Part 132, Answers from St. Germain, and a Powerful Action to Take Now
by Kathryn E. May, PsyD on 03/20/13
中文翻譯: 林琚月20130321
St. Germain answers: 聖哲曼大師回答
The questions so many of you ask are reasonable, given your Earth-bound view of the Ascension process. You see the suffering all around you and want it to stop, and you can’t understand why we don’t just DO IT!
你們許多人問的許多問題是合理的 --- 以你們 ‘地球人’ 對 ‘揚升程式’ 的見解角度而言. 你們眼看著圍繞著你們四周人們的痛苦, 你們希望這些痛苦結束, 而你們無法理解 --- 我們為什麼不下來 “處理掉” 就是了!
As Mother/Father God have been trying to teach in these messages, you each are on your own individual soul path, and as a group you have agreed to help each other in this Ascension which is to be the culmination of thousands of years of joint efforts on your parts. Many of you are Ascended Masters, fully capable of teaching, encouraging others, and spreading the good news about how beneficial the coming Shift will be.
就像父母神們一直試著透過訊息教導你們的 --- 你們每一個人都在你們自己的 ‘靈魂道路’ 上, 而做為一個群體 --- 你們同意過要在這個揚升中彼此幫忙. --- 這個 ‘揚升’ --- 是必須是你們幾千年來的共同努力的累積成果. 你們許多人是早已揚升過的大師們, 完全有能力可以教導, 鼓勵別人, 並且傳播訊息讓大家可以理解 --- 這個 ‘揚升改變’對大家將會是多麼的有利!
Nevertheless, you have been slowed in your willingness to “stick your neck out” because of the heavy disapproval, cloaked in “science” and even “humanitarian” concerns. Many of the comments posted recently on this web site attack the channel as if she were in control of the message, and as if you wish to rage against Mother/Father God and your Ascended Masters in higher dimensions who are here to help you. In sending these messages of vitriolic tone, you are not aware that you are the problem. It is this vibration of impatience, demanding results from others, which places you squarely in the Dark Camp.
無論如何, 你們過去在 ‘伸出自己的脖子’ 這件事上速度是很慢的 --- 因為外在嚴重的反對抗拒聲浪, 使用 ‘科學’ 甚至 ‘人道主義’ 作為偽裝. 有許多最近登在這網站的訊息都攻擊這個通靈管道 --- 好像 ‘訊息’ 是由她決定的似的, 你們表現得好像要攻擊父母神似的, --- 以及那些來自高維度的揚升大師們 --- 那些來幫助你們的人. 使用這種刻薄的語氣 --- 你們甚至沒有察覺 --- 自己就是問題的所在! --- 就是這種 ‘不耐煩的振動頻率’ --- 對 ‘別人’要求結果 --- 把你絲毫無差的放在`黑暗的陣營當中.
Those of you who rail against the way this Ascension process is being “directed” are the ones who are preventing it from happening. Because, you see, it is not being directed by anyone other than yourselves. The lighter your vibration, the more you contribute to the possibility that We - Mother/Father God, the Archangels and Ascended Masters in all our various positions - will be given the go-ahead by the Prime Creator.
你們那些攻擊目前 ‘引領’‘揚升’程式的方式的人 --- 就是一直在妨礙 ‘揚升’ 的發生的人. 因為, 你們看 --- 這‘揚升程式’ 從頭到尾 --- 都是你們在主導的! --- 沒有別人! --- 如果你們的振動頻率是輕巧的, 那你們對 ‘揚升程式’的貢獻就很大 --- 然後我們 --- 比方 父母神, 大天使們, 和揚升的大師們, 在我們各自負責的位置上 --- 就可以得到源頭造物主給出的 ‘許可的綠燈’了! 明白嗎?
We all follow Universal Law, as laid out by the Prime Creator, and instituted by the Intergalactic Federation, which forbids any mass intervention into the workings of any planet. Gaia has not yet gained membership in the I.F., because she has not reached a state of enduring planetary peace. She is therefore outside the cooperative contract which binds the members, giving us even less leeway to intervene. Even mass messages, as one reader suggested, is not an option for us unless it is approved by the Earth government which oversees those people.
我們都遵循宇宙法律 --- 一如 源頭造物主給出的, 而且被銀河聯邦所執行的 --- 所以任何星球的事物都不允許外界的 ‘大量干預’! 蓋亞目前還沒有獲得銀河聯邦的會員身份 --- 因為她還沒有達到一個 ‘和平星球’ 的持續性狀態. 所以她是在 ‘銀河聯邦會員的合作合約’ 之外, 所以我們能干預的空間就又更少了. 即使如同某位讀者提議的 --- 大家用大量的訊息來呼籲我們的協助 --- 這仍然不是一個解決方案 --- 除非是管理地球的政府們所同意的 --- 他們才是你們的管理者. (RL注: 而且是你們選出來管理你們的.)
So, you see, we are not ignorant of your plight. Neither do we wish to stand by while you suffer. We are working mightily, within the constraints imposed upon us by Intergalactic Law, to reach each and every one of you. One of the effective means of doing this has been to give messages like these to our hard-working channels, who gain little from the endeavor, and suffer unconscionable abuse from the likes of those who send these nasty and arrogant messages to their web sites.
所以你們看, 我們對你們的苦難不是不瞭解. 而我們也不喜歡在你們受苦的時候袖手旁觀. 我們事實上非常強勢的在做許多工作 --- 而且是在銀河聯邦法律所允許的範圍之內, 並對你們每一個人伸出援手. 而在所有有效率的方法中 --- 其中一個就是提供訊息給你們 --- 透過我們非常勤奮的工作的通靈管道. ---即使成效實在很低 --- 還得受到你們無禮的無知的粗魯漫駡與責怪 --- 像你們這些人 --- 你們寄這些很惡劣的傲慢無理的評論到他們的網站上來.
These are the Dark Ones at work, trying to cast doubt on the material, the channel, and all Lightworkers. It is their wish to slow the process as much as possible by interfering with those who are most important in this process - people like Kathryn and her dear counterparts who post these life-enhancing messages, and their sincere readers.
這些都是 ‘黑暗份子’在做事, 想要讓別人懷疑這些訊息, 這個管道, 以及所有的光工們. 它們的目的就是要儘量拉慢整個程式 --- 透過干擾在這揚升工作中 ‘最重要的那些人’ --- 像Kathryn和她親愛的夥伴們 --- 這些持續在貼對人生有益的訊息的人們, 以及他們的讀者們.
Do not be discouraged, Beloved Ones, by these stubbornly negative voices who attempt to disturb your joy. They will ascend or not, according to their level of vibration, when the time comes. It is each person’s individual responsibility to “lighten your load,” emotionally, physically and spiritually. It is the fondest wish of our hearts that you all reach the glorious moment together, hand in hand, in companionship and joy.
請不要洩氣, 親愛的一們, 不要讓這些頑固的負面的聲音來影響了你們的快樂.