The coming great event is exciting all as its moment approaches inexorably,even though so few of you who are presently embodied have a full picture ofwhat it entails. Just know that there will be no disappointments – they,too, are part of the illusion.
I cannot stress forcefully enough how extremely important your daily periodsof prayer, meditation, or plain relaxation are, as the moment for yourawakening draws ever nearer. Yes, it is hard for you to hold your Lighton high and remain upbeat and enthusiastic while it seems that the world isheading rapidly towards economic, political, religious, and ecologicalcatastrophe. But that is a perception from within the illusion where yourvision and ability to understand God’s infinite Love for you are severelylimited.
You are all eternally present in God because He is all of creation, all thatexists. There is nowhere else that you could be; it is just that you have donean extremely good job of convincing yourselves that the illusion is real andthen focusing all your attention there. Even your vision of God isillusory! He is so much more than you could possibly imagine, and infinitelymore than that as well!
Humanity has for eons attempted to paint images of God, in words, music,poetry, sculpture, drawings, and paintings; and in every age, race, culture,religion, nation, etc. The results of some of those attempts have beenquite remarkable – but nothing that you have ever produced gives even the leastidea of what God truly is.
They could never do so because the illusion has separated you completelyfrom your memories of Reality. A few of your great spiritually advancedsouls realized that God and Love were one and have tried to convey that conceptto you, and some of you have understood it, but for the most part it is aconcept that is way beyond your ability to comprehend because of the constantand convincingly real conflict, pain, and suffering with which the illusionpresents you. Often you have sought peace, but mostly only in order togather your strength to reengage in conflict.
A call for peace — merely for the sake of peace, and the harmony, abundance,lack of poverty, and happiness it would provide — is a very recent concept forhumanity. It is to that recent call for peace that God has responded soabundantly, by enveloping the world in an extremely intensified field of divineLove so that you could easily go within and contact those in the spiritual realmswho could respond appropriately to each individual request for help andguidance. Help and guidance from the spiritual realms has always beenavailable to assist you in your search for the meaning of life, but never onsuch a vast and intense scale as now.
和平的號召, 她的目的僅僅是為了和平,和諧,富裕,消滅貧窮,並提供她所能提供的快樂,這種和平的概念對於人類來說只是最近才有的。換個角度說,來自神聖的和平的號召在你們最近的歷史中是以如此豐富的方式展示在你們的社會中,將你們的世界包圍在一個非常強的愛的能量場中,這樣,你們可以更容易地踏入自己的內心,和那些可以響應你們尋求幫助和引導的呼聲的,來自精神領域的存有們交流。來自精神領域的協助和引導總是存在著,並協助你們尋找生命的意義,但是這樣的協助從來沒有像現在範圍這麼大,密度這麼強。
This moment in your evolution has always been inevitable, but the timing ofit has, until very recently, remained flexible. God loves you and wantsonly your eternal happiness, for of course you are all one with each other,with all of His divine creation, and with Him, but your awakening into eternalhappiness is only possible when you have released all unlovingness. Youhave free will, and so are free to engage with the illusion indefinitely. It has always caused you far more pain and suffering than joy, and sothere have always been some among you seeking something far, far better.
Now the numbers of you seeking that better way have increased exponentially,and so the tipping-point has been reached where the numbers are great enough tobring about the gentle cracking and fragmentation of the screen that has hiddenReality from you for so long. The result of this fragmentation is that asthe Light shines in through the cracks and crevices ever more brilliantly, moreof you seek a much greater meaning in your lives, and the cracking andfragmentation accelerates. The screen cannot hold for very much longer asthe Love enveloping you encourages acceptance, compassion, and support for oneanother while dissipating the fear that has separated you from each other forso long.
For a while some large fragments of the illusion may persist, enabling thefew who choose to remain unloving to continue to hide themselves from Realityand play games of pain, suffering, manipulation, and confusion. But theirchoice will not affect the vast majority whose only desire is to return Home byawakening. As you know, absolutely every conscious being is part of God, so no one willbe condemned or abandoned. It is just that those who are not yet ready toreturn Home and have made other choices will be provided with the environmentthey need in which to evolve to the state of readiness from which they canfinally choose to awaken. In the meantime, their choices will not delaythe awakening of the vast majority who await their awakening with eager andimpatient excitement and enthusiasm.
With so very much love,
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