
2013/05/02 16:12



(2013-05-02 14:29:11)


【傳導】Shelley Young【翻譯】shan-athana




Greetings, Dear Ones, how pleased and honoured we are to be in your presence today. We honour you for coming to ground in the energies of the group and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those who are in the room at this time but also those who will be enjoying this transmission on your internet at a later time.


Did you know that through your participation you have created a bridge, an energetic bridge, that always exists between our energy and yours? We are available to each and every one of you whether you are in the room or experiencing this transmission in another way, whenever you may desire to feel it.


We encourage you to take advantage of that and to use us as a support for you moving forward.We understand that you are in a challenging energetic time as you are experiencing the falling away of the old and the brand new energies of the New Earth, as you are in the process of creating it. You are in a series of eclipses, which frequently can be energetically, interesting, let us say, for those of the human condition.


Your sun is also in a very active phase and we understand that all of these elements can be challenging to navigate. We are not going to go in depth into these elements right now. There are a great many people in service that are doing a fine job explaining the energetics of your planet.We will simply remind you to stay in a state of surrender and flow, of acceptance and of focused creation. Listen to your bodies.


Be the nurturers of yourselves. Honour yourselves and give yourselves what you need to keep your balance, to bloom, to shine and to navigate with grace and ease. Know that while these energies can be somewhat uncomfortable, they are moving you forward, at a rapid rate, into all of the things that your hearts desire and wish to experience.


We would like to speak to you today about stepping into your mastery because the time is Now, Dear Ones. Many of you have been actively embracing your ascension process for many years now, purging and healing, shifting, assisting, transmuting energies. Many of you, because you were so very aware of the fact that you were part of this pivotal, important, magical, ascension process, understood that there were elements that you needed to wait for to occur.


Many of you were focused, on that soul level, on getting past the pivotal alignments of December 21, 2012.It was a line in the sand, if you will, between where you had been and where you were going and because many of you had been waiting for the energies that you are in right now for so very long, you have adopted the habit of waiting as part of the process.


So what is happening is many of you are still feeling your mastery as being something that happens later on, something that you must continue to wait to shift into. You see your perfect health as something that will come down the road. You see living a life of joy as something that you will somehow experience but not being available to you in the Now.


You see and work on your focused creations but through your belief system, you are also seeing them as something that will magically appear down the path, you are not creating it in your Now. You have developed this one day thinking that was very valid at one point on your journey but you are continuing it still even though it has no more purpose.


So what does that mean to you? What does the time is Now truly mean? This can be a challenging statement for many of you who are afraid to step into your authentic power. Many of you have experienced power as being an unpleasant thing. Perhaps you used power inappropriately in some of your other life expressions. Or perhaps you were suppressed by others, who lorded power over you.


As an enlightening human being, you may have a fear of the ego. You keep yourselves small because you think to step into your grandeur, into who you really are, would mean falling headlong into ego. You are far too mindful for that, Dear Ones. If you were to fall headlong into ego, you would become so uncomfortable it would be impossible for you to stay there at this point.


Do you see? It is not an option for you anymore. It does not match who you are energetically. It is not you.You are here on the planet expressing your highest alignment while staying in the body. The ego is not the enemy, it is just not part of your plan. Do you see? You are safe and you are free and you are ready to step into that authentic power.


We are seeing a great many human beings who are fully prepared, fully ready to truly step into their authentic power pause because they are holding onto one day thinking or they have a fear of stepping into their authentic power. We would ask you to throw those old habits out today. The time is Now.


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