SOLARA指導(上): 2013全貌面向

2013/01/18 00:35

原文地址:(重要) SOLARA指導(上): 2013全貌面向作者:Rebecca_林琚月

(重要) SOLARA指導(): 2013全貌面向

The 2013 Overview ~ by Solara

We enter 2013 massively transformed beyond any previous boundaries. Many people experienced an infusion of LOVE on a scale never before experienced. Some experienced a profound paradigm shift from the duality-based illusion that “someone” or “something” would come to “save us” to the wide-eyed awakening that WE ARE THE ONES! This journey from “external expectations” to “internal knowing” took but a nano second, but flipped everything over.

我們進入了2013--- 而這是一個所有界線都被超越和改變的一年. 有些人已經經驗到了前所未經驗過的大量的愛的注入. 而有一些人經驗到了一個深刻的 實相移轉’ --- 二元幻象中等待某人某事的發生來拯救我們的觀念變成了一個 原來我們就是自己的救星的覺醒. --- 這種心路歷程 --- “從對別人和外在的期盼轉而為 從內心去覺知的改變 --- 只是發生在不到一秒的時間裡, 可是卻改變了所有的事情. (: 自己的和外在的世界)

Now, we are outwardly living the same lives as before, but everything has dramatically changed. We have been thrust into a vastly expanded New Landscape. Our vision has become so expanded, much of what used to be able to grab our attention in the past, is seen as minuscule now. 2013 is a year of profound change as we come into our own as True Ones, and lead the supra normal lives anchored in the Ultra Greater Reality that have always been intended for us.

現在, 表面看起來我們的生活沒有改變, 但事實上所有事情都已經戲劇化的被改變了! 我們現在看事情的角度擴大了, 我們現在被丟入了一個廣大的視野中. 我們現在想事情是如此的大, 以前對我們覺得很重要的事現在看起來都無足輕重. 2013是一個重大改變的一年 --- 隨著我們逐漸變回 真實的自己’! --- 而且開始過著一種 超越現狀的生活, 並把心定在更大的 實相當中時 --- 那些一直都屬於我們的實相!

2013 is the Chinese Year of the Snake, but it can be more accurately described as the Year of the Snake Shedding its Skin. This is because anything which is not honest and authentic will be removed from us on every possible level. Often this will happen with surprising ease; it will simply dissolve away. We are unearthing an incredible amount of long-buried stuff that needs our attention.

2013是中國的蛇年, , 更正確一點說 --- 今天是 蛇脫皮. 這是因為所有不誠實的, 不真實的事都會被從我們的各個層面中移除. 而且這些事情通常會在一種令人驚訝的輕鬆狀況中發生. 它自己會自然消失. 我們正逐漸的發現到許多 真相會跑出來 --- 而我們需要去注意這些事情.

If we try to stuff it back into our hidden corners and pretend it’s not there, health issues may arise. Any attachments that we have to duality will be constantly magnified until they are surrendered. If we are still caught in our old stories and continue to repeat old duality-based patterns, this year could be a bumpy ride until we learn to set them aside.

如果我們想把這些新出爐的 真相掩蓋回去我們躲藏的角落, 假裝這些事都不存在, 沒發生過, 我們自己會生病. 我們所有與 二元性世界的習慣與倚賴都會在此時放大出來 --- 直到它們被屈服了為止. 如果我們想老調重彈, 持續我們 二元性的習慣與生活 --- 今年會有得瞧的顛簸不平--- 直到我們乖乖的把 二元性習慣放到一邊去為止.

Everything has so profoundly changed since the events of the final months of 2012 that we need to rediscover who we are now and what we really want. Once we are clear on what we want, not limiting ourselves to old dreams, everything will fall into place. Be clear about your heart’s desires, for they are like shining jewel lights dropped like bread crumbs to remember the way. Listen to your Heart’s Knowingness. Again and again, we need to ask ourselves, “What do I really want?”, “Who am I becoming?”, “What am I creating in my life?” and “What gives me the greatest joy?”.

