耶穌基督: 20121221日將帶來從沒有過的 ‘喜悅’ 的開始

2012/12/17 16:59



將帶來從沒有過的 ‘喜悅’ 的開始

· Posted by Meindert Arends on December 14, 2012 at 8:11pm

Read more: http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net/profiles/blogs/jesus-december-21st-2012-will-bring-the-start-of-untold-joy-2012#ixzz2F9DDJBcM

As channelled by(通靈傳導:) John Smallman -December 14, 2012

Hear Johns personal reading of this message:

中文翻譯: 林琚月

Time, as you experience it, has accelerated significantly over the last two years, and December 21st 2012, which is approaching rapidly, will bring the start of untold joy for humanity. As you have been told numerous times Its a done deal.

時間 --- 就像你們已經經驗到的 --- 在過去兩年來加快了很多, 201211221 這個很快就到了的日子 ---將帶來從沒有過的 ‘喜悅’ 的開始! 就像你們已被告知過很多次的事實 --- “這件事已經是定局了!

There are no ifs, ands, or buts. Hold steady on your course by continuing to express and demonstrate love in action in every interaction, no matter what the situation, because that is what you incarnated to do, and you have been doing it with ever-increasing effectiveness as you have worked constantly to open your hearts more fully to Gods Love, which is always calling to you.

已經沒有所謂的 “假如”, “以及”, “但是”了! 在你目前的方向上保持穩定的狀況 --- 在你與人的所有互動中持續以行動表達 ‘愛’, 不管在任何狀況之下, --- 因為這就是你轉世來做的工作. --- 而且隨著你們的心對上帝的愛敞開得越多, 你們也做得越來越有效率了! --- 上帝對你們的愛從來沒有停止過呼喚你們!

You, like all humanity, do need to open your hearts, because by agreeing to incarnate and assist the awakening process you also agreed to experience the severe memory loss which is a major aspect of the illusion, and that involved the partial closing of your hearts to the ever-flowing stream of your Fathers Love. No hearts are fully closed because to do so would completely shut out Love, the life-force, ending your existence, and that is impossible because you are the children of God -immortal and eternal beings, forever alive and at one with Him.

你們, 就像所有的人類一樣, 需要打開你們的心. --- 因為在你們同意轉世來協助人類的覺醒工程時 --- 你們也同意了來經驗 “嚴重的 ‘失億症’”--- 這是你們產生幻覺的主要原因. --- 而這一切也與你們關上了你們心的一部份而阻擋了你們天父, 從沒停止過, ‘愛’, 完全地流入你們的心中有關. 世上沒有一顆心可以完全將 “天父的愛”擋掉, 因為那就等於關上了你 “生命的能量”來源 --- 會造成生命的死亡 --- 所以這是不可能的. ---因為你們都是上帝之子 --- 永生而且永恆存在的靈魂, 永遠與祂活在一起, 與祂合一.

Humans have starved themselves of Love for eons, because the openings into their hearts have been enormously restricted and reduced while playing their painful games in the depths of the illusion. Many have entered the illusion during those eons to demonstrate Love and to help you to awaken, but because you were so caught up in your unreal environment it has taken a long time for you to become aware enough to notice them and then respond positively to the assistance that they offered you.

人類一直讓自己對 “天父的愛”處在饑餓狀態. --- 因為他們的心非常大面積的關上了, 抗拒了, --- 當他們深陷在 “幻覺”的痛苦遊戲當中的時候. 所以這麼長久以來, 許多 (高靈們)一直不斷轉世進入這 “幻覺”當中來 “示現” “愛”, 來協助你們覺醒! --- 但是由於你們被你們的 “假世界”緊緊抓住, 所以你們花了很長的時間才開始醒過來並注意到祂們的存在, --- 然後你們才開始對祂們提供的協助產生正面響應.

As a result, you have had plenty of time to cause much pain to one another and to build up large quantities of resentment and anger which you are now in the final stages of releasing permanently, so that you can disentangle yourselves from the unreality you built.

其結果就是 --- (你迷惑的)時間已經長到夠讓你們互相之間產生仇恨, 累積了足夠的怨恨以及憤怒 --- 這也是為什麼你現在在這最後階段一直在清理這些東西的原因 --- 必須永遠的除掉它們 --- 你們才能從你們為自己所建造的 “假像”中解脫出來.

The divine Love field is flushing out the remaining characteristics of humanity that are in any way incompatible with Love, ably assisted by you Lightholders and wayshowers who incarnated for this purpose, as all have chosen to turn towards their spiritual origins as they seek escape from the fear and suffering in which they have been embroiled for so long.

“神聖之愛的磁場”也正在沖洗剩下的這些人類的 “人性問題因素” --- 所有與 “聖愛”不符合的都要去除.--- 你們許多 “光工們” 以及 “引路人”也特別為這工作轉世來有效率的協助這些問題. --- 因為他們無庸置疑的, 最後還是都會選擇向內心去尋求 “靈性的來源” --- 如果他們想要停止那長久以來, 糾纏不清的“恐懼”和 “痛苦”的時候. (--- 就是光工們工作的開始.)

This collective change of heart has been slowly developing over the last one hundred or so years, and has accelerated tremendously over the last two decades, leading you forwards towards your inevitable awakening. It has given us in the spiritual realms unparalleled joy to see you move so positively, and indeed courageously towards this momentous event, because to do so you had to face and release the very realistic-seeming fears that you had invented to form part of your imaginary environment.

集體的 “心”的改變 --- 在過去一百多年來發展緩慢, 但在最近二十年來加快了許多, 指向了你們 “無可避免的” “覺醒”的前進道路. 我們在高維度看到你們這些正面發展的現象, 又如此勇敢的朝向這個 “偉大的時刻”在前進 ---感到無法形容的欣喜. --- 因為我們知道你們這樣做必須要 ‘面對’而且 ‘放棄’多少看起來如此真實的恐懼 --- 雖然那些是你在創造你的 “假設的現實”的過程中時, 必須先創造出來的東西!

It involved learning to love and to trust one another again - something that was lost when you engaged in your apparent separation from Reality - and your experiences within the illusion over countless eons made such openness and trust seem extremely counter-intuitive. Nevertheless, some of you started to do just this, and the result has been a rippling outwards of love and trust that has impinged on all and that is leading you towards a most marvelous conclusion to your sojourn within non-reality.

你們的改變 包括了重新學習去愛和信任彼此 --- 這些東西是你在與源頭分離時早就丟失的東西. --- “幻覺”中這麼長久以來的經驗, 又讓你 ‘直覺性’ 的極度反抗這種 “開誠佈公” “開放的心胸” 以及 “對別人的信任”. --- 但是你們一些人已經開始這樣做了! --- 也造成了愛與信任的波瀾衝擊到了所有人, 而且會將你們帶入一個最完美的結果 --- 在你們暫時居住的 “假現實”中!

You have made amazing progress over these last few years - progress that even astonished us in the spiritual realms, because the unloving attitudes and behaviors that you had been employing for so long seemed to be very heavily ingrained within you, and, at one stage, it appeared that you could not possibly become ready to awaken as soon as you, in fact, have.

你們這幾年的進展非常可觀 --- 有些進展讓我們在高維度感到震撼. --- 因為你們表現的這種 “無愛的行為與態度”都已經這麼久了, 看起來好像已經根深蒂固在你的性格裡面, 然後, 突然間, 雖然看起來覺得你

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