大天使麥達昶: 對 “揚升” 與 “人體蛻變”過程的靈性指導(5-1)
大天使Lord Metatron 對 “揚昇”與“人體蛻變”過程的
Profound message from Lord Metatron about Ascension and Transmutation changes in the physical human body Channeler: Laurie Gilmore
· Posted by Meindert Arends on November 21, 2012 at 6:55pm
Channeler: Laurie Gilmore
中文翻譯: 林琚月20121122
“I Am Metatron. I have been asked to serve by dictating information that will assist you in moving through the transitions that are ahead for the planet and all life on the planet during the ascension.
我是Metatron. 我被要求來解說 “如何協助你渡過地球與所有生命 ‘揚升’的這個轉變期”的相關知識!
This planet, and all species of life on the planet are in the process of ascension. Ascension means that all first and second dimensional lifeforms will “move up”to third dimensional lifeforms. Humans, or third dimensional lifeforms, will graduate to either fourth dimensional worlds or fifth dimensional oneness depending on their level of evolution and their intent.
這個星球, 還有所有地球上的生命都正走在 ‘揚升’ 的過程中. “揚升”意謂著所有第一和第二維度的生命體會被 ‘升級’成為第三維度生命體. 而人類, 或是其它三維度的生命體會升級到第四維度世界或成為第五維度人類 --- 依照他們 ‘進化的程度’ 與 他們自己的 ‘意願’!
The ascension is occurring now as a step by step progression, and will continue one way or another, for that is the will of all. Normally, planets and the species of life incarnate on the planet are ascended via cataclysmic disasters that usher in a death-resurrection cycle.
“揚升”目前正在發生當中 --- 而且是一個 “一步一腳印的循序漸進”的過程, 而且會這樣持續下去 --- 因為這是大家的 ‘意願’ 問題! 正常而言, 星球與在星球上輪回轉世的生命體 ‘揚升’ 的方式是透過 ‘災難式的大變動”被趕入一種死亡後的復活重生迴圈過程.
In this cycle, as was demonstrated by Christ, disasters create planetary death. Because this is the way ascension usually occurs, it is known and understood very well at the level of the Universal Mind. That is why, since ancient times, there have been prophecies of terrible destruction to occur at end times.
在這種迴圈過程中, 就像 耶穌基督 所示範的 --- 災難創造了星球上的死亡. 這是過去揚升的方式, 也是人類心智可以理解的層次. 這也是為什麼, 從古代以來, 都有很多關於世界末日的恐怖預言.
The Resurrection Cycle ( Resurrection Dispensation ) Now is the Ascension, where all life begins anew, at a new level of consciousness in a Higher Dimensional World. This does not mean reincarnation, for that carries the concept of Karma with it, and before ascension can become a probability, all Karma must be cleared.
It does not mean existence only as a spirit in celestial worlds, ascension is also physical.
復活重生迴圈(復活重生執行)--- 現在是 ‘揚升’--- 在此時所有生命重新用一種全新的 ‘意識’在一個更高的維度開始!!! --- 這指的不是 ‘輪回’ – 因為
‘輪回’含有 ‘業力’ 的意涵在裡面. ---但在 ‘揚升’ 變成一種可能性之前 --- 所有 ‘業力’必須清除乾淨!!!
‘揚升’不代表從此後以靈體形式存在星際世界, ‘揚升’同時也是 ‘肉體’隨同 ‘精神體’ 的 ‘揚升’
As a process, it changes the physical body while merging the body and the spirit into one being. This being is a perfected being of light, in a physical body of light.
This ascension progression actually began thousands of years ago, with the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
在‘揚升’進程裡, 它會改變了 ‘肉體’ 並同時將肉體與靈魂結合成一體.
這個 ‘新肉體’是一個完美的光體 --- 並且同時存在一個肉體形式之中.
這個‘揚升’進程事實上幾千年前就開始了 --- 打從 ‘猶太人的出埃及記’就開始了.
