【揚升大師Hilarion】2月12--19日資訊更新 【推薦閱讀】

【揚升大師Hilarion】2月12--19日資訊更新 【推薦閱讀】
Beloved Ones,
Many of you have been noticing the spirit of unity, thoughtfulness, kindness, helpfulness and cooperation within your fellow Beings as you together change the World by changing within yourselves. It is true that the only person you can change is yourself and you who read this are becoming Masters in this arena. We do recognize that it can be disheartening at times, for as you change yourselves sometimes the expectation is that others around you and all of your loved ones should be changing also.
Know, Beloveds, that there are vast changes taking place within each Human heart whether it is physically visible or not. The heart centers of all sentient Beings upon this Planet are opening wide and it is bringing forth a lot of extraneous energy that does not belong as each of you align to the higher aspects of your Being. This is in reality a welcome sign, for it means that the Light is entering your systems and continues in its cleansing and purifying activities. All that is not Love is now leaving, all that is not your true Divine nature is being routed out so that more Light can be housed within your physical bodies in safety and protection.
要 懂得,摯愛的親人們,這是巨大的轉變,正在每個人的心中發生著,不管是物質層面或者是其他方面。所有星球上有情眾生的內心之心都在更廣闊的開啟中,這帶來 了大量的附加能量,而這些能量完全沒有符合並與你存在的更高面向相調諧。而事實上,這也是值得歡迎的情形,因為這就意味著神聖之光正進入你的系統之中,持 續的在清理並且不斷淨化中。所有不基於神聖之愛的一切都在離開,所有那些不屬於你神性本質的正被連根拔起,好讓更多的光能夠以安全與保護的方式寄居在你物 質的身體中。
This process as stated before will continue and will be accelerated as the year unfolds so we ask that you stay focused upon your goals of Ascension and continue to stand in your Light. Follow the promptings of your body and do what it asks of you, whether it is to eliminate the eating of foodstuffs that do not help you to purify within your physical and mental bodies, or the practice of habit patterns that no longer serve. It is time to put the lens of scrutiny upon all areas of your life that need updates and changes in order that you continue to move forward with grace and ease.
Continue to walk gently upon the Earth and see yourselves as the powerful Beings that you know deep within yourselves that you are. The veils of illusion are lifting daily and remembrance of your unlimited capacities to rise to your greatest potentials is at hand. Take the high road in all of your choices and let it always be for the highest good of all. This is a time of the completion of all that was initiated to be experienced during these times. There is a sense of closure that occurs when a project that was taken on before these times has been fulfilled in honor and integrity. There is much action taking place in each Being’s life at this time, as each recognizes with great anticipation that a new day is dawning and they want to be ready for it.
請繼續文雅的在地球上行走,把自己當作充滿力量的存有去看待,這是你內心深處非常瞭解的事實。幻 象的帷幕正在不斷升起,你也在回憶起自己無限的能力,致力於提升你最高的潛能。在你所有的選項中去選擇那崇高的道路,讓它時時刻刻都迎合最高的全體之善。 對於所有曾經為了此刻體驗而開始的一切經歷都到了完結的時刻。當一個計畫在這個時刻之前曾經被從事,並已經在誠實與正直中履行了它的目標,那麼就帶來了一 種終止的感受。在每個存有的生活經歷中,在此時此刻,這就是許多正在發生的事情,也由於每個識別都指向巨大的預感,這就是嶄新的一天正在到來,它們希望為 之準備周全。
On a higher level, all is known and all is working in Divine Order. All is taking place in perfect timing and synchronicity. Be at peace, Dear Ones, and stay balanced and in equilibrium. This is of the utmost assistance at this juncture to all within your sphere of radiance. You are the Radiant Ones, who heal and bless wherever you may walk and who have learned that it is the pure and humble heart that holds and wields the greatest power in the Universe, the power to Love unconditionally, the power to effect change through the letting go and transmutation of all old paradigms and programs that have kept Humanity chained to the vibrations of fear, doubt and lack for far too long. You are each Loved beyond measure and we say again, you never walk alone.
在 一個更高層次,所有一切都是被知曉的,所有一切都工作在神聖秩序中。所有一切都發生在完美的時機與同步性中。請保持平靜,摯愛的親人們,保持平衡並處於力 量的均衡中。在這緊要關頭,輻射出你內在的光輝就是這最重要的支持力量。你們都是輻射著光芒的存有,不論你行走在哪裡,你都在治癒並且祝福著,你們已經學 會,就是這純然的赤子之心攜帶著宇宙中最偉大的力量,無條件去愛的力量,而這力量產生改變的動力,釋放與轉變那些一直讓人類束縛的舊實相和程式,它們已經 導致人類太長時間的恐懼,質疑與匱乏。你們每個人都被無可估量的愛著,我們再一次聲明,你們從未獨自行走。
Until next week…..
I AM Hilarion