所有的事情都如此深刻的改變了 --- 2012的最後一個月裡. --- 所以我們現在必須重新發現自己是誰以及我們要的到底是什麼? 一旦我們搞清楚自己要的是什麼, 而不用過去的舊夢把自己給框住時, 每一件事才會逐步到位!!! --- 所以問清楚你的心要的是什麼? --- 這些真實的想望就像閃亮的珠寶的亮光 --- 掉在地上 --- 指引我們回家的路. (引喻--- 格林童話兄妹被引入森林拋棄但憑靠留在路上的麵包屑找到路回家) --- 傾聽你的本心的知識 --- 一次次的問自己 --- 我們必須問自己 ---“我事實上想要什麼?” “我現在變成什麼樣子的人了?” “我現在給我自己創造出了什麼樣的人生?” 以及 什麼? --- 才能帶給我最大的快樂?”

We need to prepare for the Unexpected. Expect the Unexpected all year long. Anything can happen all across the full spectrum of experience. It could be brilliant, terrible, exquisitely beautiful, deeply sad, profoundly touching or beyond our Wildest Dreams. It’s important that we don’t limit the unfolding potentials with any of our beliefs or understandings; they’re way beyond anything we can imagine.

我們必須為那不可預期的事做準備. 這一整年都要為那難以預期的事做準備. 任何事都有可能發生而改變了所有的人間經驗. 或許很棒的事, 或許恐怖, 或許不可思議的美麗, 或許極度哀傷, 總之會非常深刻的改變我們超越我們最狂野的想像. 所以很重要的是 --- 不要用我們的意念或觀念去限制所有可能發生的事! --- 它們絕對是遠超越我們任何的想像.

Be open without being attached to any interim steps, results and expectations, as nobody yet sees the wh*** picture. 2013 will contain many unexpected twists and turns making it absolutely necessary to be completely flexible at all times. Freshness is essential. We need to be ready to correct our course at any moment, as new information emerges. If we Expect the Unexpected, surfing the changes will be fun. This is true for even the most challenging tsunamis, for they enable us to demonstrate our new mastery.

對於中間發生的事, 任何結果, 你的任何期望 --- 繼續保持開放的態度與心胸 --- 任事態自己發展, 別以為就這樣了 --- 這是全部了 --- 因為沒有人還能看到2013的整體面向. 2013包含了如此多扭轉與旋轉, 所以我們絕對要在所有時候保持絕對的彈性!!! 保持新鮮的態度是非常重要的! ( : 空心智慧 --- 不要自作聰明! 不要自我設限或自以為是) --- 隨著新資訊的進來 --- 隨時準備好改變方向! 如果我們保持開放的態度去期待那不可期待的 --- 面對改變就會變得容易! 如浪中順風行船而充滿樂趣! --- 這道理連在最可畏的海嘯面前都適用! --- 因為它們給了我們機會去表現我們的新技能!!!

We begin this year in a stripped down state, feeling that most of our artifice of our superficial personality is gone. We discover that we don’t miss it and don’t need it anymore. We are still integrating the profound changes that occurred in November and December of last year. Everything needs to be thoroughly recalibrated. Everything needs to be greatly expanded so it can move into the vast realm of the Diamond of the Unseen.

今年我們是在一種一絲不掛的狀況下開始的 --- 感覺我們過去所有個性上的詭計好像都被脫光了. 而且我們覺得我們不想念那些東西了. 我們至今仍然在整合去年11月與12月發生的巨大改變. 所有的事都需要重新調頻調整. 所有的事觀念都必須擴大以方便移入這新的巨大的新實相所能提供的鑽石當中 --- 這顆眼前還看不到的鑽石.

If we have completed our old stories, we will enter 2013 with a blank canvas before us. We have been presented with blank canvases before, but this time we can dare to bring out our boldest brush strokes, wildest colors and the deepest yearnings of our Wildest Dreams. We are no longer limited by our old perceptions of “what is possible” or of “what we thought we wanted”.

如果我們能結束我們舊的信念的話 --- 我們就像帶著一張空白的畫布一樣的移入2013. 以前我們也被給過空白的畫布(機會)去重新開始 --- 但這一次我們膽敢拿出我們最大膽的筆觸, 最狂野的顏色, 以及我們內心最深刻的渴望的最狂野的夢想! 我們不再受限於老舊的理解力關於 什麼是可能的?” 或是 我們以為這是我想要的?”

