
Beloved ones, the keywords I give you for your meditation and contemplation this month are : Dynamic, Frustration, Opportunities, Divine Love, Alignment, and Inspiration

Welcome to the full expression of the Age of Aquarius! As the month begins the new order of the ages is revealed. The dispensation of the Age of Light begins. The cycle opens on 12/3/12 during the Rising of the Phoenix Gateway. As the 12/12/12 gateway opens The Phoenix will fly. Freed from limitation it manifests dis-creation and re-creation in the blink of an eye. Allow yourself to fly free, extricate yourself from bondage and limitation.

The astral power grid is fired up and operating at full flow. The stars are the timing device ensuring there is a season to every purpose. On December 3 the Sun converges with Earth, Mercury, Venus, and Saturn. This completes the cycle of Harmonic Convergence which began in August of 1987. This alignment in the sky will reflect Egypts Giza, and the energy will consolidate over the Khafre pyramids. This alignment is exact at 00:11 minutes GMT or 7:11 pm Sunday December 2nd on the East Coast of the United States. It happens once in 2737 years. There will be similar alignments, but none will manifest the same energy or align in the same way for over 28,000 years. Other alignments will follow during Decembers reset of the cosmic flow. Expect to experience an expansive energetic flow. The alignment of Sirius, Full Moon, and Jupiter as well as Jupiter, Earth, Moon, and Sun will bring many energetic changes into your world. The Earths Merkabah (light body) will be activated. It will open the heart of the earth to the light! My wish is that each of you also experiences the opening of your heart to the light!
星體層的電力網已經火力全開,而能量流正全面運轉。繁星是確保萬物各有其時節的定時裝置。在123日太陽和地球、水星、金星,還有土星交會。這就完成了於19878月開始的和諧匯聚的週期。這個在空中的校準將映出埃及的吉薩,而且此一能量將鞏固於卡夫拉金字塔。切確的校準時間是122日星期日在美國東海岸,格林威治標準時間00:11分或是晚上 7:11 。這2737年發生一次。在過去28,000年來,有類似線路走向,但不會顯化出相同的能量或以相同方式成一定線。其它的排列校準將依循12月期間重置的宇宙能量流。期待去經驗一股滔滔不絕充滿活力的能量流。天狼星,滿月和木星以及木星,地球,月亮和太陽的成一定線,將會為你的世界帶進許多充滿活力的能量變化。地球的靈輪(光體)將被啟動。這將打開地球之心到光中!我的願望是,你們每一個人都同樣經歷了開啟你的心向光!

In December most of the planets overlap their areas of influence, aspecting each other throughout this month. The result of this is that December will be a high energy month. This time also manifests exceptionally clear thinking, bringing insights and flashes of awareness. You will be able to find the truth and illusions are revealed for what they are. Delusions will fail! In a sense fantasy and reality collide. This also provides you with the energy to take direct, well thought out action and effectively solve problems.

Some of the aspects are harsh and the worldly energy is likely to be antagonistic and aggressive. At this time you will need to take care with your words for verbal wounds will cut deep. Your words will touch the core of another persons being. Choose to create love and harmony.

Security is a concern, each of you need to be aware of keeping secrets and confidences. During this time you will view the world for what it is and make better choices as a result.

After the 8th the energy softens. If you turn within you will be able to tune in to others. You may find you intuitively understand what another needs and wants. This will guide you to shift the way you relate. You may find that you are recognized and appreciated by those you live and work with. You may also find yourself renewing your appreciation of others and experiencing gratitude for their contribution to your work or life. Tell others how you feel. The energies make it easier than usual to express your feelings.

Strong, beneficial, and restorative energies flow from the 7th to the 14th. You will find yourself empowered, enjoying the spirit of the season. A respect for tradition and a desire to have greater personal control will open you to new possibilities and solutions. Approach everyday life with a childlike sense of adventure and trust in a positive outcome!

After the 14th even the stressful aspects between these planets will support the holiday spirit. These aspects will support working and playing hard. Direct the energy toward physical activities and enjoy superficial socializing. You will get it all done!

The Sagittarius New Moon is on the 13th. The positive flow of energy continues and the aspects manifest the energy associated with a desire to find one to love and become as one. Marriages planned for this time will be successful, new relationships seem to have instant rapport, and bonding is facilitated.

