


2012-02-16 1:14


Greetings Masters !



Dear Ones, there is the science behind the Law ofAttraction, and that science is the Law of Belief. The Law of Belief governswhat you create in your lives. Within the Law of Belief are the addendums ofthe life ‘set ups’ you plan and contract to yourself for growth. But thelessons you arrange are met through your confrontation and disciplined effort. It is therefore essential that you fully realize that youare never at the mercy of events, you are not helplessly fated to face theunexplainable like a ship lost at sea. Masters, neither psychological eventsnor physical events have control over you. When you humans fully comprehend the vast capacity ofyour brain to hold a diversity of conclusive beliefs associated with yourexperiences, you will see that you have an infinite array of choices. But for those of you stuck in old patterns and limitingbeliefs, you are mired in a repetitive cycle of predetermined responses,including the propensity to block new solutions through denial of betterthinking. In that sense if you do not learn from past errors, you are self-fated to repeat them. Indeed you will repeat the cycle until you learn how theprocess of achieving Divine Mind functions. That is true for all humans. You must challenge yourself to break free.

親 愛的朋友們,在吸引力法則背後有一則被稱為信仰法則的科學。信仰法則影響著你們所創造的生活。信仰法則所包含的是你們的成長計畫和靈魂契約的補充部分。但 是你們所安排的課程的成果是要通過你們面對的困難和為此付出的不懈努力的艱辛過程才能獲得的。你們需要意識到你們在困難面前並非束手無策,你們並非像在大 海中迷航的船一樣被迫去無助地面對無法解釋的困難。尊敬的朋友們,你們既不是被心理方面的困難所控制著,也不是被物理方面的困難所束縛著。當你們人類完全 理解你們的大腦所擁有的和你們的經驗相關的多種極其重要的信仰系統的時候,你們會看到,你們擁有無限種選擇。但是對那些陷入舊的,有限的信仰系統的人們, 你們陷入不斷反覆著預先設定好的迴圈反應機制。這機制包括通過拒絕承認更好的思想來阻礙新的解決方法的產生。在這種機制下,你們並沒有從過去的錯誤中學習 到應該學到的知識,你們只是如命中註定一般不斷地重複著這些課程。實際上,它們會重複此迴圈,直到你們瞭解如何到達神聖的意識運作方式。這對所有人類來說 都是真的。你們必須挑戰自己來獲得自由


Three Laws


There are three separately governed processes under theLaw of Attraction. The three have succinctly different criteria for achievement.Let us define the primary aspect of each Law:

 . The Law of  Attraction–     Thoughts have a frequency and attract like frequencies

. The Law of  Belief: Knowing     beyond doubt. You can only manifest what you believe is possible

. The Law of  Conscious Creation: The conscious ability to focally manifest     objectives & events via Mer-multidimensional mind in Mer-Ka-Na.







Soul Contract Set-Ups


And so we again stress emphatically that it is yourbeliefs that are projected to form your individual and group reality.As we have discussed in the previous messages on thistopic, there are scenarios planned by your higher self, your Divine Mindaspect, that may be termed ‘set-ups’ or soul-contracts that you yourself havechosen as growth lessons to assist you in moving into greater wisdom. With that reminder in hand, we also tell you that ‘karma’in your terms, is not a debt owed to one from another, in the higher sense.Rather it is ever to the Self, it is balancing the Divine Self.



Let us also assert that if you have a goal or objectivein 3d that would conflict with higher self, it will not in most cases bemanifest, unless it is chosen as a growth lesson. For example if a humandesires wealth, and that wealth would either be misused or stop the growthprocess, the higher self may reject such a desire from manifesting. In somecases, humans who have all of their 3d material ‘needs’ met, are less compelledto search for expansion.

讓 我們假設你們在三維世界和高我相衝突的目標,在絕大多數情況,這種衝突不會立刻顯現出來,除非這種衝突被作為成長的課程。比如,如果一個人渴望財富,這財 富會被這個人濫用,或者對他的成長過程造成負面影響,高我會拒絕這種渴望實現的過程。有些時候,在三維世界裡擁有需要一切的人們會缺少足夠的動力來擴展延 伸自己。


Dear Ones, when you find yourself in the confines of anyexperience that is uncomfortable or not to your liking, you must understandthat YOU created that seeming conundrum. Within this axiom, there are indeed,within duality, scenarios in linear time that you must face. Whether oneaccepts it or not, every circumstance and every resulting action, however dire,was absolutely self created.



If, for example, in an extreme circumstance a crime isactually committed, and an individual is duly sentenced to prison, thoseactions will be faced and experienced. The sentenced prisoner cannot, in mostduality circumstances, simply wish it away. Rather they must face the dualitythey have themselves created in linear time. There are Laws of Cause and Effectin 3d that will play themselves out. Responsibility for not only your actions, but indeed foryour beliefs is a key part of your growing process on the planet of lesson.Owning both is essential. But by facing them, you can change the landscapearound you.

