【昴宿星人】2012年6月29日 昴宿星人给地球人的消息(1)
【昴宿星人】2012年6月29日 昴宿星人给地球人的消息(1)
Dear ones,
We come to you this day, June 29, 2012 with a great message of hope!
We are the bringers of the dawn and the family of light.
We are your family and we love you!
We have watched over you throughout the ages not interfering with your evolution!
We have indeed intervened to avoid destruction of earth and its people and to ensure the great foretold ascension goes smoothly! It’s going to happen and you can help it go smoothly!
A few earth years ago was a great call sent out by GAIA to this galaxy and beyond! She had become very sick due to harmful actions of the corporate cabal. She is resilient and this great sentient being still sustains all life on earth regardless! This is her love for you!
A date and time was set in the stars eons ago for SOPHIA-GAIA to ascend from this realm and return to the great central sun where the AEONS walk.
This date and time is recorded in the living library and is shown by all ancient indigenous calendars.
You have seen the numbers 0, 1 and 2 over and over! These are trigger numbers that active the firing of the DNA which active the light body! 12 [13] strands of DNA are currently being activated and plugged into the chakras in and surround the bodies in all sentient life on earth!
你們已經反復地看到數字0、1和2。這些都是觸發數位,用來啟動點燃DNA,DNA用來啟動光之身體(light body)! 12(或13) 股DNA目前已經被啟動並且插入到地球上所有有感情的生命體的身體內部和周圍的脈輪中。
These numbers were set in the great stone of the sun as a time-encoded trigger for the light body to be fully activated!
The earth and most of its beings will ascend to the 5th dimension as scheduled on the date 12-21-2012 at 11:11am.
The archons have hated this date for millennia because they know it is there end date! They have done everything they could to cover it up and hide it from you! We have helped you remember it!
All archontic clones will be completely cleared from the earth grid by 12-21-2012 at 11:11am. This date and time were encoded by the great keepers of time. The actual archons (reptilians, greys, dracos, and other hostile races) have already been cleared from this galactic quadrant. All that is left are the clones of these entities. They have no soul and are not sentient. They are your cabal and the ones hell-bent on destroying earth and its beings and to stopping you!
We have decided recently to deviate from the prime directive for your good cause and while not jumping in until absolutely necessary we will stop these cyborg-clones from stopping you!
This is assured!
We have technology unimaginable to earth humans that makes all things possible! We are the creators of worlds and soon you will see that you are us! We are not aliens but we are human just like you! We are you from a higher dimension! We have come to meet you!
You were with us in the beginning when we created earth and you voluntarily chose to come back here in this earth time in the body to help Gaia and its peoples makes their ascension! This is what you have been up to! You know truth!
This is the great time of mankind’s freedom from tyranny!
We stand by with the Andromedeans cloaked in your skies in great ships and power to support you and ensure that your transition to freedom goes well!
Yes the prime directive has been over-ridden for your sake because what you are overcoming this day on earth had not been done in this galaxy! It is priority number one in the universe! It is your great time and you know this inside! It is time for you to break free from these lower realms that have bound you!
You have raised yourselves to a vibrational level now where you can join with us for your next level of evolution!
What you are doing today takes universal priority over all things! That is why we are here watching and waiting above and below for your sake! Do not be afraid, dear ones! Fear nothing!
All good will prevail and your ascension to a new earth is the greatest thing we have seen.
We will do whatever it takes to make sure this transpires in the safest way for all involved possible.
Listen now dear ones:
You are divine creator beings and part of our family! We from Erra and Taurus were here in the beginning when this planet was assembled! Can you remember it?
你們是神聖的造物主存有,是我們家庭的一部分!我們從最開始這顆星球被裝配的時候我們就從金牛座的Erra星球來到這裡(譯注:Erra, 昴宿星人的星球,詳細資訊在http://www.wingmakers.co.nz/universe/extrasolar/Pleiades.html)。還你還記得嗎?
Here is what is happening now:
All that you have heard from our earth allies is true and is happening now! The first green light was given with a waiting period to see how many would react! We have seen that more reacted with faith and in a positive way than not! This was good enough to proceed to a second green light which was given today!
Many good leaders and forces on earth and from above and below are working today in stealth to clear out all archontic clones (the now-cabal). These beings are intent on chaos and destruction!
Since a green light was given by one of our contacts and earth allies many involved became ecstatic as did we! The news went viral overnight!
Now here is the important thing we want you to know.
A great battle is ensuing on earth and from above and below earth today. It is mostly hidden from the public for a good purpose. All infrastructures must stay intact during this transition and mass chaos, rioting or violence will not be allowed to transpire during this operation.
Considering the prime directive and other factors, our plans and levels of intervention change according to what you do. Know that you are not waiting on us, you are waiting on you and we are waiting on you!
We knew that you would rise to the occasion and do the work of saving GAIA and it’s people and you have and will continue! We have seen this in you great ones!
This day and night and weekend we the people of earth, the patriots, sovereigns, the militia, occupy, good earth leaders and positive military forces, anonymous, all light workers, ascended masters and many other freedom groups will join forces to free GAIA and it’s people from all archontic tyranny!
Today, finally you will begin to see the fruits of labors from 300,000 years of the control of the earth and its people.
These archons beat us out in those days for the control of earth, enslaved its people until this day! We are back with other ascended light beings and we are a million times more evolved and we stand with you in clearing the darkness from this galaxy! We will win the day!