In business you may expect to hear about mergers and acquisitions. Each of these will bring beneficial financial outcomes. In government and politics you may expect powerful coalitions to be established. An outbreak of war may be the result of this flow.

All About the DATE 12.21.12: The solstice occurs on Dec 21 at 6:12 am. The energy is harried, hurried, and many will feel irritable, nervous, and overly sensitive. Expect changes in plans, quick trips, and unexpected visitors. Events that take place around New York will reverberate during the year to come. The energy localizes, focusing on self image and empowerment and money! There is likely to be public anger directed toward the banking industry and Wall Street. I speak about this because it is critical that you be aware of the energy flow. Rather than reacting to it you may choose to respond to it. Redirect this energy with love, joy, and blessings of peace!

London will find the energy creates a focus on spirituality and awareness. The energy stimulates healing and will move the populace beyond limitations. It will also reveal foggy deceptive practices in business or government. Expect the year ahead to bring solutions to social problems and a move toward a greater form of socialism.

In Los Angeles everything of beauty and glamour is highlighted. Individuals will focus on their own lives and romances. New technology for entertainment will be announced. Through the year ahead the entertainment industry will thrive.

In China the energy stimulates the populace to focus on reputation and status as well as a public demand for luxury. The Chinese will evolve through the energies, but at an emotional price. They will find their next step manifesting through creativity and true leadership rather than dictatorial control.

In Tokyo the focus is on home, domestic affairs, and strengthening families. Japanese cultural values will be reinforced, bringing an alignment of the many into oneness. The wisdom of the elders will present a new beginning.

All astral energies whisper saying that the world will continue, humankind will evolve, and each of you beloved ones will continue to experience all that life has to offer -ensuring your development as individuals. The fear in your world results from a failure of your imagination which limits your view of reality. Beloved ones, be fearless!
所有的星體的能量低語著- 訴說這個世界將會繼續下去,人類將進化,並且每一個你們所摯愛的人們將繼續體驗這所有生命提供的-確保你們的個體發展。在你們的世界恐懼的結果,是從你們失敗的想像力而來,也因而限制了你們現實的視野。摯愛的人們,請成為大無畏的!

For those who are spiritual seekers this energy, this date, opens the path to transformation and transmutation. For beginners this will begin the Inner Initiation, for those who have progressed on the path it may very well lead to your full enlightenment.

For those who have not stepped onto the path of Spirit you may experience significant life changes after this time or ……..you may experience nothing.

The divine hierarchies of light, the lords of light, the archangels, the god and goddess forms are present lending all of our support to this transition. The more effort you put into evolving yourself the more you will gain from the opening this date offers. All light beings will be present to assist you in this transformation. Choose to prepare and allow the transformation to begin!

As the local Galaxy conjuncts Galactic Center of the Milky Way the Earthly World will shift, moving through the Gate at the Center of all creation. This movement will not be noticed by most. In spite of the subtle shift, it will move the human world into the worlds of light.

In this new environment of light the DNA Body receives the light and transmutes even though you cannot perceive it. The enlightenment wave is flowing and some will truly see others who are not mentally prepared will break.

The lost tribes of Israel return. From the oceans they will come, from the earth itself. The Alignments of December will release a gravitational wave that will pulse through your world, bringing the light.

From the 20th to the 22nd energies supporting financial abundance will flow. You may expect tax issues to be somewhat resolved during this time. The aspects speak of a compromise and grand gestures designed to restore trust. Common sense will be the determining factor at national levels. Allow common sense to guide you at the personal level.

The full moon December 28th brings New Years peace. This energy is expansive, but also controlling. It offers flashes of brilliant insight, pure awareness, and wisdom. You may not be ready for what the energy brings. Expect power struggles and a need to constantly establish your personal boundaries. Expect greater government control. Let go of rigid beliefs and outmoded ways of thinking. Embrace the new world, new energy, and the presence within the light that has arrived!

Beloved Ones, Seek your joy. Remember, the path home is a communal journey and it is paved with the pleasure of shared joy! Beloved ones, the energy of divine love will permeate your world after December 2nd. Share it, express it, and all problems will be easily solved. Unite with others and all of you will reach your goals. Plan to gather together and with your entire being celebrate the New Year and the dawning of a new paradigm in human experience, I am the Metatron.


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