大天使Lord Metatron 對 “揚升” 與 “人體蛻變”過程的 “靈性指導”(5-3)
大天使Lord Metatron
對 “揚升” 與 “人體蛻變”過程的
Profound message from Lord Metatron about Ascension and Transmutation changes in the physical human body Channeler: Laurie Gilmore
· Posted by Meindert Arends on November 21, 2012 at 6:55pm
Channeler: Laurie Gilmore
中文翻譯: 林琚月20121122
承續( 5-2)文
At the beginning of tenth level, life feels new, and you may feel newly born and very tender. Tenth level is the beginning of the spiritual awakening that will lead to your mastery of the abilities that mark the spiritual masters and adepts. These abilities, or gifts of the spirit, will become stronger as you become energetically clearer.
在第十階剛開始時, 生命感覺有點新鮮, 如初生嬰兒一般重新來過, 很柔軟!
第十階是靈性覺醒的開始 ---會帶領你入 ‘大師技能領域’ --- 那些靈性大師專家的超能力. 這些靈性的能力或者禮物 ---隨著你的能量的純粹度越來越高, 你的這些超能力也會越來越強.
In tenth level the focus will be on manifesting these spiritual gifts, and then integrating the gifts fully so they are usable in your physical, everyday life. Your greatest natural spiritual gift will be the first to manifest in tenth level, and your other gifts of the spirit will open later in a gradual way.
第十階的重點將會是這些靈性的能力或者禮物的顯化 --- 然後再將它們整合入你每日的物質生活當中去使用!!! 你最大的自然的靈性禮物會首先在第十階顯現出來, 然後接著 --- 其它的靈性禮物也會逐步出現!!!
You will be required to live by your spiritual gifts. If you are clairvoyant, for example, you must make decisions by what you perceive clairvoyantly - not by what you perceive physically. Your clairvoyance will literally overtake your physical sight during tenth level. You may notice one day that you are very clearly seeing three curbs and sidewalks.
你會被要求依照你的靈性禮物而生活. 假如你具有心電感應未卜先知透視眼天眼 --- 舉例而言, 你就必須依照你的靈能告訴你的去做任何決定. ---而不是依照你身體的想法! 你的靈能超能最終會完全取代你的身體觀點在第十階的時候! 有一天你可能會注意到自己非常清楚的看到三個人行道與三個轉角在同一處.
Deciding where to place your foot may be very confusing. You will be seeing the physical curb and sidewalk, the etheric curb and sidewalk, and the fourth dimensional curb and sidewalk. If you rely completely on your clairvoyance, not the physical sense of sight, you will know where to step. If you use the physical sense of sight you may trip a few times in a public place.
此時要決定把自己的腳放到那裡去可能很混亂. 你將會同時看到物質的人行道與轉角, 乙太體的人行道與轉角和第四維度的人行道與轉角. 如果你完全仰賴你的靈能超能, 而不是你物質的眼睛, 你會知道腳該放到那裡去. 如果你倚靠你物質的眼睛的話, 你可能會在公共場合跌倒幾次.
Eventually you will learn how to process this type of vision. The process of becoming clear is one of releasing stored energy from the emotional body and the mental body, and relocating that energy to the spiritual body where it becomes usable, through which miracles are created.
最終你會知道如何處理你的靈視能力. 這學習的程式就是必須釋放你情緒體和心智體中儲存的能量, 並將這些能量移轉到靈量體 --- 讓它變成有用的能量 --- 而通過這樣做奇跡就被創造出來了!!!
The only difference between an Avatar and an ordinary man is the location of the energy held within the energy bodies. An ordinary man has all his energy “locked-up”in stored emotions and memories in the emotional body, and beliefs, dogmas and thoughts in the mental body.
天神與凡夫的唯一差別就是幾個能量體內儲存能量的地點而已! 凡夫的能量全被鎖葬在情緒體的情緒與記憶之中, 以及被葬在心智體的 ‘信念’ ‘教條’與 ‘思想觀念’當中!!!
The ordinary man has a flat spiritual body, for there is no energy to spare from the demands of the emotions and thoughts. An avatar has clear emotional and mental bodies. All the energy held within an Avatar’s subtle bodies, is stored in the Spiritual Body.
凡夫有一個很平的靈量體(因為沒能量), 因為能量都被情緒與思想觀念奪走了!!!
而 ‘天神’ 卻有個非常明澈的情緒體與心智體. ‘天神’ 的能量都儲存在祂的幾個細緻身體中 --- 儲存在靈性體中!!!
For a Master, the energy associated with emotion flows into the emotional body from the spiritual body IN THE MOMENT, and is released to the spiritual body once the emotional stimulus has ended. The energy associated with a thought flows from the spiritual body to the mental body, and then is released to the spiritual body as the thought is completed.
對一個大師而言 --- 情緒的能量會從 ‘靈性體’在情緒起來的那一瞬間流入 ‘情緒體’, 然後在情緒過去的那一剎那, 又立即流回 ‘靈性體’!!! 而與 ‘思想觀念’ 有關的能量在 ‘思考’ 時會從 ‘靈性體’流入 ‘心智體’, 然後在 ‘思想反應完’ 之後又立即流回‘靈性體’!!!
