識你們中的許多人。在之前我們就一直在一起。在我曾經生活的地球時代裡,我遇見了你們中的許多人。在我身後的這許多個世紀裡,許 多人迷戀著繼續化身到地球。你們已感受到人類集體意識的開放性。你們希望去貢獻於那種開放性,覺醒大眾的意識。在那個時刻一個嶄新的意識被播種了。而你們 也瞭解,它也曾經遭致了大量的拒絕。你們全都體驗了這種拒絕出現在自己的生活中,在此生也在過去的轉世中。你們已經感受到這來自其他人的格格不入,你也曾 經因此而感覺如此的孤獨。你們是先驅者,一種新覺知的先鋒人物。在這個時刻,在這個時代,在人類的意識中呈現了一種開放性,它縱貫全球。我來到這裡與你們 一起慶祝。一個嶄新時代此刻正在真實的呈現中。也許你們並不能時刻感受到,因為你們有時會覺得麻煩重重。不過我能夠清楚的看到你們靈魂的覺醒。我來到這裡 向你們祝賀,從我內心的最深處尊敬你們。
My dear sister Mary Magdalene is here with me now, as well as other like-minded souls.
[Some people start to cry..]
It is nice to see your tears. It is a sign of your connectedness to us. We are here to celebrate with you. What we would like to do most at this time is to wash your feet, to kneel down at your feet and wash them. It is a gesture of our respect and honor for you. We do not want you to look up to us as masters; we are your friends, your brother and sister. So, we invite you to be happy with us because the new era has truly begun. We know that you still feel troubled by burdens of the past and of the future. But we invite you to take another look at those burdens. It is because you have gone through the depth of fear, sorrow and sadness, it is because you have lived through it that there is now a space in your heart for compassion. True compassion for yourself and others. This is what Christ consciousness is all about. To truly understand what another person is going through without judgment; simply being with that other person from soul to soul. That is what the Christ seed and the Christ consciousness is about. You are there now. You don’t have to work so hard on yourself or think that you have to improve yourself. We wish you could see it from our point of view: that you are perfect as you are.
看到你們喜悅的淚水很好。這是你們與我們連接的表現。我們來到這裡與你們一起慶祝。在此刻我們最想做的事情就是--為 你們洗腳,膝跪在你們的腳下去清洗它們。這是一種我們對於你們崇敬和尊重的姿態。我們並不希望你們把我們當作大師們看待;我們是你們的朋友,你們的兄弟姐 妹。因此,我們邀請你們與我們一起歡笑,因為新時代已經開始了。我們知道你們依舊因為過去和未來的種種負擔心理而感覺陷入困境。不過我們依舊邀請你們對待 這些負擔以另外一種眼光看待。這是因為你們已經深入過恐懼,悲傷和悲痛的深淵,這是因為你們一直生活其中,而現在因為慈悲之心而在你的心中展現出一片天 地。對待你自己和他人的真正慈悲。這就是基督意識的全部了。為了真實的瞭解如何以完全不批判的心去對待他人;僅僅只以靈魂與靈魂之間的連接存在於他人的身 邊。這就是基督種子和基督意識。你們現在已達到了。你們不必再如此艱辛的對待自己或者認為自己必須以某種方式證明自己。我們希望你們能夠從我們的視角來明 白這些:你是如此的完美。
But we realize that in your daily life you still struggle with painful emotions. So we now ask you to travel with us in a little exercise of the imagination. Imagine that you are standing in front of a gate. The door is already open, and you are standing on the threshold of the New Earth. You can already sense the energy of this new Earth, the peace and the harmony. And you can see the beauty of nature. It may actually look a bit like the country we are in now [in the South of France, on a hill top], because the beauty and wildness of nature here resembles the energy of the New Earth. And as you are standing close to this gate, this door, you are holding the hand of a child. You notice how there is excitement in that child, as it wants to move forward into the new land, but you can also sense fear in his or her body. It seems to be a big step to leave the old behind and to enter the New Earth. The child is still frightened by all it has been told by its parents and by society. He or she is afraid to trust and take the big leap forward.
但 是我們也明白在你們每日的生活中,你們依舊鬥爭在痛苦的情緒中。所以我們現在請求你們與我們旅行一會,進行一個簡短的觀想練習。想像一下你正站在一座大門 的前庭。這座大門已經開啟,而你正站在【新地球】的開端。你已經能夠感覺到新地球的能量,這種和平與和諧的至福之感。你們也能夠看到大自然的美麗景象。它 也許看起來就像鄉村美景一般,而我們現在就身處其中『在法國的南部,在小山丘之頂』,因為這份美麗和大自然的原生態,這裡就類似於新地球的能量。由於你正 緊緊的站在大門之前,這座大門,你正握著一個孩子的小手。你注意到在這個小孩的心中所體現出來的激動之情,他很想進入到這個新大陸中,不過你也能夠感受到 從他/她身上體現出來的恐懼感。看起來這需要邁開一大步才能把舊世界留下而進入到新地球中。這個小孩依舊恐懼著,因為至今為止他/她被社會規則和父母所教導的一切。他/她害怕去信任,害怕邁開朝向前方的一大步。
Now feel the hand of this little boy or girl in yours. This child reflects the troubled part of you that is afraid to take the next step. This is the tragedy we sometimes notice in you. On the one hand you so much long to go home, to again experience the peace and harmony that belongs to you. On the other hand, you are afraid to let go of the old, even if it is very painful to stick to it. We now invite you to embrace the child and to reassure it. Feel how it relaxes in your arms. Now see if it wants to take some steps forward. But do not judge it if it is still frightened. Tell the child that you are there for him or her in any circumstance and that you will be their guide.