The story of Moses leading his people out of bondage is a metaphor for the ascension progression. The incarnation of Jesus was a major turning point for the process because as an Avatar, Jesus was capable of taking on the “sins” or Karma of all humans and transmuting that energy to light.
摩西帶領他的人們離開奴隸桎梏就是一個 ‘揚升進程的寓言’!!! 而 耶穌基督的轉世更是一個 ‘主要的’’進程轉捩點’!!! 因為作為一個 ‘聖者’ --- 耶穌基督 完全有能力承擔起人類所有的 “罪” 或是 “業力” --- 並把這些東西轉變為 “光”!!!
Because of his redemption, a gentle ascension became possible. This ascension, evolves through a series of steps, until a state as a light being becomes possible. The redemption of Christ was the beginning step of the Light Body progression.
This first step took nearly two thousand years to complete.
由於這個 ‘救贖’ --- 一個 ‘溫和的揚升’變為可能!!! 這 ‘揚升’ 是經歷一連串的步驟發展出來的!!! --- 一直到光體變為可能!!! 而 耶穌基督的救贖 開始了這個 ‘光體’ 的發展!!! 這第一步路用了幾乎兩千年來完成!!!
Light Body was introduced as an experiment in 1988, only seven months after Harmonic Convergence. It is an experiment because an ascension has never been attempted this way. This method, both a graduated increase of light within the physical bodies of all lifeforms and the planet and an increase in the vibratory level, has never been attempted before in ANY ascending universe.
在1988年, “光體”作為一種實驗被提了出來. --- 就在 Harmonic Convergence(和諧匯聚)舉行之後的第七個月. (注: Harmonic Convergence是在1987年8月16-17日, 在全世界各地的大能量點如日本富士山, 英國石頭林, 等, 依照José Argüelles宣導的 “全球集體大冥想日’ ---依照瑪雅日曆的星球聯星日所辦的冥想活動以改變地球命運解除末日災難.) 這是一個實驗 --- 因為以前從沒有做過這樣的 ‘揚升’!!! ---這個方法 --- 同時提高星球與所有生命體的物質體的 ‘光能量’, 又同時提高 ‘頻率’ --- 是宇宙所有 ‘揚升’ 中 --- 從來沒有做過的事!!!
There are theories within the Universal Mind about how that process will work out, but at times the results have differed from the anticipated. In these cases revisions are made. As a foundation for the information I will give later, I must explain the Light Body progression to you.
在宇宙高心智中 --- 有一些如何處理這程式的理論 --- 但有時, 結果與預期的不同. 所以做了一些修改. 我接著會給你們一些這些事的訊息背景資料. --- 我必須對你們解釋 “光體發展進程”!!!
You must understand this process first at a personal level. This personal level is how Light Body will affect you physically, emotionally and mentally. Then I will give information on how Light Body will affect the planet and how it will affect the structures of your society.
你們必須瞭解這 ‘發展進程’始於每個人自己. 你個人的層次決定了 ‘光體’將如何影響你的身體, 情緒與心理. 然後我會解釋 ‘光體’ 將如何影響地球以及它將如何影響你們的社會架構.
I consider the most important and exciting aspect of Light Body to be that this experiment transforms your physical shell into an appropriate vehicle to merge completely with your higher self, and happens concurrently with the physical process.
我覺得這程式最重要也最令人興奮的部份就是 “光體”部份 --- 因為你的肉體將同時被改變成為一個能與你的 ‘高我’完全結合的物質載體, --- 這些物質層面與靈性層面的事將會同時發生!!!
This merging is created by a series of descensions of spirit, which are timed by the amount of light you are holding within your cells.
這種 ‘融合’是由於許多 ‘靈能’ 的下降與進入而創造出來的 --- 一切依照你細胞中所能承擔的 ‘光能’ 來決定!!!
The amount of light held by the physical cells is keyed to the level of Light Body, and the higher the level, the less dense the body.