By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 5:21 PM on 1st October 2010
A pig which was born with just its two front legs has become an unlikely celebrity in Henan Province , China .
The 10-month-old animal, known by villagers as Zhu Jianqiang, which means "Strong-Willed Pig",
was born with only two front legs, which it now uses to walk on.
According to owner Wang Xihai, Zhu Jianqiang was one of nine piglets born in a litter this January.
據老闆 王 先生說,朱健強是一個九仔豬出生於今年一月第一胎。
Two legs good: 10-month-old pig Zhu Jianqiang survived against the odds and has now become famous
He recalls: "My wife asked me to dump it but I refused as it ' s a life. I thought I should give it a chance and unexpectedly it survived healthily.
他回憶道:“我妻子要我放棄它,但我拒絕了,因為它是一個生命。 我想我應該給它一個機會,意外地健康存活著。“
Several days after Zhu ' s birth Wang decided to train the two-legged female piglet to walk by lifting it up by its tail.
"I trained her a while each day. After 30 days she could agilely walk upside down."
幾天後,朱生王決定培養兩條腿走路的母仔豬剪除它的尾巴。 我每一天訓練它,30天之後,它倒可以靈活地走路。
Going up: Wang taught Zhu Jianqiang how to walk on two legs by lifting up her tail
Wang said his home has been besieged by visitors since the birth of the pig, which currently weighs 110l bs.
A circus even offered a high price for the pig, but he refused to sell.
王先生說,他的家自出生的豬被遊客圍困著,目前重 110磅。馬戲團甚至提出了一個很高的價格為豬,但他拒絕出售。
That ' ll do, pig: Wang said it took Zhu just 30 days to master the art of walking upside down
"She proved to us that no matter what form life is it should continue to live on,
" he said. "I won ' t sell her no matter how much the offer is."
它向我們證明,無論什麼形式的生命是應該繼續活下去,“他說。 不管多少高價我不會賣掉它。