現 在請感受這位男孩或者女孩握在你手中的小手。這位小孩反映著你同樣的困境,就是害怕走出下一步。這就是我們有時候在你們身上看到的悲劇。在一方面你們如此 的期待回家,為了再次體驗本一直屬於你的和平與和諧。而另一方面,你們又害怕放手陳舊的一切,即使堅持粘附於它是如此的痛苦。我們現在邀請你們去擁抱這個 小孩,讓他/她消除顧慮。感受他/她在你的臂彎中放鬆了下來。現在看到他/她好像希望走出前方的腳步了。不過請千萬不要因為他/她依舊恐懼而批判他/她。告訴這個孩子,你就在這裡陪伴著他/她,在任何情況下你都會成為他們的指引。
Even though you are still at the threshold, only at the beginning of this new land, breathe in the energy of it. You are truly coming home now, and Home is on Earth. You have often thought that home is elsewhere, that it is somewhere up there in heaven where you come from. But the purpose of your long journey throughout many lifetimes is to bring heaven down to Earth, and to share it with your fellow humans. You are meant to bring the energy of heaven down on Earth. In the past you often had to hide because you had this desire. The time of hiding is now over. Your presence is needed here and now. You are still the forerunners, the pioneers of consciousness. And we are asking you now to stand in your power and to be proud of yourselves. This has nothing to do with the ego; it is about truly expressing your soul’s radiance.
即 使你們還還只在這個邊緣,僅僅在新大陸的開端,請大膽的去呼吸它的能量。你們現在即將回家了,這個家就在地球上。你們通常認為家園應該是另外一個地方,它 是某個看似在天堂一般的處所,而你也來自那裡。不過你們長途跋涉的旅程,經歷無數次的轉生就是為了把天堂帶到地球,為了與你們的人類同胞一起分享。你們註 定要把天堂的能量帶到地球上。在過去你通常不得不隱藏自己擁有這樣的願望。隱藏的時代已經結束。你們在此時此地被需要著。你們依舊是先驅者,意識覺知的先 鋒。我們現在請求你們矗立在你們的力量中,因自己而感到自豪。在這裡與小我完全無關;這裡僅僅只有真實的表達你靈魂的光芒。
Also, we are encouraging you to come together as lightworkers and share your energies. It is now time to join together in a very open and flexible way. By opening up to each other, you accelerate your healing process. Especially in this region of your country the energies are very suitable to this healing process. We invite you to feel this for yourself. Feel the energy of the Earth as it comes to you from the land beneath your feet. She is open and she wants to receive you. She wants to support you and provide you with everything you need as a human being. On the material level, you will see that on the New Earth, people will be more satisfied with simple means, but they will not experience this as a lack, as a type of poverty. They will be more respectful towards Earth and have a lifestyle that is more in harmony with nature. Instead of nourishing themselves with material things they will satisfy themselves with spiritual ‘food’. They will feel nourished by the relationships they have with themselves, with nature and with other people.
當 然,我們也鼓勵你們作為光之工作者團結到一起來,分享你們的能量。現在的時刻就是在一種十分開放和靈活的層次團結一致。對彼此敞開胸懷,你們就在加速療愈 的進程。特別是在你們自己的國家裡,這種能量就十分的合適去治療這個過程。我們邀請你們去感受這部分的自己。感受新地球的能量,就好像它從你腳底之下的土 壤中進入你的身體。她是開放的,她希望接納你。她希望支援你,提供你作為人類所需的一切。在物理的層面,你們會看到在地球上,人們將以簡單的方式變得更加 的滿足,不過他們不會以缺乏,貧困的形式來體驗。在朝向新地球的道路上他們會變得更溫文爾雅,在本質上擁有一種更和諧的生活方式。不再以物質享受的方式來 滋養自己,他們將因為自己對靈性“食物”的需求感到滿足。通過與自己已建立的新連接,通過自然和與其他人的連接,人們將感到倍受滋潤。
We are inviting you to set an example of this lifestyle in your own life. Sharing your energies with other lightworkers will help you to stay encouraged and focused on your goal. Celebrate your arrival on the New Earth together. This is our message for today. We are full of hope and joy for you.
a message from Jesus/Jeshua
channeled by Pamela Kribbe
約書亞信息,由Pamela Kribbe通靈
原文地址 http://spiritlibrary.com/pamela-kribbe/your-arrival-on-the-new-earth
譯者 U2覺醒