
2013/02/20 00:16



(2013-02-17 19:02:31)




Window of The Great Change

Posted on February 13, 2013 by Drunvalo


Dear Ones,

We are about to enter into a window of the time that has no name, but is inside of the Mayan END OF TIME window that was connected to December 21, 2012 and will end in about three years.

This window begins on February 18th, 2013 and continues for about three and a half months until June 2nd, 2013. However, it could last for as long as the end of August if the circumstances change.

I feel it is important to be aware of this significant period of time and what it could mean for you.




There are three reasons why this window was created. Let me explain.

First, the Mayans long ago predicted that if they had to choose the moment when the shift from male consciousness to female consciousness would begin, they would choose the dates of February 18/19, 2013. I wrote about this long ago. They see it like a sunrise that gets brighter and brighter each day.

At the same time, they said that they dont really know for certain as it is Mother Earth that will decide exactly when the Mayan Prophecy will begin.

What the Mayans have told me about the 18th of February, 2013 is that it is the moment when the energy within Mother Earth begins to flow in a new pattern. I doubt if you will feel this in your daily life, but the Mayans say it is an important time in human history.





Second, NASA gave a public warning about a year and a half to two years ago concerning the solar flares. It was a dire prediction. It will take a moment to explain.

In 2000, we had the Y2K scare, around the realization that if the calendars within the computers of the world were not repaired so they would read 2000, the worlds computers would stop working on the moment the year 2000 rolled around. I am sure most of you remember those events well.

This caused governments of the world to more or less freak out. The predictions were wild, but accurate. If the computers of the world were to shut down, most of our material needs would not be met and life on Earth would be challenged, at the least.

Then a French man saved the world by creating a software program that corrected the computers and allowed them to continue working into the 21st century.

As time went on, the world continued its dependency on computer systems and today all aspects of our lives are controlled by it. The way everything comes to us; such as food, water, electricity, gasoline, parts, medicine, and on, is controlled by computers.

If the computers were to stop functioning today, the ramifications of the experience would be many times greater that it would have been in 2000.

Its been analyzed that if the internet went down permanently, hundreds of millions of people would die within months simply because there is no food or water.

NASA predicted that during the height of the Solar Cycle 24, which we are entering very soon, all computer memories could be erased. Exception to that would be hard drives, DVDs, and etc that are in Faraday Cages, which shields its interior from external electro-magnetic fields and radiation. If these memory drives were to be wiped clean, our entire electric grid around the world would fail. The world would be in the black. From there everything else would come to a stop. NASA has calculated that this may happen sometime toward the peak of the solar cycle from about February to August of 2013 and could last between one and nine months.

This would be a major human disaster.

第二,美國國家航空航天局在大約一年半到兩年前發佈了關於太陽耀斑的公開警告。這是一個可怕的預言。我將花點時間來解釋:2000 年,我們曾有千年蟲的恐慌,當時如果不能解決電腦內日曆中的"2000"的問題,那麼於 2000 年那個時刻,世界上的電腦將停止工作。我相信你們大多數人都清楚地記得這事件。


然後一個法國人拯救了世界,他創建一個軟體程式,使得電腦能夠繼續在21 世紀工作。



美國國家航空航天局預測,在這個我們即將很快進入的24太陽週期期間,所有的電腦記憶都可能被抹去。例如電腦硬碟、 Dvd驅動和法拉第籠屋等,從外部電磁場和輻射等遮罩其內部。如果這些記憶體驅動器將被清除乾淨,我們在世界各地的整個電網將會癱瘓,世界將是黑色的。從那裡東西會停下來。美國國家航空航天局已計算過這可能從 2 月到 2013 8 月的某一時間開始的太陽能週期走向巔峰過程可能會持續一至九個月,這將是人類巨大的大災難。

England didnt believe NASAs reports and researched their own data; they shortly replied by saying that they agreed with NASA. Red flags went up around the world for the governments who now are preparing for this possibility.

Russia then came back with even a more dire scenario that extended beyond what NASA was forecasting. You can read about this in the newest book, The Mayan Ouroboros.

We didnt learn from our past mistakes with Y2K. We should have slowed down our dependency on computerized systems until we knew it was safe, but we didnt even look back. Instead, we expanded our use of computer technology globally as rapidly as possible. The world quickly forgot how vulnerable we are with computers and solar flares.




And then there is a third concern that matures during this same time period; the Earths geomagnetic field which is about to shift its polarity from North to South, and the effects of that on humankind. I also wrote about this in The Mayan Ouroboros. Both of these scenarios are definitely necessary to understand, and both of them are inside the window we are entering in a few days on February 18th.

