煞到你!獼猴意亂情迷捧狗臉猛親 路人全嚇傻!

煞到你!獼猴意亂情迷捧狗臉猛親 路人全嚇傻!

NOWnews2013年1月10日 下午4:55



現年28歲的攝影師 Barney Wilczak,將這個難得一見的畫面給拍攝了下來。他說,狗狗的反應好像已經做了心理準備,就像牠們是舊識般,自然又平常。



Kiss for an old chum?

It mutt be love ... macaque and stray dog strike up an unlikey friendship
Solent News

A MACAQUE monkey tenderly cups a stray dog’s head and plants a kiss on its face — surprising onlookers who thought the animals were about to fight.

Visitors to the ancient city of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka watched nervously as a mongrel approached a group of endangered toque macaques who inhabit the Buddhist ruins.

But rather than witness a confrontation, they were stunned when one of the young males seemed to recognise the pooch and began walking towards it.

Joy ... animals reuinte among the ancient ruins of Polonnaruwa in Sri Lanka
Solent News

These heart-warming pictures show the unlikely duo's reunion which lasted for ten minutes.

The extremely rare interaction was captured by photographer Barney Wilczak during a visit to the reserve.

Barney, 28, from Cirencester, Gloucestershire, said the dog’s affection was only reserved for that one monkey, suggesting the pair had met before.

He said: “Interestingly anther young male macaque approached the wrestling couple, clearly nervous of the dog.

“I watched it reach out and try to touch the dog before quickly retreating — it was obviously too scared which is the reaction I expected.”

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/4734731/Monkey-has-an-unlikely-friendship-with-stray-dog.html#ixzz2Hu3Y0L3U

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