We’ll feel the deep quiet and stillness of the Sacred Pause until the end of January, and maybe even longer. During this time, we will be clearing out more layers of untrueness. Many new openings, insights and opportunities will come to us and we will be making preparations for the months to come. Even so, it’s important that we don’t try to rush things, but let them unfold in their right timing.

在一月底之前 --- 我們會感覺到一種神聖的靜止的寧靜與凝結, 或許還會更久一些. --- 在這段時間, 我們會清理出更多層次的 虛偽虛假”! 許多新的邀約, 觀念想法, 機會會找到我們, 而我們也會在未來幾個月去為這些事情做準備. 即使如此, 非常重要的是 --- 我們不要太匆促的做任何事 --- 而是讓事情自己對你顯露出進展的時間.

Around the beginning of February, the big waves of Quantum Surf will start coming in again. As long as we’re true and clear and open - they won’t knock us off balance. If we’re still holding onto our old story - they’re going to shake off all the ballast.

在二月初, 一個巨大的量子潮會再打過來. 只要我們是 真實的人乾淨的人開放的人’ --- 我們不會被打得失去焦距平衡. 如果我們仍堅守 故步自封的老觀念的話 --- 那它們就只好像渣渣一樣被硬搖下來了!

The funny thing is that our old stories are not only the stories that we’ve been writing for lifetimes. It’s our yesterday too. What was true yesterday may no longer be true; if so, it will fall away, making space for even greater Trueness. It’s important not to get attached to the tools we used and the steps we took to become Jewels that worked perfectly before and served us well, the things that brought us to where we are now.

They might not belong to our New Story.

好笑的是 --- 我們的老套不只是我們的老套故事而已 --- 那是我們為自己書寫的人生劇本. 那也是我們的昨天. 但對過去是真的東西不代表在未來它還適用. 因此在這情形下, 它會掉落 ---並讓路給新的更偉大的 真實”! 非常重要的事是 --- 不要死抱著昨天讓我們成功的工具與方法 --- 雖然它們以前很好使, 也給了我們榮耀與成功, 也把我們帶到了今天的位置. --- , 它們有可能不再適用我們未來會發展出來的新故事

March is the month where the tsunamis start coming in. The Full Zoom manifests and many elements start moving into their right positions. April is the ‘A Mu’a month in which everything accelerates even more. After that, it’s Beyond our Wildest Dreams territory for the rest of the year for those who have completed their old stories.

三月是海嘯會開始的月份! ‘大對焦開始了 --- 而所有事都開始移入正確的位置上.

四月是個 ‘A Mu’a (?)--- 所有事情開始加快速度.

之後 --- 那就 雲宵飛車! --- 其它月份將超越我們狂野的夢想的領域 --- 但只對已經超越於 老套思想模式的人而言!!!

In the new, expanded realm of the Diamond of the Unseen, a lot of things might still keep their usual form, but we’ll see how their true essence will reveal itself and become visible so we might use them in completely new ways. That’s what gives our lives more colors, more sparkles and a wh*** new dimension of possibilities.

在未來這個還看不到的大鑽石新實相的廣大領域 --- 許多事還會維持它們的舊樣子, 但我們將可以看到它們內在的真實的本質逐漸顯露 --- 事態將會變得如此的清楚 --- 所以我們會用完全不同的概念和方法來處理這些事. --- 這將給予`我們生活更多的色彩, 更多閃光閃亮時刻, 以及一個全新的 實相維度的可能性.

This has to do with the hidden treasures and Seeing the Unseen. Everything revealing its true essence is like a hidden treasure opening itself to us. We’ll see and interact directly with the core essence of everything, which will give us new perceptions and the possibility of creating new, deeper, true ways of living.

這跟那被藏起來的 財寶是有關的! 而且也跟我們有沒能力看到過去看不到的事有關. 每一個事實的打開, 每件本質的被發現 --- 對我們而言--- 都是一份隱藏的 財寶的發現. 我們將看到, 考慮, 並用對每件事真實的本質的瞭解來處理它. --- 這會引發出我們更深的理解力, 以及開創出新的, 更深刻的, 更真實的生活方式的可能性.


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