【昴宿星人信息】 3月24日信息:《眺望在高速公路的遠方》
【昴宿星人信息】 3月24日信息:《眺望在高速公路的遠方》
2012-03-25 0:05
Masters have no need for followers, for they are aware ofthe totality of all within their own being. 真正的大師不需要追隨者,因為他們清楚地懂得他們所需要的一切都存在於自己內心的深處。
January, February, March and finally we have somethingmore to say to you. Your world has something to say to you, too, if you canhear the message in her rumblings. What is the core message? It is the same,from us and from your mothership planet: Nearly here is the opening of theportal that leads conscious understanding to see what it means to be human.What you see now falling at your feet is the rubble of yesterday’s empire. Letthe dust settle. From the one source of vibration, reverberations shake and putthe pieces out of order into chaos and from there it all falls into place. Nomaster of doom will have anything to say when the time comes for another day tobecome arranged. There is not the inevitability of control imposed upon youfrom within the demonically minded keepers of present power. Because theypossess a kind of power that cannot stand in the face of Love’s advancingranks. They can do little when their plans need a new focus. That’s where wecome in. We, you and us, together. 一月,二月,三月,最終我們有更多的東西可以告訴你們。你們的世界也有一些需要告訴你們的- 如 果你們能聽到她的隆隆聲中所夾帶的資訊。核心資訊是什麼?不管是來自我們,還是來自你們的母星,都帶著相同的資訊:新的大門即將打開,從那裏人們會從意識 的角度看到這變化對人類意味著什麼。你們看到的,紛紛掉落在你們腳邊的,是昨日帝國的瓦礫。讓塵埃落下吧。來自一的本源的振動,正在撼動著扭曲的一切,將 舊的撕扯下,扔回本屬於舊的混亂深淵。當嶄新的一天放在人們的眼前,沒有任何末日大師可以為他們曾經荒唐的預言繼續做出任何辯解。沒有什麼不可避免的東西 強加在你們,地球本土力量的真正控制著身上。因為任何強加在你們身上的力量都無法和至高的愛的力量匹敵。當黑暗勢力發現必須修改自己的計畫核心時,他們會 感到對此無能為力。那個時刻就是我們進入的時刻。我們,你們,我們是一個統一的整體,一起。
The power of your collective preference to end yourenslavement is kicking into higher gear, and friends and family are here, justaround the next bend, to help you make the ending chapter of the power-hungryso-called leaders of the planet into the kind of story that will be talkedabout for generations to come. 終結你們被奴役狀態的集體意識的力量正在不斷加速中,你們朋友們和家人們就在這裏,就在下一個轉彎處,等待幫助你們完成舊世界最後的篇章,所謂的饑餓-力量統治著你們星球的舊時代的最後的篇章。這個偉大的故事會傳誦在你們未來很多代人們的心中。
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the people of anawakened Earth are raising their power to say how they feel about what has beengoing on behind the scenes, to say what they think about the need for endlessstreams of corruption to come to a halt, and for justice to unfurl her legacyand blindless see the truth for what it is, for the benefit of each and everysoul that has embodied on the planet. It’s not about the minutiae ofinterdimensional physics that we are speaking, nor of the drama finallystepping out from behind the curtain and into full view. It is about the needfor, and the ability of, human beings to recognize who and what they are andclaim their rightful place within the cosmic reality of freely living citizensof their own best world. Do you see the difference? It’s up to you to open youreyes. Now would be a good time to see the truth before you. 就 像從燃灰中復生的火鳳凰,地球上覺醒的人們正在握緊他們的力量,描述著他們感受到的幕後的力量,述說著他們對終結層層腐敗的渴望,以及對公正降臨到人間的 期望,對毫無遮掩地看到事實本質的期望。因為這一切本就是每個降生在這顆星球上的人所擁有的權利。我們談論的不是跨維度物理學的細節,也不是戲劇結束後演 員跨到台前的謝幕。這是關於人類需要做到的,並且有能力做到的。關於認識到他們是誰,他們的本質,以及他們在他們自己的世界中作為自由的公民在宇宙的真實 中應該有的位置。你們看到這中間的差別了麼?是否睜開你們的眼睛取決於你們自己。現在是看到你們眼前事實的最佳時間了。
It isn’t the time to let fear have another fraction ofyour attention, for its reign is at an end. In whatever form that takes, doesit matter? Just tell yourself that it’s all working out the way it needs to,that sinister plots are in the works and that the power of fear is nothing buta whisper compared to the bold, wild entirety of knowing blasting its cleansingvibration through the rubble of yesterday’s solidity. In the dust of theaftermath, as a new wind brings new life, gain the strength of solidarity ofmind, community of mind, and give the demons no more of your time. 現 在不是讓恐懼使你們分心的時刻,因為恐懼的韁繩馬上就要折斷。以何種形式折斷,這點重要麼?告訴你們自己,所有的一切都在按照它們所需要的展開。狂野的真 知風暴正在掃清昨日城牆的瓦礫,與這無堅不摧的風暴相比,黑暗勢力正在進行的罪惡的計畫,他們恐懼的力量都只是他們所剩的最後一口氣。在塵埃落定之後,新 的微風會帶來新的生命。在那裏,你們會得到鋼鐵般的集合意識,在那裏,惡魔們不會在你們的生命中再找到任何機會。
通靈者:Pleiadian Renegades 翻譯:Cappuccino 文章來源:http://lightworkers.org/channeling/155333/hindsight-head-highway |