

2012-03-17 5:55

Beloved Family of Light, at this time it gives us GreatJoy to greet you once again as you move towards the First Equinox of 2012. Indeed,thingsare Shifting and changing on your Earth, and the first new energies of the NewWave of Light for 2012 are beginning to be felt on the Earth.

Many of you may be feeling a little low, as you wait forthe new wave of energy, and may be feeling a litle down when you considerevents on the Earth right now, especially in the Middle East. You may seem nocloser to the ideals of Peace and Harmony that you seek. Beloveds, know thatall is in Divine Order and in the Flow of Creation, the energies of Change aremoving forward. The Earth is making herself ready to Reconnect with the 8th and9th Dimensions of Light, and the Earth Keeper Councils and the Councils of Elderswho will be responsible for the New Earth are now being formed and brought intoexistence.

在 你們等待新能量到達你們的過程中,你們中的很多人可能會感覺到情緒有些低落,尤其是當你們看到地球上正在發生的事情,例如中東地區。你們可能覺得世界距離 你們所追尋的平靜,和諧還很遠。親愛的朋友們,要知道所有的一切都在造物主神聖的劇本中。變化的能量正在不斷前行。地球正在為她自己重新和第八,第九維度 的光能量重新連接。負責新地球事物的地球守護者議會以及長老議會正在組建中。

Yes, Beloved Family of Light, after 2012 and the Earth'sPassage through the Portal of Light in December, the Earth will be entrusted tothe Keeping of those of you who are chosen and elected to the first New EarthCouncil of Earth Keepers and its associated Council of Elders. These Beingswill be initiated into the 8th and 9th Dimensions where they will work with theSolar Councils and the Galactic Councils of Light. At last, Earth will take itsplace as a "star of Light", whose evolutionary path is determined byDivine Will and Divine Creative Intelligence, and those who follow the DivineWill.

是 的,親愛的光之家人們,隨著地球在今年十二月份跨入光之通道,地球會交給你們中那些被選擇,並且願意承擔起新地球守護者議會,長老議會的責任的人們保管。 這些存有將會被允許進入第八,第九維度,在那裏他們會和太陽光之議會以及銀河光之議會一起工作。最終,地球會得到她理應得到的"光之行星"的位置,這條路是被神聖的意識,神聖的創造性智慧,以及追尋神聖的意願的人們所決定的。

You may ask how this is possiblr, given the state ofpolitics on your Earth today. We say simply that the New Multi-DimensionalEarth is taking shape and the "old" energies of conflict and dualitywill have little importance in the Future that is being manifested. Thefrequency of duality and conflict belongs to the old third-dimensional world,and it is fading awy. The new fifth-dimensional Earth is based on Flow andHarmony, and the shifting of polarities into Unity. Those in your Earth societywho are advanced seek to bring polarities into unity through dialogue anddiscussion. This is the way of the New Earth and it will become the predominantmode of political life in an awakened fifth-dimensional Earth.

在 地球目前的政治體系下,你們可能會懷疑事件發生的可能性。基於目前你們的理解範圍,我們只能簡單地描述為,新的多維度空間的地球正在形成,舊的充滿衝突的 二元世界能量正在消失,也因此,這些舊的能量對於未來的影響無足輕重。充滿衝突的二元世界頻率屬於舊的第三維度世界,這世界正在瓦解中。新的第五維度地球 基於流動和和諧,基於將極性的能量轉化為統一的能量。在你們地球社會中那些意識高度發展的人們會通過對話和討論將極性轉化為統一。這是新地球運作的方式, 而這在覺醒的第五維度地球也會成為主要的政治運作模式。

But, more importantly, the real power to determine thefuture path of the Earth is passing into the hands of the Earth Keeper Counciland the Council of Elders. These ones are called and chosen in the HigherDimensions and they have access to the Solar and Galactic Councils. They arenot "obvious" to those in fifth-dimensional society, but they arethose who are multi-dimensional and can access Higher Consciousness and createand manifest according to Divine Will as it is expressed in your Golden RoseGalaxy that is birthing and forming now.


