

2011/09/20 01:14






新地球能量 2011九月份

邁可天使長透過Celia Fenn傳訊


Shanti翻譯 歡迎轉載


Entering the Sixth Dimensional Realm of Dreams and Magical Creation


Beloved New Earth family, once you have mastered the basic Fifth Dimensional Life Skills and you are completely grounded and anchored in the Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras, you may begin to enter into the Sixth Dimensional Realms of Dream and Magic. You must be fully grounded, in order to move between the fading illusions of the Third Dimensions, the New Reality of the Fifth Dimension and the magical and Dream World of the Sixth Dimension. If you are not grounded, you run the risk of becoming lost in y0our own illusions and delusions.



To walk in the Sixth Dimension means to be able to distinguish between the difrferent kinds of Dreams and Illusions, and to be able to distinguish between your own dreams and creations and those of others in the Collective or Joint Reality. For, in truth, there is no real difference between "Dreams" and "Reality", they are simply different aspects of the realms of divine Light. To understand this enables you to walk in many "Dream Realities" with a firm grasp of your own "reality" and your own dreams. You will not get lost in the Dream World of another's creation (unless you so choose) but will stay true to your own dreams and manifestations.


To enter the Dream World of the Sixth Dimensions requires that you activate the "Magical Child" within. Beloveds, the Great Teacher Yeshua said to you that to enter the Higher Dimensional "Kingdom of Heaven" you should become as a "little child"; he also said that the "Kingdom of God" is "within you". Yes, indeed, the realms of Creative Magic are the Inner Planes of the Collective Dream reality of Planet Earth, and to enter this space requires the innocence, trust and purity of a child.



Beloved Ones, it is the "Pure of Heart" who can enter the Dream World. To be "Pure of Heart" is to be like a Child, playful and filled with "imagination". It is to be unafraid and trusting in the Higher Good and a Higher Purpose. If you are not "Pure of Heart" and like an innocent child, you run the risk of encountering illusions and deception as the ego mind struggles with the nature of Magical or Dream reality for which is has no reference point.



As you enter into the Magical realms of the Sixth Dimension, you once again awaken to the Creative Power of Myths, Archetypes and Stories. You understand that these are the Creative Substance of reality and you understand how "believing" and "dreaming" are the ways in which Material Reality is woven from the Stories and Myths of the Archetypal Realms.



Beloved Ones, this is a powerful place to enter, and as you begin this Journey you will experience physical changes. Initially, you may feel extreme "exhaustion" and tiredness. In reality, what is happening is that your brain is dipping into "Theta" wavelength in the waking state. Now, your body experiences Theta as a sleep state, so when you enter the Sixth Dimensional Dreamtime in the waking state, your Body thinks it is sleeping, and so extreme "heaviness" and "tired" feelings are experienced as the Body becomes temporarily confused at this change.



Then also, you may become mentally confusedf as your brain shifts between Beta, Alpha and Theta brainwave states in waking consciousness. You may experience lucid dreams in the daytime, or you may become forgetful, disoriented or dizzy as your brain settles into its new "shift pattern" to allow you to move between the dimensions and to process information gathered in all these spaces so that you have a firm grasp of the different layers of reality.


是的,親愛的,實相是越來越層層疊疊的像個「三明治」了! 在這個「實相三明治」的層疊之間,你開始有著明晰的感知來導引你,讓你認知到各層疊實相之間的歸屬,認知到甚麼是夢、魔法、幻覺與錯覺。

Yes, Beloved Ones, reality is becoming multi-layered, like a "sandwich"! Within the layers of the "Reality Sandwich" you begin to navigate between the Dimensions with a clear sense of what belongs where and to which level or layer of Reality, and what is Dream, Magic, Illusion or Delusion.



Indeed, Beloved New Earth Family, as you master this New Dimensional access, you will find a powerful connection to the Realms of Abundance and Manifestation. You will learn how to manifest your Heart's Desire, both individually and as a Collective, by accessing the Magical Realms of the Sixth Dimensional Dreamtime.



We wish You Joy and Abundance and Love in the time that lies ahead as the New Earth rises into manifestation!



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