With sufficient faith there is nothing that you cannot do, and you have yet to understand how powerful you are. You are creating all of the time whether you realise it or not. Through many lives it is you who have created all that you experience now and you are probably surprised at how it is. Remember that you have not often exercised those powers to stop the march of the dark Ones. Whilst it is true their actions have been very devious, there has been little resistance to their aims. However, just of recent times you have begun to understand what has been going on around you. Without necessarily realising what you were achieving by focussing on a different outcome, you have created an energy for change that has grown immensely and opened up a powerful time line to Ascension. Now you see more clearly what you need to do to bring this cycle to a successful conclusion.
只 要有足夠的信念,沒有什麼你不能成就的事情,而且你們還不知道自己有多麼大的力量。不管是否明白自己的力量,你都時時刻刻在使用它去創造。通過許多人世的 轉生,你們創造出了當前的現實,而你也許會很驚訝如何能夠這樣。請回憶起來,你們通常都沒有利用足夠的自我力量去阻止黑暗勢力前進的勢頭。同時他們的行為 也確實非常的不正當,因此對於他們的陰謀只存在著很少的阻力。不過,最近你們已經開始懂得在自己周圍正在發生著什麼。雖然沒有必要去足夠瞭解你正在達成什 麼,通過把精神力聚焦在一個不同的結果上,你就已經創造出了一股轉變的能量,它已經得到驚人的成長,開啟了一條強而有力的通往揚升的時間線。現在,你們更 加清晰的明白,自己需要去做什麼才能以成功的結果完成這次週期。
Look around you Dear Ones, and see the signs that are there for all to see, as out of the seeming chaos the new beginnings are becoming apparent. You are correctly hearing of a world plan by many countries to topple the Illuminati, and present the world with a new system that creates a new deal where financial matters are concerned. It will remove the illegal structure and methods that have placed you in a debt ridden society that is in danger of collapsing. Having reached this point, if offers the very opportunity that can be taken to implement it. It will remove the burden that so many of you carry, and the hardships it is causing. More importantly it will enable wealth to be re-distributed, much of which has been acquired by criminal actions. You have been deliberately kept poor as a way of keeping you under control. Likewise you have also been kept ignorant of your status and history, which is why you are to be fully informed of your past and reason for being on Earth.
看 看你們的周圍,親愛的,看看這些誰都可以去瞭解的跡象,脫離當前混亂的幻象,新的開始已經變得越來越明顯。你們都恰當的聽到來自許多國家的一個世界計畫, 推翻光照派的王座,推舉一個帶著全新系統的世界形態,創造一個新的政策實現金融的改變。它將移除非法的機構和方式,這些已經導致你們陷入嚴重的債務問題的 社會中,且岌岌可危。正在達成這個關鍵點,如果得到非常合適的機會就能夠落實它。這將清理許多人肩負的債務重擔,以及導致的生活艱難。而更重要的就是財富 會被予以重新分配,且許多都是通過犯罪活動非法獲得的。你們已經被蓄意的控制在貧窮中,這是奴役你們的手段之一。同樣的,你們也一直被阻止去瞭解自己的真 實地位和真正的歷史,這些都是你們即將被充分告知的過去,以及存在於地球上的緣由。
Life can be absolutely miserable, and lack the niceties that most other people have, but bear in mind that it is part of your experiences that you have undertaken. At different times you have lived in luxury and wielded power, but for balance in other lives you have experienced all different levels. We hear the cry, "Why am I here" as there does not appear to be any apparent purpose, but what you are in is an ongoing experience that is lifting up your level of consciousness. The ultimate goal is to prepare you for a return to full consciousness and Ascension, so that you may at last leave behind duality as you know it. Some wonder what they must have been like in previous lives, but do not concern yourselves too much about them. At some stage you will have the power of full recollection, but the important part is that you have learnt from them, and the details are irrelevant. Today is what counts where you are concerned, as you are the sum total of all of your experiences. For many of you it is one that proves you have evolved sufficiently to understand the nature of unconditional love, and that is a most wonderful achievement.
生活變得如此的悲慘,美好生活的缺失就是大多數人的狀態,不過也請記住這是你們已經承擔的經驗的一部分。在不同的人世中你們曾經生活奢侈,濫用權力,因此為了平衡其他人世經歷的體驗,你已經體驗了所有不同層次的生活經歷。我們聽到了這個呼叫,“我為什麼在這裡”就 好像沒有任何明顯的生活目標一般,但是你所處的狀態就是一種不斷進行中的體驗,它是為了不斷提升你意識的層次。最終的目標就是讓你回歸到全意識並且揚升, 這樣你可以最終離開二元性的世界,這點你是明白的。一些人想知道自己在過去的人世經歷中是個什麼樣子,也請你們不要太過關心這些。在某些階段的時候,你都 將擁有能力瞭解全部的記憶,但是重要的部分是你已經從中學習到的經驗,而細節就不那麼重要了。今天面臨的問題才是你們需要去關心的,因為你們抵達了需要把 全部體驗總結的時刻。對許多人來說,就是要證明自己已經獲得了足夠的靈性進化體驗,理解了【無條件之愛】的本質,這才是最宏偉壯觀的成就。
Now more than ever, there is a need for people to come together to use their collective power to move forward and help manifest the needed changes. Talk amongst yourselves, as many are puzzled by what is happening and truly do not understand what is behind it. The truth is going to shock them and fear is likely to result, and this is where you can give re-assurance that all is shaping the future, and it is one that will be welcomed. Since there are going to be changes for the better in virtually every aspect of life, it is clearly something to be desired. We of the Galactic Federation have a hand in what is happening to ensure fulfilment, and are allowed to assist providing it is in accordance with your wishes. However, in the larger picture you are looking at a Divine Plan for the Ascension of the Universe.