Earth takes her place, and indeed, so do you as you"hear" the invitation to access Higher forms of consciousness andEarth Leadershio. You will become aware of your new connections to yourrebirthed sun, whom we now call "Solaris". The 8th DimensionalCouncil of Solaris unifies the Planetary Councils of your Solar System andconnects with the Stellar and Galactic Councils. Then, you will connect withthe 9th Dimensional Councils of the Golden Rose Galaxy, Rosa Dorada, the newname for your Golden Galaxy that is forming now and was formerly known as theMilky Way.

地球會站在她理應得到的位置,當你們接收到邀請去接觸更高層次的意識形態,以及地球的未來領導者層面的時候,你們也會站在相應的位置上。你們會意識到你們和你們新生的太陽之間的連接,我們現在稱它為索拉瑞斯(譯者:Solaris, 這裏太陽系用了複數,指的是多個維度的太陽系的結合體,而不是曾經被孤立看待的太陽系)。第八維度太陽議會重組了你們太陽系的行星議會,並且將行星議會和 恒星議會以及星議會連在一起。那時,你們會和處在第九維度的金色玫瑰星系相聯繫。金色玫瑰是你們正在形成的金色星系的新名字,之前這個星系被你們稱為"銀 河"。

With these structures in place, Earth ascends into hernew "orbit" as the Blue Star Planet, the first planet within theGalaxy to achieve full Multi-Dimensional status and to be governed by a Councilof Earth Keepers and Elders. These are "elected" by their SoulCommunities on the Higher Level for their Wisdom, Commitment and Courage.


Indeed, Beloved Ones, there is much excitement as thesenew structures are put in place and connected with the New Earth grids. We knowmany of you have through that the Beings of Light would come down to the Earth,but we say that it is you who will ascend to meet with the Beings of Light inthe Solar and Galactic Councls and take your place as part of the GoldenGalaxy. And as you do this, you will also remain a part of the society of theEarth on the material level, ready to contribute and enjoy in the New Earththat is being birthed. We celebrate that Earth is no longer an"infant" in the keeping of the Sirians, Pleiadians and Arcturians.Now, the Earth is a fully mature and independent Star Being, representing theenergy of Solaris in the Golden Rose Galaxy.
事實上,親愛的朋 友們,搭建這些新的機構並將這些機構和新地球的格柵系統連接起來確實是一件非常振奮人心的事情。你們中的很多人認為"光之存有們會降落到地球的表面"。其 實更恰當的說法是,將要揚升的"你們"會和那些在太陽以及銀河議會的成員們見面,並且承擔起你們作為金色星系的一部分所要承擔的責任。當你們這麼做的時 候,你們也會在物理層面上保持一部分自己作為地球社會一部分的形態,請準備好為將要誕生的新地球貢獻自己的力量,在做出這種貢獻的同時,你們會感到無限的 喜悅。我們慶祝地球不再是在天狼星,昴宿星,以及大角星的光之存有們看護下的"嬰兒"了。現在,地球已經變成成年的,獨立的行星存有,她站在金色玫瑰星系 中,代表著索拉瑞斯的能量。

Dragons and Dolphins


Beloved Family of Light, as you begin this next phase ofConnection and Re-connection, you will also make intense connections with theAwakening energy of the Dragons, and also the energy of the Dolphin Masters.These two groups of Light Beings are especially focussed on this part of the2012 alignments and are fully ready to work with those of you who are ready.


Firstly, in the 6th Dimension you will encounter andreconnect with the Dragon energy. The Dragons are Higher Dimensional bearers ofthe "Cosmic Fire" or Angel Fire. This is a very basic but powerfulelemental energy that you might term "nuclear" energy if you were tothink of it in scientific terms, the basic "fire" that holds theholographic matrix in place.


The Dragons were the early bearers of the Cosmic Energyand were your "ancestors". They breathed fire because they wereexpressions of Cosmic Fire itself. When you awaken the Dragon Fire, youreconnect with your ancient ability to work with the Cosmic Fire forco-creation with the Divine. When you live in fear of the Dragon energy, itlives in your shadow side and can emerge in destructive ways as"explosions" of rather negative fire. This hapens on a large scalewhen humans go to war and rain fire on eahc other in thr form of weapons,especially nuclear weapons, which are the ultimate negative use of the DragonFire. This is what has happened when humans have approached the Dragon Firefrom a scientific point of view and tried to harness it for negative purposes.Indeed, much of the present conflict in your Middle East centers around the useof the Dragon Fire for war and who should have the right to access this power.The Dragons themselves have evolved as well, and no longer wish to be used fornegative purposes, they wish to reconnect with Humanity and offer themsleves inthe service of Peace.