This geomagnetic field reversal is of greater concern for human life than anything that has ever happened in our memory including all the wars since WWI.

然後在這同一時期還有第三個因素:即地球地磁場的極性從北方轉移到南方以及這個對人類會產生的巨大影響。我在<<銜尾蛇>>中也提到了,這兩種情況是絕對有必要瞭解的,而這兩點都將發生在我們即將進入的從 2 18 日開始的時間視窗內的幾天後。


But why would I suggest ending the window on June 2nd, 2013 and not later in August? In the governments remote viewing program back in the 1990s, a team of expert psychics using their extra-sensory perceptions reported to the US military that something huge was coming to the Earth. They began to search into the future for when it happens. When they viewed June 1st, 2013, the Earth was already damaged. So whatever occurred has happened BEFORE June 2nd, 2013. If this information is not accurate, then we have to continue to be cautious until the end of Solar Cycle 24. In any case, 2013 definitely looks like a year of dramatic change.

I am not here to create fear. That is not my purpose. I am here to bring your awareness to events that are occurring now by scientific standards. As citizens of the Earth, we need to be aware of these global transition events so that we can be prepared and not be surprised by them.

但我為什麼會建議在2013 6 2 日結束時間窗口並且不要遲於月中呢?早在 20 世紀 90 年代的政府使用遠端查看程式的過程中,美國軍方就使用其超感官感知的專家通靈團隊獲得報告指出將有巨大的事情會來到地球。於是他們開始研究未來將要發生的時間,當他們觀察 2013 6 1 日這個時間點時,看到地球是已被損壞的狀態。所以在 2013 6 2 日之前無論怎樣都是有情況發生了。如果此資訊不準確,那我們就必須繼續保持小心,直到太陽週期 24 結束時。在任何情況下,2013年都絕對是充滿戲劇性變化的一年。


From a Mayan point of view, we must be ready to move into ascension at any moment over the next three years or so. This means staying in meditation, keeping your heart light as a feather and interconnected to your brain.

Now the question is, what can we do to prepare for both a rapid global change and ascension at the same time? In my meditations it has become clear that I am to give you instructions so that you can make this change within yourself and ascend into the higher levels of Earths consciousness. I will do everything I can for you.

Very soon, hopefully before the end of this month, we will release special instructions for those who know the Mer-Ka-Ba, either synthetic (Flower of Life) or natural (Awakening the Illuminated Heart?), on exactly how you can move from the 3rd dimension of Earth to the 4th dimension of the Earth. At this time, this piece of knowledge will only be useful for those who have been practicing either form of the meditation. It is the missing piece of knowledge that millions of you have been waiting for for years.



很快,希望在這個月底之前,我們將公佈特別說明給所有知道 Mer Ka Ba的人,包括(生命之花) (喚醒明亮之心 ?)工作坊學員,告訴你究竟如何可以從地球的第三緯度移動到地球的第四維度去。此時,這些知識將只對那些練習了這兩種形式的靜心冥想過程的人很有用。它是數以百萬計的你們一直在等待多年的所缺失的那一部分。

For the rest of you, you need to catch up as quickly as you can. In order to assist new people learning this meditation, we will be creating a series of lessons available to you over the internet. And if you wish to really accelerate your understanding and practice, you can go to The School of Remembering?. There you will have full access to a global school with certified teachers in a vast number of countries and in many languages ready to serve you.

Trust yourself. You will know what to do.

Our filming studio, One Lotus Studios, is nearly completed; but until it is, we will share information with you in whatever manner we can.

除了你休息之外,你需要盡可能快的迎頭趕上。以協助新人們學習此靜心冥想,我們將通過互聯網創建一系列可供您使用的課程。如果您想要真正加快您的理解和實踐,你可以到記憶學校 ?。那裡將有大量來自各個國家和使用許多種語言的認證教師們,準備為你服務。



Dear people, we are about to enter a time where you seriously need to be awake and prepare for inner and outer transformations that will change your life forever.

But please remember, if we successfully pass beyond the window of The Great Change, we are still in the timeline of the Mayan prophesy until we enter the year of 2016. The critical period of rapid changes will be over when we see a Red Star in our sky. Then we will enter into the change of order and harmony.

With great love for you, I promise, God willing, to help you.

From my heart,



但請記住,如果我們成功地穿越了這個巨大的變化,我們仍然處在瑪雅人預言的時間軸裡,直到我們進入 2016 年。當我們在我們的天空中看到紅色的星球時,這個高速轉變的關鍵時期才將結束。然後我們將進入到秩序與和諧中。




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