如 果,比如說,在某種極端的情況某人確實犯了罪,犯罪者在適當的時候被送入監獄,這些行為造成的後果會被面對,並體驗。被審判的罪犯在二元世界的絕大多數情 況,是不可能憑主觀臆想逃脫的。相反,他們必須面對他們在線性時間內創造的問題。在三維空間內有因果報應會自然地完成這種補償。除了行為很重要,你們的信 仰也是你們在這顆充滿課程的星球成長過程中非常重要的部分。擁有兩者是非常重要的。通過面對行為和信仰,你們會改變你們周圍世界的景象。


Dear Human, you must understand whenever you seek toavoid the responsibility for your own actions, you generally do so byattempting to give that responsibility, the ‘blame’, to some other individual,group or cause. But in that process of shifting blame, you unconsciously giveaway your power, and take away the ownership that allows you to ‘re-create’. In kind, as we have already explained in the secondsegment of this discussion, the difficulty most of you have in accepting selfresponsibility for your behavior lies in the desire to avoid the pain and guiltof the consequences of the very actions that resulted. You don’t like to admityour errors. But in less obvious circumstances of abundance lack anduntoward relationships, you must not only change the nature of your consciousthoughts, but also the belief in those very expectations….and then act on thosebeliefs.

親愛的人類,你們必須理解,不管什麼時候你們嘗試逃避自己行為的責任,你們實際上在嘗試將這責任,這譴責的權利交給別的個人,或者團體。但是在那改變譴責體的過程中,你們無意識地放棄了自己的能量,放棄了讓你們自己重新創造的 權利。實際上,如我們在討論的第二部分已經解釋了的,你們接受對自我行為負責這個事實的最困難的部分在於期望逃避你們行為所引起的痛苦和罪惡。你們不喜歡 承認自己的錯誤。在一些不太明顯的情況下,比如物質缺乏,不幸的人際關係下,你們不僅不應該改變你們意識的本源,也不應該改變信仰所期望的。你們需要向那 些信仰的方向前行。


Unconscious Programming


You create our own reality from what you choose tobelieve about yourselves, and the world around you. Period. If you do notdeliberately & consciously choose your own beliefs, you are unconsciouslyprogrammed. You will mindlessly absorb them from your 3d culture, schooling andsurroundings. If you are accountable and responsible for your actions, howcan you afford NOT to question your beliefs? How you define yourself, and theworld around you, forms your belief, which, in turn, forms your reality.

你 們通過你們自己所相信的事實創造著自己的真實,創造著你們周圍的世界。如果你們不是有意識地選擇你們自己的信仰,你們會被無意識地操控。你們會無意識地吸 收來自你們三維空間的文化,學校,和周圍環境教給你們的東西。如果你們需要為自己的行為負責,你們怎可以不去質疑自己所相信的東西呢?你們定義自己,以及 自己周圍世界的方法塑造著你們的信仰,這信仰反過來塑造著你們的真實。


Once you fully comprehend that your beliefs form reality,then and only then are you no longer a captive of the events you experience.You simply have to learn the mechanics & methods. It is only when you believe, and program that belief tofully override and replace previous erroneous beliefs, that the integral fieldof the triad of the 3 step function of own, change, action is completed. In theprocess, thoughts must harmonize with beliefs and be followed by ACTION ! So we devote the remainder of this discourse to consciouscreation. Keeping in mind that you are advanced on the path in order toconsciously create.



You Are Not at the Mercy of Circumstance


You are NOT at the mercy of your circumstances, but thatbelief is, interestingly, the reason you erroneously think you are. Take amoment to consider that. It is the Law of Belief. If you believe that circumstances have you trapped, thenthey do, and will until you change that core belief. You are creators learninghow to co-create. You are here to learn that you can and do create. One of yourkey reasons for being in duality Earth is to learn how to create responsibly,and consciously. The principle professor is often Dr.Cause & Effect, andthis doctor makes house calls!

你 們並不是被環境操縱的玩偶,有意思的是,錯誤的信仰使你們相信你們是環境的玩偶。花一點時間思考這個問題。這就是信仰法則。如果你們相信你們被環境困擾 著,那你們確實被困擾著,這種困擾會持續直到你們改變自身位置。你們是正在學習共同創造的創造者。你們在這裡學習如何去創造。你們在二元世界地球待著的原 因之一是去學習如何負責地連帶有意識地創造。教你們這項課程的教授就是因果關係教授,他還是個非常負責的教授,會直接跑到你們家裡教給你需要學習的知識!


You reap what you sow and however uncomfortable, theuntoward harvest is the very means for consideration of what got you there.To break out of circumstances that are caused by ourpsychology, requires conscious disciplined effort for change to occur. The key again is your belief. There is little differenceif you believe that your present life is caused by incidents in your earlychildhood or by past lives over which you equally feel you have no control.Your events, your lives, your experiences, are caused by your present beliefs.Change the present beliefs and your life changes, not only in the present, butin the past and future in kind. That is the creative power of belief. Masters, regardless of your level of Light Quotient,whether you are unconsciously creating or consciously manifesting, you cannotescape your beliefs. They are the enzymes through which you create yourexperience.

你 們收穫自己的播種,不管這結果是否讓你們感到不悅,壞的收穫會讓你們反思為什麼得到這樣的結果。為了打破我們心理所創造的環境,需要有意識地促使變化產 生。變化的關鍵點是你們的信仰。這和你們相信你們目前的生活是由於童年時候的經歷,或者成人後你們無法控制的經歷所導致的有些不同。你們的事件,生活,體 驗是由你們目前的信仰引起的。改變目前的信仰,你們的生活會改變,改變的不僅是現在,還包括你們的未來。這就是信仰的創造力量。親愛光之追求者們,不管你 們的光商有多少,不管你們是在有意識還是無意識地創造,你們都無法逃避自己的信仰。信仰是你們創造自己體驗的催化劑。(待續)


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