














            This is an incredible article. You are literally

          being handed a blueprint to higher consciousness.

          You are being spoon fed answers to some of the greatest

          existential mysteries that plague the minds of mankind.

          It may take some time to integrate these higher truths and

          truly wrap your mind around the concepts being explained,

          but I assure you it is worth every ounce of effort.





When you start using the heart as your filter, everything will become easier. Until now, most of you have been using your mind. The mind is the 3D filter. The heart is a multidimensional filter capable of electrical electromagnetic energy that the mind is not capable of. 「Think with the heart, not the mind.」





In every year that now passes, you will understand more what time really is. You will only use time as a marker that you can refer back to if necessary. Think of a library and how you know exactly where the book you need is to retrieve the information you require. This is how you will eventually interpret time.





The answers will come. If you are open to them, they will come. If you find you’re not getting the answers, sit quietly and breathe. Deep breaths in and out. This helps connect you.Carry a journal with you. Write down your thoughts.





You will have so many aspiring thoughts in the months to come that you will forget them if you do not write them down. Some of your other lifetimes may come into your focus and you will start to question the nature of reality. Write it down.





This moves it through physical vehicle and it then becomes more valid to you. As you write things down, the frequency is encoded in the words you write. When you read it again, you access that vibrational state and feel the inspiration.





The levels of the lower masculine energies dictate that a specific pattern of thought or experience must be followed chronologically in steps 1, 2 and 3. In divine flow, you will proceed very differently. You’ll start with step 1 and then go to step 15, then back to step 7 and then step 2, etc.





Yet your experience will be complete as you pick up everything you need along the way. Why? Because you will be operating primarily through the heart center.





You may have found yourself already sharing much of your time with different projects and people as you enter into this phase.





Lower masculine energy wants you to DO. The activation of the divine feminine energies want you to just be. The divine masculine energy says as you are you pulse out. As you spiral up, the divine feminine energy reads frequency and the divine masculine engages that frequency.





What is your version of the truth? Do you think it is THE truth? With the exception of love, there is no absolute truth and you will start understanding the different perspectives of truth on the planet and why they exist.





You are always putting yourself in a 「now」 moment that creates a vibrational signature. You have an agreed upon a set of circumstances that you define as your collective history and then you have another subset that is your personal history.





As you change your vibration on an individual level, you decide whether you want to align with the collective version of the 「truth」. Your individual frequency may suddenly align with a version that is so far from your current perspective that you could not even relate to it yesterday. That’s when you have jumped timelines, something you’ll also become very aware of.





It is not so much what you think that creates your reality. It is what you feel. If you feel really good, your reality changes. If you have trouble feeling what you want, your ego is in the way. So imagine what it would feel like to have what you want. That will help get the mind out of the way so that you can manifest your desires.





If you have read this far in this article, then you are likely doing all the work you need to do to release holding patterns and you are ready to move forward. You are guiding those receptive to galactic information.





It will get easier for you to speak with others about consciousness and all those things we discuss here. You may also be processing persecution issues from other lifetimes which will also release as universal truths are revealed. It will become conscious and accepted for all.





Your awareness of what sound is will also shift. It is through sound and frequency that all is created and generated. All matter vibrates and creates sound. However there are different dimensional versions of sound which many of you may start to hear.





For example, the universe, earth and collective consciousness all have their own sound. Each of your individual organs has its own sound. There is actually a symphony that is created for your body and you may start to hear these sounds as you look within yourself.



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