Know that these archons are mind-lie-parasites that have infected most of your race on earth! They are the annu that say they tampered with your DNA. This is not so! It is a lie! Your DNA is tamperproof!
They are the muted bloodlines that believe in these ancient liars!
就是他們這些無聲的血統(muted bloodlines)相信這些古老的謊言!
These archons have been your authorities and the gods of your religions. There is a prime creator source and it is all that is it is! It is not the god of any religion! It is the entirety of all universes!
You will learn that you need no authorities or false gods but yourself! This is the real truth! We have intervened to help you see this! This is true sovereignty!
Here now is information you need to know and instructions given by the high council on what you can do to help this great effort:
There is the game that is being played on you by these archontic clones.
It is not a new game! It’s the same old game!
It is a back and forth game like most games!
It is a game of vibrational war!
This is the back and forth fame of energy exchange!
Most do not know this game is being played!
We are here to quickly show you the rules of the game!
We are in the last quarter and the last minutes of the game and we are down a few points but we will win the game. This is known!
We want to give you the advantage in this game so you can finish your mission to free earth and its people.
Here is the advantage to your team of light:
First know that you are in a game of war for earth!
Know that the game has been escalated!
The other team uses weapons in the game called lies to provoke a fear reaction!
The archons masquerade as authorities and gods and are public liars that control earth beings by getting you to react through fear!
Yes know the other team (the archon-false-authority-nwo-clones) and their game strategy, but don’t get too absorbed or focused in their part of the game.
They want to wear you down by stealing your energy and causing you to give in and give up in despair and hopelessness! This is the greatest lie that is bought by the people!
The other team knows that emotional energy creates everything! This is their great guarded secret that has been held by their societies in the dark that you now know!
This is their feeding off (stealing) of your energy!
This beast feeds off of negative energy of sentient beings!
It cannot survive one more day otherwise!
They initiate plays in the game and deploy actions to incite a negative reaction and put fear in the people to keep things created where they are in control where the people lose!
The people’s buttons get pushed can cause negative re-actions to the news stories and orchestrated world events and the negative energy is fed back into the holographic 3d world-reality-matrix-system and keeps it created!
The archons use the people’s energy to create the fictional corporate matrix!
We say with you, no more!
Fear or ignorance is the two ways they can get the people to react negatively!
All man-made archontic systems such as politics, religion, education, and main stream media as the primary medium to transmit to implant this lie-parasite into the people of earth’s minds.
They also use dis-info agents such as trolls and shills to provoke you and the threat of deadly force to put the ultimate fear in your mind!
Some of the ploys and tactical operations executed on the people by the archontic dark team are diversion, shock, and false emergency and waiting!
Expect a provoking move from the dark team!
Know that it is a ploy-lie orchestrated to provoke a negative reaction from you to feed the beast!
Stop feeding the beast!
This parasite must be completely removed from the earth quadrant and is being removed as we speak!
It is removed primarily by having no authorities, saviors or gods to fear or bow to and by realizing that you are God and the authority! This is sovereignty as we said! You are the savior of earth! This is truth!
We say no more control over you creator gods! Realize who you are and what power you have! You have the power to do all things and there is no one over you anywhere in the universe! This is the ultimate truth!
You are the creators of earth by your emotional energy vibrations!
What you focus on is the reality that is created! This is universal directive and law!
What we send out vibrationally is what is created on any level!
The only possible way to end the negativity of this world is to stop focusing on it!
We will create the outcome we want!
The way to win the game is to no give the other team the reaction they want! It is critical today that you understand this!
Also notice another ploy of the archons, making you wait!
What happens when people sit and wait?
They time to sit and think and this can be dangerous!
This is where mind-worry starts.
Since you are creator gods and since you understand the great law of attraction that says what you give is what you get and what you put your focus on creates this realm.
Know that the outcome of what happens in regards to the freedom of earth and its people is 100% a product of the energy earth beings project!
Since the majority of 7 billion plus beings look out every day and see matrix-lies and negativity and then react to it! They then project this negative reaction emotional energy back into the matrix keeping it created in a negative fashion and the game continues as usual!
Now listen, dear ones:
If you will notice, the cabal always throws out a negative news story or creates and event to cause a negative emotion which causes a negative reaction in the people which causes more negative in the game!
We have seen the people fall for this time after time!
We have been watched and participated in small ways with several recent freedom efforts on earth and we have seen that this lie-game-trick happen to the people over and over and the people always fall behind!
It happened with the republic.
It happened with occupy.
We have seen it happening again over the last few days since our earth ally setup a green light situation for you!
We break this loop today!
Learn to keep your energy! Learn to project only light and high vibrations back into the game!
Stop the provocation-reaction loop today!
We are helping you do this!
We will help you remove the cabal as you step forward to do it yourself!
Just watch for the bait and don’t get hooked by it again!
Positive or neutral emotional reactions to the other teams play stops the matrix loop program!
Truth love and light are your weapons and destroys the dark team!
They cannot play the game in the light and they will leave the court!
They will be dissolved into your light forevermore and the game is over!
Make a conscious effort to react positively to what you see and here!
Only see and hear good in the world! This is not a denial but a change of focus and perception!
What you focus on is!
What you do not focus on is not!
This is the basics of quantum creation.
It’s how you create!