比 起過去任何時候都有一種需求,人們走到一起,團結一致,運用他們集體的力量繼續前進,幫助去實現那些必要的改變。多互相溝通,因為還有很多人是迷惑的,對 於正在發生著什麼,並且也沒有完全明白背後正在進行著什麼。真相即將讓他們震驚,恐懼是最可能的結果,這就是需要你們去給予支援的地方,呈現出未來的真正 面貌,它真的是會大受歡迎的。在生活的每個重要方面,必要的轉變都會使其變得更好,這當然就是某些被意願的結果了。我們銀河聯邦也在説明確保目標的實現, 並且被允許根據你們的願望提供援助。不過,在更廣大的畫面中,你們正在看待的是一個神性的偉大計畫,宇宙的整體揚升。
Having come such a long way and about to reap the rewards of your journey, it requires that final resolve to keep your eyes on the finishing line. Do not be distracted by some last attempts of the dark Ones, to draw your attention to the increasing amount of disinformation that is around. Naturally until they can no longer influence the media and relinquish their control, they hope to cause confusion and doubt. By now those of you who have moved into the Light, should not really have any problem in sorting out the truth against the false reports. Generally you can take it that if it does not feel right, then it is not right. Time will tell all and when we open full contact with you enlightenment will be the order of the day. They will be wonderful times when you shall be released from the heaviness of the lower energies. Many brave souls have stepped forward to start bringing the truth out, so identify your heroes and stick with them.
已經走了這麼遠,就要到你們旅程回報的時刻了,它需要的就是這個最後的決心--保 持你們的精神焦點在最終時間線上。不要被一些來自黑暗勢力的最後企圖分散注意力,他們想把你們的意圖分散到那些滿天飛的誤導資訊中。自然的,直到他們不再 可能影響媒體,放棄控制前,他們都希望製造混淆與質疑。現在對於你們這些已經走入聖光中的人,就完全沒有問題在虛假的報導中找出真相。一般來說只要感覺不 對你們就能知道,隨後明白它的錯誤性。時間會證明一切,那個時候我們會全面公開的啟蒙你們,這將是充滿秩序的時刻。當你們從這些較低能量的沉重感中解脫的 時候,真的會是無比的奇妙。許多勇敢的靈魂已經領先一步,把真相帶給世界,那麼就去確定誰是你們的英雄,並且與之同行。
So much information has been released lately, that the dark Ones cannot plug the leaks. So keep you eyes open and learn firsthand as the secrets are unravelled and the truth comes out. The media will soon have to allow free reporting, as it has a duty to keep you informed but hitherto has been rigidly controlled. It will be totally free once the Illuminati have been removed, and that action is becoming more likely as each day passes. The secret forces that work for the light have never been idle, and now close in on those who are in the seats of power. They know now that they cannot hold onto them, and are being forced out. it takes time, but is going to be successful with our help.
最 近有這麼多的資訊被釋放了出來,黑暗勢力是不可能阻止了。因此請開放你的眼界,在秘密被釋出,真相到來的時候學習第一手的經驗。公共媒體很快將被允許自由 報導,它們需要扮演這個角色,讓你們被告知事件的發展情況,不過至今為止都被嚴格的控制著。一旦光照派被清理之後它們將完全自由,隨著每天的發展這個行動 都變得更加的明顯。神秘的組織正在為著聖光工作著,從未懈怠,現在正接近那些處於權力王座上的人。這些王座上的人知道自己對付不了,且正被強迫退出。需要 花時間,但是即將在我們的幫助下取得成功。
The collapse of the old is not a pretty sight or a pleasant experience, but it has to be done. As best as possible the changes are planned to be quick and precise, but there will always be difficulties as some will oppose what we do. We have a mission that started hundreds of years ago, and we will not be thwarted when we are so near to finalising it. The most enjoyable part is to come when we can meet you and go the final stretch together, and do so as one family of Light. Your hardships will be over, and by then you will be fully aware of your true selves, your purpose and place in the Galaxy. At present you are but a shadow of who you really are, and have little idea of what it is like to be in the Oneness of All That Is. It is bliss and peace that you cannot imagine, but it is not that far away anymore and awaits your presence.
舊 體制的崩潰並不是一個美好畫面或者一種令人愉快的體驗,但是它必須被完成。轉變被計畫以最好最可能的方式儘快與精確的完成,但是總是會出現那些對抗我們的 問題存在著。我們有著一個任務,它開始於幾百年前,那麼當我們接近成功的時候是不允許被挫敗的。最令人愉快的章節就要到來了,那個時候我們將與你們會面並 且一起走向最後階段,作為光的大家庭合作。你們的困境將消除,隨後將全面瞭解真實的自己,你們的目標以及處於銀河系的位置。當前你們還只處於真實自我的影 子裡,幾乎不瞭解處於全然所是的一體合一狀態會是什麼感覺。它是至福與和平,你無法想像,但是它也不再遙遠,已經等待著向你們呈現。
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and eagerly wait for changes that will allow us greater contact with you. We salute all for your great resoluteness.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
Website:Tree of the Golden Light