昴宿星Thoth訊息: “量子基督意識復活”(上)
MOLECULAR SECOND COMING ~ Thoth ~ Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - March, 2013
· Posted by Karma's Helper on March 17, 2013 at 3:44pm
Channeler: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan201303
中文翻譯: 林琚月 20130318
RL注: 今天會發三文, 全部與我們 “恢復本我能力” 以及四五月地球大轉變有關!
No longer will you sit in the shadow of what could have been. An uplifting will occur....The point above your human heart...is the place that initiates a molecular 'Second Coming'...Time is a 360 degree equation of change. It can be approached from above, from below, from in between or from the past and the future. Your capabilities are far surpassing what your Earthen imagination has taken to be expanded thinking....There is not an end to you. There is not a beginning to you. Existence just is!
你將不再需要坐在陰影裡面而想像未來. 一個 ‘大提升’將會發生… 在你們人類心臟的上方… 就是一個地方 --- 會開啟一個 “分子再起行動”… 時間是一個360度的完全轉變. --- 這轉變可以從上面或下面或是在未來與過去中間接觸到. 你的能力遠超過你們地球最大的想像力所想像得到的… 你是一個沒有終點的永恆體. 你也沒有開始. 存在就是這樣!
Stretched Like Cosmic Handi-Wrap
As received By Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
I am He who advances on the waves and the workings of wisdom that is shadowed and hidden from the self that sees all. I represent all that is hidden within your thoughts I am Thoth. I come as I see each of you reaching outward to become more, reaching up to longitudes of knowledge. The time that comes between now and the end of this sacred month is a narrowing. You will draw in the moisture of your wisdom like spring as she reaches out for her seed.
我就是 ‘他’ --- 走在能量波上, 以及所有智慧之上 --- 那些被遮蔽住的, 被自我隱藏住的智慧 --- 我是能縱觀全域的人. 我代表了你們隱藏住了的所有知識思想智慧. 我是 Thoth. 我來是因為我看到你們伸出了渴望要求成為更多的你們, 要求更多的智慧. 在現在和這個神聖的三月結束之只有非常少的時間. 你們將可以吸收到你們智慧的潤澤 --- 就像春天張開了雙手去擁抱她的種子一樣.
Your body and its intricate energy systems embody a microcosm of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Think of that divine structure and all of its heavenly alignments – how many points of power are still missing in action? Move deeply into the caverns of your own thoughts. For as the ancient scrolls that hold your Akashic history, you re-write the story of your existence. You compound what has been stretched and sought by the ‘great I AM within’. You enter into a rendezvous of holy proportion.
你們的身體和它複雜的能量系統包含著一整個偉大的吉薩金字塔的縮影在你們身體裡面. 思考一下那神聖的架構, 以及它全部的神性的瞄準對齊 --- 還有多少能量點仍然沒有在運作中呢? 請深入自己思想的最深處吧! 因為當 ‘阿凱西紀錄’的古代卷宗紀錄著你的歷史時, 你卻是那個重寫自己存在的故事的人. 你是那個 ‘綜合複合’ 所有延伸出來的元素的人 --- 依照 ‘偉大的內在高我’ 的啟示去追尋探索知識的人. 也是你(的選擇) --- 走入一整個神聖的尺度的知識之中.
There is the Pit, which dwells below Earth. The Queen’s Chamber, which represents the human heart. The King’s Chamber which represents the third eye, Eye of Ra. The Capstone, the summit, which represents the crown chakra. What about all the other points of power that live invisibly in between these known documented chambers?
有個 ‘核心’ --- 住在地球下面裡面. “皇后寢室” --- 代表著人類心臟. “國王寢室”代表第三隻眼, Ra的眼睛. 金字塔蓋頂的石頭, 最高點 --- 代表人的 皇冠脈輪. 那, 既然如此的話, 其它金字塔中無數的 ‘能量點’ --- 已經紀錄在卷的 ‘寢室’ 或 ‘房間’, 又代表什麼呢?
At the time of the Holy revivification days, there will be an initiatory step forward an opening of your High Heart, your Christ Heart. It sits waiting at the gland known as the Thymus in your body. It will awaken as directed by an encoded cellular clock. As it awakens, the Chamber of the Sun (Christ chamber in-between Kings and Queens chamber) within the Great Pyramid of Giza will also experience a molecular reorganization . You as children of Light will never miss out on an activation of any sacred sites that are adjoined in preparation awakening.
在這些個 ‘神聖能量的復活日子’ 裡 --- 會先發生一個 “更高心靈’ 的 ‘啟動步驟’ --- 你的 “耶穌意識心”. --- 祂就坐在你們稱為Thymus的胸腺
上面. 祂會被一個帶有密碼的細胞時鐘給喚醒. 而隨著祂的蘇醒 --- “太陽寢室”(在“皇后寢室”與“國王寢室”之間的 ‘耶穌寢室’)在吉薩金字塔中也會經驗到一個 “細胞分子重組”的發生. 你們 --- 作為 ‘光之子們’ --- 絕不會錯過 ‘任何神聖部位的啟動’ --- 因為這是你們 ‘覺醒的預備動作’!
The point above your human heart awakens from a well-timed sleep and begins to know itself. This is the place that holds the molecular 'Quantum Christ'. It is the place that initiates a molecular 'Second Coming'. Within this element is a 'nano-particle of peace'. You of earth are guardians and keepers of encoded numbers within your human structure. a sacred point, an opening, a chamber that houses wisdom. Wisdom travels beyond local truth. These chambers open as a flower that has been too long in bud, it blooms into fullness of beauty and knowledge.
你們人類心臟上方的能量點會從一個 ‘計算好的睡眠’ 中醒來, 而開始 “記憶起自己!”--- 這就是握持有 “量子耶穌意識細胞分子”的地方. 就是這裡會發生一個 “細胞分子大復活”. 在這分子中含有 “和平納米粒子”. 你們到地球來做為 ‘保護者’ 與 ‘守護者’ --- 所以在你們人類架構之中都含有密碼 --- 一個神聖能量點, 一個開口通道, 一個寢室 --- 儲藏著智慧. --- 遠超過地球本土知識的智慧. 這些寢室 --- 將像花朵般打開, --- 它們含苞待放太久了, --- 它們現在會盛放出完整的知識與美麗.
Your dreams of old have fallen off of you like fish scales off the Piscean age. These beliefs no longer serve who you are becoming. This molecular teaching will awaken and revitalize your light structure. This sequence of movement is creation aligned with vibrations that beckon you into more of your divine nature and ability to fulfill the Quantum Christ within.
你們的舊的夢影 --- 現在會像魚鱗在這 ‘雙魚座世紀’ 從魚身上掉落一樣. 這些老舊觀念思想不再適合新的你.