This leaves an Avatar’s energy free, to use according to his will. The spiritual energy is available to an avatar because it is not consumed by thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and memories. This is the energetic structure each of you must create in your energy bodies, during tenth and eleventh level Light Body. This will allow each of you to perform miracles such as manifesting thought into physical reality.
如此一來, ‘天神’ 的能量永遠是自由的, 隨時可依照他的意志來使用!!!
‘天神’永遠有 ‘靈性能量’ 可以使用 --- 因為能量沒有被 ‘思想’ ‘信念’ 情緒’ 和 ‘記憶’所消耗掉!!! 這是你們在第十階與第十一階的
‘光體進化’ 時必須在你的幾個 ‘能量身體’中創造出來的 ‘能量架構!!! --- 這樣你才能 ‘創造奇跡’ --- 把 ‘思想’ 顯化成 ‘物質’出來!!!
Eleventh level of Light Body is a natural progression from tenth, and many times the transition is so easy, the shift isn’t noticed. The spiritual abilities continue to grow, and the physical body begins to change in appearance. Your physical body becomes luminous, glowing, and appears very beautiful.
第十一階的 ‘光體進化’是一個從第十階自然的進化上去的過程, 很多時候, 轉變是如此的容易, 這向上的提升甚至沒被注意到. 幾個靈性體會持續成長, 而物質體也會在 ‘外表’ 上開始出現變化!!! 你的物質身體會變得明亮, 透光, 而且看起來很美麗!!!
You might have friends and acquaintances suddenly remarking that you look younger, or that you have changed in some way that is indefinable. Eleventh level brings deeper levels of processing on your emotional issues. At this level you must deal with all your beliefs and thought forms around death and loss.
你可能會有一些朋友與認識的人突然開始告訴你 --- “你看起來年輕多了”, 或是 “你變了! 而且是一種說不出來的改變!” 在第十一階的 ‘光體進化’會帶給你更深度的情緒議題的處理. 在這階段你必須重新處理你所有的 ‘信念’ 和 ‘思考模式’ --- 特別是關於 ‘死亡’ 與 ‘失去’ 的議題!!!
You might create disillusionment, or even find you are creating your deepest fears within your physical life so you can clear them completely by experiencing them. Any stored energy held in the emotional or mental body after tenth level is completed must be released to the spiritual body in eleventh level.
你可能會有 ‘幻滅’之感, 你可能會發現自己在創造出你物質人生最深的恐懼 --- 所以你能夠有機會透過經驗這些恐懼而徹底的清除掉它們!!! 任何儲藏在 ‘情緒體’與 ‘心智體’的能量都必須釋放回 ‘靈性體’在第十一階的時候!!!
If you do not deal with those issues while you are in tenth level, you will manifest them in your lives within the eleventh. But, you truly have nothing to fear but fear itself when you are at eleventh level Light Body.
當你在第十階時如果你沒有處理好這些議題, 那它們就會顯現在你的生活中當你到達第十一階時!!! 但你實在沒什麼好怕的 --- 除了 ‘害怕’ 本身之外!
---當你到達第十一階的 ‘光體進化’ 時!!!
Twelfth level Light Body is the Ascension. It is marked by the movement of the Merkabah into the heart center of your body. The Merkabah can most easily be described as a golden ball of light.
第十二階的 ‘光體進化’ 就是 ‘揚升’ 了!!! --- 當你的 ‘梅卡巴’進駐到你的心中時!!! --- 最好的描述 ‘梅卡巴’的方式就是它像是一團光球!!!
It is the Vehicle of your Ascension, and a major initiation for you when it happens. That event is the beginning of your personal Ascension into a Fifth Dimensional world of Oneness. The Ascension can occur at an individual level, it can occur within a group, or it will occur as a part of the collective experience.
那‘梅卡巴’是你揚升的工具!!! --- 當它出現時也就是 ‘揚升’ 真正的開始!!! 這是你揚升到 ‘合一’的第五維度的個人揚升事件的開端!!! “揚升”可以是 ‘個人的揚升’也可以是 ‘集體的揚升’, 或是非常大的 ‘揚升’ 的一個小部份!!!
You will Ascend when you are Ready, whether you do it alone, as a part of a group, or as a part of the ‘Planetary Shift’ yet to come. There is not a period for the ascension in any way. At an individual level there are ascensions occurring daily. Since Harmonic Convergence the energy has been available for the shift into a Fifth Dimensional Consciousness while in a physical body.
當你準備好時你就可以揚升了! --- 不論你是單獨一個人, 是群體的一個部份, 或是 即將到來的‘地球集體揚升’ 的一個部份. “揚升”不是一個特定的時間. 從個人角度而言, 每天都有人在揚升! 自從 “Harmonic Convergence”1987事件發生以來 --- 提供給人帶肉體揚升到第五維度的能量一直足夠!
There are many beings, who are incarnate because they have volunteered to serve by testing the Light Body experiment. They are the first ones to move into Ascension. For the rest of you, the Light Body program will continue until you are ready, and then you will shift. Ascension is a very simple thing.
有一些靈魂是特意在此時來轉世的靈魂 --- 因為他們自願來服務並實驗 ‘光體進化揚升’計畫!!! 他們會是首批揚升的人! 而對其它人而言, ‘光體進化揚升’ 計畫會持續直到你們準備好了為止, 然後你們就揚升了!!! --- ‘揚升’ 其實是非常簡單的一件事!