
Beloved Ones,

The acceleration of time is speeding up and the warmth of the summer is quickly moving forward into the fall season. Being out in nature each day is bringing healing, grounding and the feeling of quiet joy and peace within. The energy influxes are more powerful than before and bring the need for more sleep as these come in and are integrated. Every Human on Earth is receiving these energies and much cleansing of the larger population is at hand. There is a focus on the resolution of long standing issues between different members of families, communities and all institutions that make up your daily life. All issues that must be resolved and released are coming up for review.


時 間的加速度在不斷的增加中,炎熱的夏日也將迅速的轉入秋季。每天與大自然同在就可以帶來療愈,根植,寧靜喜悅與內在和平的感受。現在湧入的能量比起以前擁 有更多的力量,帶來更多睡眠的需求,由於這些時刻的到來就需要被充分整合。地球上的每個人都在接收著這些能量,更大規模人口的清洗就在眼前了。這就集中在 了不同家庭成員之間長期存在的問題的最終解決,同時也反應在團體社區和所有構成你們每日生活的體系中。所有的問題都因為即將到來的交付審核而需要得到解決 和釋放。

This requires much patience from those who have already faced this process and much calming energy. Do not take anything personally in these days, no matter the seeming appearance of it. It is simply the release within each person’s Being of all that was harbored, not consciously faced and never addressed. All old paradigms of thinking and activities within them are being transmuted into greater acceptance that what was is no longer relevant in these changing times. Humanity is being prepared for the shift out of duality into higher consciousness and what came to the surface in the morning is already dealt with and has been dissolved and a new issue is on review.

對 於那些已經在面對這個過程的人來說這就需要許多的耐心和平靜的能量。不管事情表面上看起來是如何的,在這些日子裡都千萬不要獨自面對任何事情。這僅僅只是 每個人對於所有曾經視為安全港灣的一切的釋放過程,沒有意識去面對的和從未予以處理的問題。所有存在於它們之中的想法和行為的舊範例都在被轉變到,對於曾 經那些在這些轉變時刻不再有關的一切進入到更廣闊的接納中。人類正為了脫離二元性進入到更高意識覺知而準備著,那些在清晨浮出水面已經被予以處理的問題已 被溶解,而一個新的問題又要重新回顧。

Remember that Love is the most powerful force in the Universe and can heal all that is dysfunctional and unresolved within each person and between each person. Choose Love always in all interactions with those around you. This time in the Earth’s history is hard on everyone and much healing energy and thought is required. Think of yourselves as the Ambassadors of Love and bring your Light out in the open. Having already experienced this cleansing within yourselves, you now have the opportunity to shine your Light for the benefit of others. It does not require your involvement in their issues, however, just the being in your Light. This is very helpful energy and empowering to those who need it.

請 記住,在宇宙中聖愛是最強大的力量,能夠治療每個人和人們彼此之間所有不正常和未解決的問題。在與你周圍的人交互作用的時候請總是選擇以愛去面對。在地球 的歷史上這段時期對於每個人來說都是困難的,許多治療的能量和想法都被需要著。請把自己看作是一位聖愛的大使,把你的聖光帶到公眾領域。在你們內在的經驗 中已經獲得了這些清理過的體驗,現在你已經獲得了機會去閃耀你的光芒去利益其他人。這並不是說需要你牽連到他們的問題中,而是,簡單的存在於你的光芒中。 這就是一種非常有幫助的能量,授權給那些需要它的人去充分的利用。

Most of you are now well into the next level of your journey and are experiencing downloads of new energy coming in. As you integrate and assimilate these energies, greater changes take place within you. You are all powerhouses of energy and must use these wisely, for you affect all Beings around you by your thoughts and actions; self control is most important during these times and detachment from the outcomes of all situations in your sphere of influence. You are here for the duration of the shift and must use discernment in the choosing of the areas of your focus.

你 們中的大多數人現在已經很好的進入到自身旅程的下個階段,正體驗著新湧入能量的下載。由於你的整合並同化這些能量,更巨大的改變就在你的內在中得以發生。 你們全都是能量的動力源,同時也要明智的去使用它們,因為通過你的想法和行為你就在影響著你周圍的一切;在這段時期內自我控制是最重要的,在你的影響範圍 之內從所有情形的結果中都以超然的態度去面對。你就是為了這次轉變的非常時期而存在於此的,必須在你選擇投入精力的領域中充分利用洞察力。

It is most important that you direct Love to yourself and honor your need for quiet moments of reflection and going within. This is helping to bring a greater connection to your higher aspects and further integration can take place in a space of grace and ease. Try to experience those moments of joy to the fullest as they come to you and know that this is the natural state in the wholeness of your perfected Being. Let the Light shine through your heart, through your eyes and through your smile.

直 接以愛對待自己對你來說就是最重要的事情,尊重你的需求去走入內在靜寂與沉思的時刻。這就在幫助帶來與你更高面向的更強大連接,以使得更深遠的整合之力就 能夠以恩典與釋放的穩定步伐而得以發生。在它們降臨你身上的時候請嘗試盡情的去體驗那些喜悅的時刻,並且瞭解在你完美存在的整體性之中這就是自然而然的狀 態。請讓神性的光芒通過你的心靈,眼神和你的微笑充分的得以閃耀。

Until next week….
I AM Hilarion
譯者 U2覺醒


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