
Beloved Ones,

As the days flow one into the other, there is a freshness of energy that permeates all. This is a time of reconnecting to the Being that you truly are within and with intention, bringing the inner out into your World around you. All the answers that you seek reside within your holiest of holies, the sacred space within your heart. There are many distractions that come to seduce you from your path and it is important that you be in touch with your own power and your own part of the Divine Plan. What is right for another may not be right for you so we counsel that you be true to yourselves.


一 天天在過去,新鮮的能量正彌散到所有一切中。這是一個重新與你內在真實本質連接的時刻,帶著清晰的意圖,把內在的真實帶入到周遭的氛圍中。你尋求的所有答 案都寄居在你最神聖的聖潔內在本質中,你內心中那片神聖的空間。為了引誘你偏離自身的道路,有許多的干擾會到來,那麼很重要的一點就是你要與自己本質的力 量建立連接,在神聖計畫中屬於你的那部分。對於其他人來說正確的並不一定就適合你,所以我們建議你要誠實的對待自己。

Many times it has been said, “seek ye first the kingdom of God and all else will followand this holds true today more than ever before. You will never be led astray if you follow your inner guidance, for you know then that your path is safe, your path is perfect for YOU. By aligning with your Great I AM Presence, your OverSoul, you strive ever to reach for the stars and become the manifestation of your highest vision. This, many of you do, with great dedication and we say, do not give up just before the dawning of all that you have held dear to become manifest here on Earth.

許 多次都一直在說,“首先尋找神的國度,其他所有一切都會競相跟隨”,這對於今天來說比起過去更加的真實。如果你跟隨內在的指引,你就永遠不會誤入歧途,對 你來說也會隨後知道自己的道路是安全的,對你的大我來說是完美的。通過與你最神聖自我存在和你超靈的校準,為了觸摸繁星你不懈努力,於是就在以你最高的視 角在顯現一切。這點,許多人帶著巨大的奉獻精神在實行,而我們要說,請千萬不要在所有你來到地球如此珍愛的願景,在這一切實現的前一刻放棄。

As the bridges between Heaven and Earth, you have helped and are continuing to help, shape the destiny of the World that you live in. Every single thought, word, action and deed has an effect on the general consciousness that prevails upon your Planet and by choosing to keep your thoughts on the highest vision, you bring to your World a new template upon which the new World that is dawning will base its precepts. At this moment in time, it seems that you are as fish out of water, moving against the current of prevailing thought forms and established patterns.

作 為連接天堂與地球的橋樑,你們已經在幫助著,並且將繼續下去,塑造你們寄居世界的命運。每個單一的想法,話語,行動和行為在誘發你們星球發展的整體意識中 都含有著影響力,通過選擇持續把你的思維放在最高的視角中,你就在給世界帶來一個嶄新的模版,而這新世界將基於它的規則而不斷顯露。在時間的此時此刻,看 起來的樣子是你似乎是脫離了水的魚兒一樣,以行動在反對著當前盛行的已存在的思維形式與已建立的模式。

Each time you succeed in overcoming this stream of consciousness, you set a new standard that frees those around you from the dream of their lives.


Sometimes it is not easy to walk this Path of Light into the unknown. There is familiarity in the status quo and it can seem comforting to abide in this space for a time but you must persist in maintaining your highest visions for the World you desire to create and live in. A World that meets the needs of all, where everyone has their basic requirements for life met without eking out an existence which does not leave room to explore the magnificence of your true Self. This is the Self you must now talk to and bring into greater prominence in your everyday life. Call upon this greater and higher expression of you to come in and manifest in your daily life.

走 上這條進入未知的光之道途有時候並不是簡單的任務。由於對當前現狀的熟悉,那麼在一段時間看起來安住在這個空間中就顯得很舒適,但是你依舊必須堅定的維持 你最高的視角,為自己去創造真正意願生活的世界。這個世界必須符合所有人的需求,在這裡每個人都擁有自己基本的生活需求,而不是為了生存而苦苦經營,這種 情形根本就沒有給你探索奇妙的真實自己留出任何空間。這就是你現在必須與之交談的自私之心,在你每日的生活中帶入更多的顯著的成效。呼叫你自身更偉大與更 高的表達,讓它在你每日的生活中都介入進來。

Your Higher Self has created the matrix of energy around you that will open the doors to a greater union with this Divine aspect of your Human self. It remains now for your conscious intent and willingness to align with this newly created field that vibrates at a greater level than before. It is your will that needs to align with the greater Will and surrender in trust to the glory of God that resides within you. Make this your highest intention at the beginning of your day and all that needs to manifest will do so. Walk ever in God’s grace, Beloved Ones, for you are blessed beyond measure.

你 的更高自我已經創造出了圍繞著你的能量母體,它將打開通向更偉大聯合的大門,同時帶來你人類自我的神聖面向。它現在因為你的意識意圖和意願而保留著,與這 嶄新的已建立的,比起過去處於一種更高層次振動的能量場達成一致。它需要你的意願與更偉大的意願達成共識,並且臣服于信任寄居在你心中的神之榮耀。在每天 的開始讓這成為你最高的意願,所有必要的因素都會因此而完成。請至始至終行走在神的恩典中,摯愛的親人們,因為你出乎預料的被祝福著。

Until next week….
I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒

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