(2013-04-18 16:44:16)
【傳導】susan leland【撰文】Brian Coe.【翻譯】shan-athana【日期】2013-4-9
"You know, you have these wondrous beings of Truth who are always in accompaniment with you. Ask Archangel Michael: 'Archangel Michael I call upon you to know if this message is Truthful for me.' You’ll get an answer. It might be a little buzz, it might be a little breeze blowing across your face, it might be a word, or the color blue – Archangel Michael waving the sword Excaliber - and that’s the blue wave of Truth. However it comes to you, get to know how you know what is Truthful!!!
"Get to know what resonates with you within your own being. Get to know your guidance group, because who’s in charge of your guidance group? Who’s the leader of your guidance group? it is who you call your Higher Self, your Divinity!!! You’re not going to find a better source to listen to than your Divine Self, because after all your Divine Self is your Godself! And you know Mother/Father God doesn't mess around with untruth, and doesn't mess around with lies. He/She is Truthful and He/She - can help you to be Truthful, to be more accurate.
"Trust that you know your Truth, trust yourselves, Beloved Ones! Trust your like-minded friends, but sometimes like-minded friends have a little block, temporary or otherwise, in their discernment of Truth. So do not blindly accept what someone else tells you as Truth, rather, check-in with yourselves, get in the habit! You can carry on dialogues all the time while you are going about your lifestyle business or busy-ness, however you want to put it. It is so very important!
"Look at all of the Truth that is coming out. Do not underestimate the importance of this Disclosure seminar, this meeting is going to have beings from all areas who really know what they are talking about! It will be an upliftment for the entire Planet because the energies that are broadcast from this will be permeating the entire atmosphere of Planet Earth. Yes, tune in!!! Tune in on your computers. Tune in with your Love! Start sending energies right now of Love and appreciation for all the participants, so that they in turn can not only broadcast with the technologies, but they’ll be broadcasting to everyone on Planet Earth - below, on and above - from their Hearts, which are full of joyful excitement!!!
"This is huge! And the more participants, the more who tune in, the more you’re sending the loving message to them about the Truth that they have to share! And some of it might seem a little outrageous, some of it might seem difficult, particularly for those of you who have just removed your blindfolds, or are not quite sure you want to let all that Light in – that’s okay! Your own Hearts will tell you if you are getting Truth, and we expect a lot of Truth to be broadcast and radiated!!!
"Trusting yourselves, Beloved Ones, is key. How can you stand up for what you believe in, in a positive way, if you don’t trust that you know the Truth and that the Truth needs to be coming out? But, yes, there needs to be - beyond hearing Truth - which sometimes is difficult, there needs to be that great Love! 'Okay, I participated in this,' or, ‘I socked Johnny in the eye and gave him a black eye in third grade, and he never forgave me but I’m going to send him Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude for his part in it, and I am going to forgive myself!' There’s all kinds of Forgiveness that is waiting to be called forth, shall we say.
"Cultivate Compassion - Compassion for all living beings on, below, and above Planet Earth and beyond, out through the entire Universe. Then when you do happen to get a bit of news which is difficult and yet you know it’s true, and yes they really did this or that, bring that Compassion up. It’s not only appropriate, but it is entirely justified. How will you know what needs to change unless you know what’s been going on?
"Just don’t wallow in it. Don’t allow yourselves to get into fear, or down in the dumpies. Know that the ones that have been perpetrating are being contained. To be very Truthful with you, while their containment, the containment of all of them, is not quite complete, it is very close! That’s when you need to stand behind your family members or neighbors and so on - people who still have their blindfolds on - and catch them because they’re going to fall over. They’re going to be in shock!!!
"The enormity of what these people have done is going to be, not one, but a multitude of shockwaves worldwide. It’s all very well and good to keep yourself from getting emotionally entangled in Truth as it all comes forward. That, again, is where you need to trust yourselves that you can be the Compassionate Observers and move in to a Higher level which is called Forgiveness. It all starts with Love. Love is the ultimate energy destination, shall we say – don’t leave home without it!!! You’re not going to get up into the Higher Dimensions that you want to get into without Love. If you take nothing else with you, take Love, so that you can be Love. That is absolute Truth and it’s fundamental!!!
"It’s Who You Really Are, anyway, so why not let the Truth of Who You Really Are shine forth? And if you feel yourself flipping into a lower vibration, remember Who You Are, and trust that you know how to express Love, because that is all You Are!!! Don’t let anyone get you down in the dumpies with any kind of derision or criticism that is intended to be cruel and cutting, or predictions or storytelling of any kind that is fear- based. Love them for who They Are. View them with Compassion and Forgive them for wanting to spread that kind of energy.
"If you have a loved one or friend, or you meet someone who is obviously stumbling around with a very heavy blindfold on, just beam them. ,You may ask, 'Can I help? Would you like to hear a happy story? ,Would you like to talk about being a loving being?' Or you may not, you may just know that the Truth of it is they are just not ready and that is fine. That is where you come in later! For now, you can send those energies out any time that you choose to, and you don’t even need to do it in the talking manner.
"This is huge, Beloved Ones, this is huge! Yes the White Knights, the Ashtar Command, the sovereign militia, and so on and so on, and the courageous messengers are out clearing the way, so to speak, for the Golden Age Lifestyle to be available and real to everyone. But you, Beloved Ones, are the support team and it is for you to beam your Lights, beam your Love, and to evolve into self-trusting, Divine beings in expression! As you do that you will know the Truth in all things! You will have no fear because there is no room for fear. When you bring in Love, it literally transforms fear into a no-thing. It’s like taking fear to a zero point and replacing it with Love. You just can’t be afraid when you are loving!!!
"The chaos that is going on in the World right now, and all of the lies and the untruths and the distortions, whether intended or not, are crashing. They are coming to an end. And all of you Beloved Lightworkers are highly instrumental in this happening. So stay on track, stay on the Path, keep your LoveLights shining, and know the Truth of it is, that this is the way to the Golden Age Lifestyle! Fear is not coming along. and there is no fear when you get to that destination! It just is not a part of the atmosphere!
"So you might just as well clear yourselves out right now, bring in the Love, let go of the fear, and know that this is the Truth of Who You Really Are and how you came here to be, and to express!
"We shall hear from Sekhmet, who shall lead us in a Crystal Exercise to empower your Trust and your knowing of Truth so that you will be feeling more comfortable and more secure as you follow on your Paths, as you follow the Light, as you beam the LoveLight, and as you move into the Golden Age, which after all, is what you Beloved Lightworkers have called forth!
'Thank you for being with us, for bringing your great love and your great Lights. And so it is! Salut!"
* Tara and Rama's News Report, 指泰拉和拉瑪的新聞
**Ashtar's message was followed by Let Us Remember to Dance, and Sekhmet's Crystal Exercise was followed by The Blessing, both composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder. Scroll down here: