【新世界大門的前哨兵】 05月04日信息:《通往新世界的入口》
【新世界大門的前哨兵】 05月04日信息:《通往新世界的入口》
2012-05-05 12:33
We come to guide and to support at this time of great and vast change uponand within planet earth. Many are now feeling their mothers energies and noware beginning the harmonization and the coming back into balance. Others areignoring the signs that they are out of balance and continue to exert will overthat which is created. We ask why? Why would the sheer will of the ego workwhen all is balance and harmony, when the universe IS balance and harmony? Weask for those who cannot or will not allow the balance within to be achieved toponder this question. 在這巨大的變化發生在地球表面和內部的特殊時刻,我們來到這裡引導並支援你們。很多人現在正在感受到來自大地之母的能量,並且開始與這些新的能量和諧並保持平衡。還有些人無視失去平衡所帶給他們的警告,並繼續專注於使他們失去平衡的一切。我們請問你們這是為什麼?所有的一切都在平衡與和諧之下,整個宇宙都在和諧平衡下,為什麼自我所產生的強烈意願仍將你們導向幻象?我們請求那些不願,或者無法平衡內部能量的人們認真思考這個問題。
All around you the universe is in perfect balance. The view that the humanrace sees but part of the larger universalpicture that contains ALL. Know that the human race has been taught to place filters upon its vision, it is these filtersthat are now fuelling the anxiety and fears that are growingwithin. For whilst you cannot see the bigger picture you are able to FEEL the bigger picture, the walk in FAITH and TRUST ofSELF starts now dear ones. We ask for you to reach insideand to connect with the LOVE that IS and to pull the energies of mother earth up through your feet. For you are all apart of mother earth in this your human incarnation. 圍 繞著你們的宇宙處在完美的平衡下。人類所能看到的不過是無所不包的宇宙的一個極小片段。要知道人類一直被教導,將有色的濾鏡放在他們眼前。正是這透過濾鏡 的焦慮和恐懼在你們的內心深處成長。因為儘管你們無法看到更廣闊的圖像,你們可以感覺到它。在對自我的信仰和信任中翱翔的時刻到了,親愛的朋友們。我們請 求你們走入自己的內心,和愛和本源連在一起,並將來自地球母親的能量積聚在自己腳下。因為在你們此次人類轉世過程中,你們都是地球母親的一部分。 There are many who walk the earth who are not fully human and to those wesend a gentle reminder, you may not be fully human but you inhabit a human body,it is thishuman body that cries out for balance and harmony at this time. Many aretaking care of the needs of the spiritwhilst ignoring the needs of the physical body, we guide strongly this pulls the BEing out of balance. It is not possibleto be in balance when your body cries out for harmony and balanceand you do not listen, the ascension process as it has been named by many on planet earth is not only about the SOUL.The SOUL carries the energy of ALL that IS butthe human body is the vehicle for the SOUL, a body that is not in balance and whos needs are ignored is a BEing out ofbalance. 有 很多正漫步在地球的人並非人類,對於這些人,我們送去溫柔的提醒,也許你們並不完全是人類,但是你們居住在人類的身體中。在這個時刻,正是你們居住的這個 人類身體大聲呼喚著平衡與和諧。很多人將過多注意力集中在精神的需要上,卻忽視了物理身體的需要,我們強烈引導大家,這樣的行為會引導你們走出平衡狀態。 當你們的身體哭喊著尋求平衡,你們卻無視身體的需求的時候,你們是不可能保持平衡的。如被地球上很多人提到的,提升過程並不僅僅是靈魂的提升。靈魂攜帶著 來自造物主本源的能量,但是人類的身體是靈魂的載體。一個失去身體平衡的存有,一個忽視身體需要的存有,是無法真正保持平衡狀態的。 The teachings that are taught on planet earth around food and nutritionand exercise were taught to further contain andsuppress an already downtrodden race. We guide for you to look inside and to notice which teachings you resonatewith and ask if they serve? We ask for you to look at the smokeand mirrors around the nutrition of the human body and ask if you are in balance with SELF? Do you monitor what you putinto the body and how it makes you feel or do bowdown to the knowledge of another who claims superiority? Dear ones the master of your ship is YOU, no one else has theknowledge of YOU that YOU do, do you understand ourguidance? Do you understand our meaning? 地 球上所教導的,圍繞食物,營養,鍛煉的很多知識都在限制並壓迫著這個已經飽受蹂躪的種族。我們引導你們走入自己的內心,留心哪些教導和你們的心相呼應,並 且詢問自己,這些需求是不是得到了滿足?我們請求你們穿過圍繞人體營養物質的外界教導產生的迷霧和鏡像,並且詢問自己是否和真正的自己相平衡?你們是否留 心過自己的身體攝入了什麼,這些攝入的物質讓你們感覺如何?或者你們只是在盲目地聽從那些自稱比你們瞭解更多的"專家"們提供給你們的知識?親愛的朋友們,控制你們身體的主宰者是你們自己,除了你們自己,沒有任何人擁有你們所擁有的知識,你們明白我們的引導麼?你們理解我們的話麼? Many will hand over the controls of the human body to another human BEingand follow the instructions given tothem, all the while out of balance. It is not possible for another human BEing to know what YOUr body needs for they do notinhabit YOUr body, do you understand our guidance? 很多人將控制他們自己身體的權利交給別的存有,並且盲目遵循著那些存有提供給他們的引導,儘管這些引導一直在引導他們遠離平衡。其他人是不可能知道你們身體的需求的,因為他們並不居住在你們的身體中,你們理解我們的引導麼? There are many teachings that are playing with the energies of the humanrace and these teachings will now begin todissolve, they no longer serve a race of BEings that are now beginning to remember, to come into balance and to comeinto the flow of ALL that IS. The mind will try to move thebalance back to being one of the mind controlling the body but that is not balance dear ones, the body is but a VEHICLE,an instrument that is used by the SOUL to move around onthe planet of incarnation. The teachings of distortion can be so deep in many in the human race that they believe theyare the body and not the SOUL. 有很多教導不斷愚弄著人類的能量,這些教導正在開始消散。這些教導不會再對一個正在開始回憶的種族,一個開始回到平衡,並踏入無所不在的能量之源的種族起任何作用。意識會嘗試將你們引導到意識主宰一切的"平衡"狀態,但那不是平衡,親愛的朋友們。身體只是一個載體,只是一個靈魂在此生用來在這顆星球上漫步的器皿。在人類中間,有時候扭曲的教導是如此的深,以至於很多人相信身體才是他們的本質,而非靈魂。 We guide for you to look at this and to begin to dissolve this for this isbut smoke and mirrors created by a racethat sought to contain and suppress the human race. The distinction between body and SOUL is being guided to YOU to allow youto become the observer and to begin torealize that YOU are more than is presented in the mirror. Many are aligning with the image in the mirror and notbeing able to see how vast and how deep they are in TRUTH. Eachone of you is vast BEing of light, it matters not how the human body presents itself, it is a product of the smokeand mirrors and we ask that you take the control back fromthe pirates who have commandeered your ship. Take back the helm and begin to steer your vehicle in the watersthrough SELF and see the miracles begin to appear for YOU. 我 們引導你們看到這點,並瓦解這種觀點,因為這只是一個曾經試圖限制並壓制人類的種族所創造的迷霧和幻象。我們引導你們看到身體和靈魂間的不同,從而幫助你 們成為觀察者,幫助你們意識到你們遠不止是鏡中看到的自己。很多人沉湎在鏡像中,無法看到在真實中的他們是多麼廣闊和深邃。無論你們的人類身體以何種方式 展示自己,你們每個人都是了不起的光之存有。人類身體只是迷霧和幻象的產物,我們請求你們收回那些正在駕馭你們的海盜對你們身體的控制權。取回權力的頭 盔,駕馭著你們的飛船,在穿越自我的海洋中欣賞為你們準備的一個個奇蹟。 If you allow another to steer your boat then you cannot complain when thecourse is altered and the ports you wished to call into are not adhered to. Manylive their lives with others at helm and cannotunderstand why their lives do not adhere to the dreaming that they do in the dreamtime. It is not possible to allowanother to steer your ship and to adhere to the dream that iswithin for it is only within YOU. Do you understand our guidance and our meaning? There may be other humansaround you who claim to have the same dream as YOU do butin reality YOU are the only one who can dream the dream in your heart. Do you understand? 如 果你們允許別人駕馭自己的身體,當航線偏離你們所希望到達的港口的時候,你們甚至失去了辯解的權利。很多人生活在別人為他們掌舵的船上,卻不能理解為什麼 他們的生活和他們夢中的有如此大落差。讓別人代替你們駕馭你們自己的船,同時又讓他們始終在只存在於你們心中的夢想之路上航行,這是不可能的。你們明白我 們的引導麼?你們明白我們話語的意思麼?在你們的旅途中,有可能遇到一些聲稱擁有和你們相同夢的人,但是實際上你們才是唯一瞭解你們自己心中夢想的人。你 們理解麼? We are not guiding for YOU to ignore those around you, we guide stronglyto have love and compassion within yourheart at all times. There are many who are in your life experience who are fast asleep and we are not here tojudge, that is not our role. We are here to guide the humans whoare awake through the layers of smoke and mirrors that prevent SELF from being revealed. It is not possible todissolve something that is not seen. Too many are stillallowing others to steer the life experience and we guide this must be dissolved. 我 們並不是在引導你們忽視周圍的人,我們強烈引導你們在任何時刻保持著愛和同情之心。在你們的生命體驗中有很多人在沉睡中,我們在這裡並不是為了評論什麼, 那不是我們的角色。我們在這裡引導那些從重重迷霧和鏡像中朦朧醒來的,卻不讓真正的自己展示出來的人們。當你們無法看到幻象的時候,你們無法去瓦解它。有 太多人仍然在讓別人駕馭他們的生命體驗,我們引導你們,這種現象需要被瓦解。
TRUE UNITY is achieved in the blending of energies, it is theacknowledging of others whilst staying TRUE to YOU. At SOUL level this is accepted and adhered toat all times but the human race is now moving into aligning with SOUL, this will taketime and it will take work for the smoke andmirrors are thick within the human race in many areas. Those who sought to contain and control placing deep teachingsto bury TRUTH in plain view. Many are still aligning withthese teachings and we ask you humbly to become the observer and to dissolve those which are visible to YOU. 真 正的統一只有在能量融合的時候才能發生,那就是,在承認其他人的同時也可以在真實的自己面前。在靈魂層次,這點是被承認並在任何時候都有效的。但是現在人 類正在踏入內心深處並和靈魂融合。這需要時間,需要努力,因為迷霧和幻象在很多方面已經紮根在人類的深處。那些尋求限制和控制的人們花費了巨大精力去教 導,並將真實掩蓋在樸素的外表下。很多人仍然在聽從這些教導。我們謙卑地請求你們成為觀察者,並瓦解那些刻意放在你們眼前,正在被你們的肉眼所觀察的幻 象。 The harmonization process is as it sounds but it is not only theharmonization of the human race and all other races in the universe, first the harmonization ofSOUL and SELF must take place, how can youharmonise with another race if you have not come into balance and harmony within SELF? This process may provechallenging to many, many are walking blindly into thenew believing they have no work to do, that the way ahead is merely more of “same” and we guide this is the smoke andmirrors that we ask you to dissolve. The work to bedone is on SELF, for SELF is the creator in the new world, SELF is the ship that you are sailing on and are creatingaround, for when SELF is in balance then YOU ARE. Do youunderstand our guidance? Our words? 融 合的過程,如它聽起來的那樣,不僅是融合整個人類的過程,還是融合宇宙中其他所有種族的過程。在這個過程中,融合自我和靈魂的過程必須首先發生。如果你們 沒有進入平衡狀態,沒有和深層次的自我融合,你們如何和其他種族融合?這個過程對於很多盲目踏入新世界的人們將會是巨大的挑戰。尤其是對於那些相信在這個 過程中不需要做什麼的人們,那些相信前方的道路僅僅是"相同"世界的延展的人們。這種前方的道路仍然"相同"的想法是迷霧和幻象,我們引導大家從這種迷霧和幻象中走出。在你們自己身上有許多工作需要完成,因為你們自己才是新世界的締造者,你們自己才是你們航行過程中所搭載的載體。當你們處在自我的平衡下,你們就處在本源的意識中。你們理解我們的引導麼?理解我們的話語麼?
Soon the human race will move beyond words, it is a this point that thework done on SELF to dissolve theteachings will show results, for when SELF is in balance then the living in the new is done by breathing and by dreaming.There is no anxiety, no worry, there JUST IS. For JUST ISis the natural state of BEing in the universe. 很 快,人類見到的將不僅僅是這些抽象的話語。你們在此刻在自己身上所做的瓦解幻象的工作會向你們展示它的成果。因為只有當你們處在平衡狀態下,你們在新世界 的生活才可以在你們一次次呼吸中,一次次夢中完成。在那裡沒有焦慮,沒有擔憂,只有一切的本源。因為這就是宇宙中一切的原本狀態。 We work to reveal the teachings to SELF for in revealing you find freedom,each teaching designed to lessen theconnecion with SELF and to separate. Harmonisation is the blending of ALL with ALL as ONE. Do you understand ourguidance? Our words? Look within at all times dearones for there is nothing outwith you that is not you. TRUE change comes from within for when the filters are dissolved allthat is left is TRUTH. 我們來到這裡,通過幫助你們找到自由,來幫助你們瓦解"自我"對 你們的教導,每個課程都精心設計來幫助你們減少自己和分離的幻象間的聯繫。和諧狀態是將所有的一切融為一體。你們理解我們的教導麼?你們能聽懂我們的話語 麼?親愛的朋友們,請不斷審視自己的內心,因為在那裡除了你們真實的自己,沒有任何其他雜質。真正的變化來自內心,因為濾鏡解除後所留下的,只有真實。
We are the BEings that are known as SENTINELS, we guard the portals to thenew world and we ask that those whowish to enter the new world dissolve the old before entering. It is not possible to enter the new world whilst filteringthrough the old, the gateway will not be seen for the filter willhide it in plain view. We connect with the humanrace in this time of harmonization to guide and support. We ask for you to reach out to us in your dreamtime andcommunicate with us for we are YOU and YOU are we. 我 們是被稱為聖塔尼奧(意譯是新世界大門的前哨兵)的生命體,我們守衛著通向新世界的大門,我們請求那些希望進入新世界的人們,在進入新世界之前,瓦解舊世 界的幻象。帶著舊世界的濾鏡是無法進入新的世界的,因為那濾鏡會將原本就在那裡的,進入新世界的入口從你們眼前濾掉。我們請求你們在夢中將手伸向我們,和 我們交流。因為我們就是你們,你們就是我們。 通過Karen Doonan通靈 翻譯:Cappuccino 資訊來源:www.crystalline-sanctuary.com |