龍在很久以前曾經是宇宙能量的信使,也是你們的" 祖先"。他們呼吸著火焰,因為他們本身就代表著宇宙之光。當你們喚醒龍之火焰,你們會重新擁有你們遠古時期的能力,運用宇宙火焰和神聖一起創造的能力。當 你們生活在對龍之能量恐懼的陰影下,這些能量會被你們黑暗的部分所使用,並且以破壞性的方式表達出來,例如爆炸,或者更加負面的方面。當人類跨入戰爭,沐 浴在戰火下,龍的力量被以武器的形式表達出來,尤其是核武器。這是龍之火最負面的使用方法,是人從科學的角度瞭解龍的力量並且嘗試將之使用在負面的地方時 產生的悲劇。實際上很多目前在中東的衝突都圍繞著龍之火焰的使用權的爭奪,以及將龍之火焰利用在戰爭方面的嘗試。龍本身也參與在其中,他們不希望自己再被 惡意使用,他們希望和人類重新融合,將他們的力量貢獻給和平。

Historically, the relationship with Dragons has been oneof fear, leading to abuse and destruction. In the third-dimensional world whereperception works in duality, the Dragons were feared and brought into conflictand "vanquished". In the fifth-dimensional New Earth you recognizePolarity within Unity and so the Dragons can re-emerge as you move into Masteryand the Higher Dimensions. In Mastery, you can become Dragon Riders and directthe Dragon Fire with Consciousness and use its power in manifestation andcreation for the highest good and according to the Divine Plan. This is the waythat the Dragon enegry wishes to connect with humans, and not in the scientificway wherer the ewnergy is harnessed and used without any understanding of theSacred Relationship between Spirit, Dragons and Humans.

在人類的歷史中,人類一直籠罩在對龍之力量的恐懼的陰影中,這種恐懼引發了對龍之力量的濫用,以及破壞性行為。在第三維度世界,在二元世界的理解下,龍被人們懼怕,龍的力量也被用來引起衝突,以及“佔 領”。在第五維度的新地球,生活在統一世界的你們可以很容易辨別出極性的存在,也因此,龍可以在你們進入更高領域的時刻重新出現,並被你們瞭解。在瞭解的 過程中,你們會成為龍之力量的駕馭者,用意識引導龍之力量,根據神聖的計畫,將龍之力量用於為所有人服務的方面。這也是龍之能量期望的和人類的關係。而不 是像以前那樣,在不瞭解這能量和靈魂,龍,以及人類之間的神聖關係的情況下,通過科學濫加捕獲這種能量,並將這些能量用於負面行為。

The Second Group of Light Beings is the Angelic DolphinMasters, who are the Higher Expression of the Cetacean/Dolphin energy of Earth.They come from the Galactic Center or Great Central Sun, via Sirius and thePleaides. Their purpose is, and always has been, to guide the development ofthe Species on Earth, especially the emerging Human Angelic Species. TheCetaceans are Masters of Holographic Engineering, and wherever there is a needfor a major evolutionary shift or recalibration, they are there to assist. Evenas Earth ascends into the New and Independent role in her Solar System andGalaxy, the Dolphin Masters continue to assist in this "birthing"process.

第二群光之存有的群組是天使領域的海豚大師們,他們是地球的創造性/ 海豚的能量的代表。他們從銀河系的大中心太陽,跨過天狼星和昴宿星,來到這裏。他們的目的一直是,引導地球上種族的發展,尤其是引導人類走向和天使領域的 融合。鯨類是全息圖式工程技術的精通者,不管哪有巨大進化改變的需求,或者重新創造的需求,他們總是在那裏提供者幫助。即使在地球提升並進入她所在的太陽 系,以及整個星系內的新角色的過程中,海豚大師們也在這"誕生"的過程中持續不斷地提供著幫助。

The Dolphin Masters and Angels enbody the Cosmic ChristConsciousnes. They flow with the Golden Energy of the Cosmic Christ, but theyalso embody the Turquoise and Magenta Rays of the Christ Love. The energy ofthe Dolphin Masters is expressed in Dance, Music and in Joy. It is fluid andflowing and light, beautiful and harmonious. When you embody the energy of theDolphin Masters you become as they are, fluid, graceful, joyous and able toreact with grace and speed. No change of direction in the Flow is a problem,you are simply able to move with it.

