
2012/08/15 13:04

英文地址:Make use of the Intensity of the Energies that are comming right at You
10/08/2012 Channeled by M
éline Lafont.
管道:Méline Lafont

Greetings, my dearly beloved ones. I Am Lady Portia addressing you in these most wondrous of times that accompany the opening of the Lion
s Gate in which access to higher Dimensions and higher vibrations is granted. What were your experiences during this huge energetic boost? What are the changes you are currently undergoing? Well, a lot is going on, I can guarantee you that. You are presently experiencing one of the most effective changes to date, in fact you are experiencing the most effective and intense changes apart of course from Ascension itself. You find yourselves amidst the formation as well as the manifestation of high cellular
constructions. You are undergoing countless activations of your cellular codes,
of your lightcodes to be exact. The activations of all kinds of energetic
sources such as of your chakra
s, of your heart-portal, of both hemispheres of
your brain, of your DNA helixes, of your meridians, of your organic
portals, of your lightcells and of your own I AM Presence are now to the order
of the day.


All the downloads you have received in the recent past are now busy doing their work, they are switched on and activated, they are manifesting themselves, they are normalized and converted into Light and into Light language. Quietly you are transforming into Light, my precious ones, for in Light you will be reborn, shown to full advantage, resuming your true nature from whence you came. Allow those huge changes to do their work, that
s the reason why they came to greet your lovely planet in the first place; that is to activate you as well as beloved GAIA. This portal has a twofold purpose : not only does it entail the arriving of the most beautiful and intense energies ever but it also escorts the umpteen layers and dark frequencies right through the gate to their exit, far away from your beloved
planet. In that regards the portal implies an exchange where all negativity is
exchanged for the beautiful and intense activation of Light energies of the
Divine Cosmos and of the beautiful Central Sun, Alcyone.


Your planet as well as humanity are fully aligned with the Central Sun Alcyone. It is the source from where all current information comes from; it is a beautiful source of Love and Light, it is also my Home where I come from
where many souls on Earth come from. Alcyone is magnificently blue and white and glistens like no other star between the other sisters of the Pleiadian Constellation. It is the main star which nourishes us with Light and with sumptuous energies which you feel presently. In some cases this can lead to a very clear but intense change which
can be quite disturbing from a physical point of view ; but nevertheless it also
can have a liberating effect which is to be enjoyed. Being liberated from lower
vibrations in your physical bodies, being liberated from blockades which have to
be lifted and which can now be escorted out through the exit during the opening
of the Lion
s Gate. What has to depart in all earnesty will make room for that
what has to enter surely and definitely.


Be grateful for this opportunity my precious ones, be immensely grateful to be able to undergo these changes! They are precious and most important for your further evolution, those changes guide you to that one point where you can unite with all of your different embodiments. You will experience what it is like to again be one with yourSelf and with the cosmos. So enjoy these activations and take the opportunity at this very moment to establish the goal that you want to reach : together with your civilization! The time, as well as the opportunity have presented themselves now to manifest that goal as the incoming energies are manifesting energies having the sole purpose to effectively manifest all that has been energetically planned and anchored. Take this opportunity as it will help you evolve, that
s why they are arriving. We stand by your side to assist you anyway we can in order for these energies to come to fruition. You are the creators, you are the ones that create! The intense energetic influences arriving presently through the Lions Gate will assist in bringing it all about and steering it to completion. Thats where we come in, to guide this process along and to prevent it from detouring in the wrong direction.

摯愛的家人們,感謝這次機會,我極大地感激你們能夠體驗這些變化!對於你們進一步的進化,它們是珍貴與最重要的。這些變化引導你們朝向能夠團結所有不同化身的那個點。你們很可能將要再一次地體驗與你們自己、與宇宙合一。因此,享受這些啟動、就在此刻抓住機會創立你們想要達成的目標:與你們的文明一起前進。這個時代與機遇展現它們自己來證明那個目標---當進入的能量是顯示唯一目的是有效地顯現那些已經積極地計畫和錨定的能量時。抓住這次機會,因為它們將幫助你們進化。那是它們到來的原因。我們立於你們身邊,為了這些能量趨於成熟,我們以任何可能的方式協助你們。你們是創造者。你們是創造本身。目前通過獅子星門到達的、強烈的能量影響 ---將在各個方面説明你們,並導向結束。那是我們進入的門戶,它們引導這個過程並預防錯誤的方向。

You are well on your way, you are
really well on your way and that makes my heart sing! I cannot stress enough how
much that means to me, but I am more than thrilled with the evolution that has
been reached up to now. My ever optimistic Self now expands more and more thanks
to the underlying pleasure I derive from it, that it is difficult for me not to
jump for joy. I love you with all my heart.
Lady Portia.


轉載自-- http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_a895cc8b01012oew.html

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