海 豚大師們,以及天使們化身為宇宙基督意識。他們和宇宙基督能量一起流動著,同時他們也是綠松石色以及紫色的基督之愛的化身。海豚大師們的能量表現為舞蹈, 音樂以及快樂。他們的能量是舞動著的,明亮,美麗而和諧的。當你們擁抱海豚大師們的能量的時候,你們會變得和他們一樣,歡快而流暢,並且可以以優雅的而迅 速的方式對周圍做出反應。在流動的能量中,方向的轉換永遠不是問題,你們會自然而然地和這能量一起舞動著歡快的步伐。

With the assistance of the Dragons and the AngelicDolphin Masters, the Fire of Creation and the Evolution of Species on the Earthwill once again be aligned with the Divine Will and Divine CreativeIntelligence. This will ensure that these energies are used only for HigherPurpose in the New Earth.


The March Equinox as a Point of Balance


With all these change and reconnections andrecalibrations, it is probable that you will be feeling some of the effects ofthese waves in the different dimensions. Firstly, Beloved Ones, it is possiblethat you may be feeling a sense of disconnection, as though what was importantbefore no longer is. Or projects that seemed to be going smoothly mightsuddenly come to a halt. Also, you might find that relationships andfriendships also suffer from a similar hiatus and disconnection. This is simplyan aspect of the huge changes that are being put in place. You can be assuredthat in a few weeks things will flow smoothly once again.

伴 隨著所有變化,重新聯繫,重新計算,很可能你們會感覺到處在不同維度的能量波對你們的影響。首先,親愛的朋友們,你們可能會感受到一種超脫的感覺。就好象 以前你們曾經認為很重要的東西現在突然不那麼重要了。或者一些曾經運作非常平穩的項目突然停滯了。同時,你們可能也會發現友情,以及親情也遇到相似的裂 縫,或者失去聯繫。這只是將要發生的改變的一小部分。請你們放心,在幾周後,所有事件會恢復平穩運行。

The Equinox itself will be a point of Balance for you andyour life. It will represent a moment when you will be able to find innerbalance and peace and reconnect to the new flow of your lives. Many of you willfind new directions and new paths as you enter into your new roles, especiallythose of you who will be working with the Earth Keeper Councils and theCouncils of Elders.

這 個四分點本身對你們來說將會是你們,以及你們生活的一個平衡點。這將表達為,在某個時刻,你們可以找到內心的平衡,寧靜,並且可以和你們新生活的溪流重新 連接。當你們進入新的角色,你們中的很多人會發現新的方向,新的路。尤其是你們中會和地球的守護者,以及長老議會一起工作的人們。

In terms of the physical body, there may also be somesymptoms. In the past, the symptoms were felt mainly as a result of the changeof center and balance from the Solar Plexus to the Heart. Now, as you enterinto this new phase, you will find that the physical body is actally becominglighter, that is more filled with light and lighter in weight. In this phase,you may feel very heavy in your body, you may feel exhausted, and you may havedifficulty sleeping. You may also have difficulty with food and finding foodthat aligns with your new sense of your physical body. These too will pass,Beloved Ones, as you become more accustomed to the lighter nature of your multi-dimensionalbody.

從 物理身體角度,你們也可能會感受到一些綜合症。在過去,這種綜合症可能表達為將平衡的中心從太陽綜合體層面移動到你們的心的層面。現在,當新的步驟啟動, 你們會發現物理身體在變輕,更加充滿光。在這個過程中,你們可能會感覺到身體的沉重,你們可能會感到精疲力竭,或者難以入睡。你們也有可能發現飲食習慣有 所改變,並嘗試吃一些有助於你們新的物理身體的食物。親愛的朋友們,當你們變得越來越熟悉你們多維度身體的更輕的本質的時候,這一切也會過去。

Soon, you will feel filled with energy and ready for thenew opportunities and challenges that will present themselves towrds the middleof the year as you move towards the Lion's Gate at the end of July!


We wish you muchJoy and Love in the coming weeks and months and we celebrate with you themanifestation of the New Earth!


資訊由Celia Fenn提供





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