耶穌:你一直等待的能量已經開始了( 20121212~20121221)


The Wave of Energy Youve All Been Waiting For Has Begun ~ ( 12-12-12 to 12-21-12 ) ~ Michael Forrester - Dec.15th, 2012

· Posted by Karma's Helper on December 15, 2012 at 5:51pm

作者: Michael Forrester - Dec.15th, 2012

中文翻譯: 林琚月

Energy and consciousness can neither be destroyed nor created...Who you are today is always different than who you were yesterday and who you are tomorrow. There actually is no yesterday or tomorrow since the present is all you really have control of...So what does this all have to do with...Dec 12th?...who you are in 2013 will be an upgraded version of who you are today...The human bodys CPU is being upgraded to help keep up with new software that is being downloaded...Optimal integration will take place from December 21st to December 22nd...You will feel different during this period...It is the time of times...Humanity will now rise above many limitations thought impossible.

Michael Forrester

Prevent Disease

Waking Time



December 13, 2012

Energy and consciousness can neither be destroyed nor created. All that is and all that you are exists for eternity. If it exists, there is no such thing as it not existing. Since there are only transfers of energy, what you perceive as death is simply a portal to another existence. “ 能量”與 “覺知”是無法被消滅或創造出來的. 所存在的一切, 以及你所是的一切, 都是永久存在的. 換言之, 如果它存在的話, 就沒有 ‘不存在’這回事! 所以既然, 宇宙只有 “能量轉換”這回事存在, 你所認為的死亡只是通往另一個 ‘存在’的門道而已.

However, dramatic shifts in the consciousness of a species is possible and what is emerging for the next ten days will serve as the launching platform to change the energy of humanity and the planet at a profound level.

但是, 一個生物體 “覺知”的突然, 戲劇性的改變是可能的, 所以接下來十天的發展將會, 非常深刻的影響到, 並成為未來 “地球與人類能量” “改變”的 “發射台”

Who you are today is always different than who you were yesterday and who you are tomorrow. There actually is no yesterday or tomorrow since the present is all you really have control of, but since human emotions and DNA are energetically bound to perceive a past and future, these states of agreed upon circumstances called memory for past and illusion for future, affect our present state and the continual reprogramming of the cells in our body.

今天的你與昨天的你與明天的你都不會一樣. 事實上根本沒有 ‘昨天’或 ‘明天’---因為既然你只能控制 ‘現在’ 而已 --- 但是由於人類的 “情緒”與 “DNA”的能量會有過去與未來的分別感應, --- 這種狀況就自我同意而創造出了過去的“記憶”以及 未來的 “幻想”--- 這些東西不但影響了我們的現在的狀況, 而且持續 “程式設計”了我們身體裡的細胞.

From this perspective and in terms of tapping into higher levels of space and time, who you are in 2013 will be an upgraded version of who you are today. This includes having greater control and awareness of your power.

從這個角度(觀點), 從比較高層次的時空概念 來看, 2013年的你會是今天的你的一個 “升級版本”. --- 這包括了 “擁有對自己力量的更高的 ‘覺知’ 與更大的 ‘控制’.

Think of a computer and all its components. Data is stored on the hard drive, image and video capabilities are enhanced by the graphics controller and the retrieval capabilities of data are dependent on memory. However, nothing functions well without the central processing unit (CPU) which is the brains of the computer. If the CPU lags behind any of the other components when introducing new software, you need to upgrade the CPU to keep up. The human body’s CPU is being upgraded to help keep up with new software that is being downloaded. It can also be said that human memory is being upgraded so that data can be accessed at a much faster rate and more randomly that the logical order which currently dominates the human brain.

想像一台電腦以及所有的零件吧! 訊息是儲存在硬碟上, 影像與影片的放映儲存相容能力要靠 ‘圖像控制軟體’, 而 ‘訊息’收取能力要靠 ‘記憶軟體’. 但是如果沒有電腦的大腦 --- CPU(中央處理系統)的話, 就什麼也跑不了了. CPU如果比其他零件和下載軟體還舊的話, CPU就必須升級才能持續操作使用.

人類肉身電腦的CPU(中央主控系統)正在 ‘被’升級當中 --- “新的軟體程式”也正在 “被”下載當中. 也可以說 --- 人類的 ‘記憶體’正在被 ‘升級’ 當中讓資訊的存取可以加快許多, 更不受人體目前的 “邏輯順序”所控制.

Most people dont realize this but the body has two CPUs. Some women suggest men have three, but for the purposes of this discussion we will briefly discuss the two primary CPUs that govern bodily and energetic systems of ALL humans. They are the brain and the heart.

許多人不知道這個 --- 但是事實上人體有兩個CPU(中央主控系統). 有些女人認為男人有三個, 但為了討論方便, 我們簡短討論兩個主要的CPU(中央主控系統)就好. ---所有人類管理 ‘身體’與 ‘能量’的兩個系統中樞. 它們是 ‘心’ 與 ‘腦’.

The brain is the command center of sensory information for the physical body and dictates responses based on past experience and current conditions. The heart, as Aristotle decreed is the seat of the soul. It is much more than the master pump of the body’s life force. It is an electromagnetic master switch producing far more electrical and magnetic energy than the brain could ever be capable of. For this reason, it has much more power to alter human consciousness, override the brains sensory information and reprogram the energetic overlay that encompasses every human being.

‘腦’ 是身體的 ‘感官訊息’ 的 ‘控制中樞’ --- 依照 ‘過去經驗法則’以及 ‘當前狀況的判斷’ 下反應. “心” --- 就像 ‘亞里斯多德’ 說的 --- 是 “靈魂所在之處”! ---它不只是肉體生命力的主要來源. 它是一個 “電磁能量開關器 --- 可以生產遠遠超過 ‘頭腦’所能想像得到的電能與磁能. 就是基於這個理由 --- 所以改變人類的 ‘覺知’是非常有力的! --- 可以完全繞過 ‘腦的感官訊息’而重新編程覆蓋每個人體的 ‘能量’充沛度.

So what does this all have to do with the current wave which started Dec 12th? Everything. This day is an initiation point that is setting off an explosion of new energy, upgrading our existing programming and essentially rewiring the way the brain interacts with the heart and vice versa. There are no specific planetary or astrological alignments influencing this upgrade. This is simply a wave of energy humans have created for themselves. The brain is not designed to anticipate how your life may present itself in the future, as the most it can achieve is a visualization. However, the heart can anticipate exactly what is going to happen and you will finally understand its language.

那這些與20121212開始的能量有何關係呢? --- 大有關係!

這一天是個 “起始日” --- 一個爆炸性的新能量被啟動了 --- 開始提升我們目前的軟體編程, 而且最重要的是 – 重改了我們大腦與心的互動網路. 這不是什麼特定的聯星現象或天文現象所造成的升級. 這純粹是人類自己為自己所創造的 ‘能量波’所造成的. “腦”不是被設計來預期你的未來的, --- 它頂多只能 “影像化”未來. ---可是, “心”卻可以 “預測”未來要發生的事, 而且你早晚可以聽得懂 “心的語言”!

It is allowing for a recalibration to take place and the power of love and manifestation of our deepest desires to materialize. Those failing to embrace the wave with positive intent and celebration will find it very challenging and difficult in the months that follow. Crises may develop, so keep this in mind if you enter a few road blocks on your path. Know they are being of service, so realign intention and continue on your path to transformation.

容許與你 “心的校準”的發生, 讓 ‘愛的能量’化現出來, 讓 ‘我們最深的渴望’顯化成現實. 那些沒有用歡慶與正面心態來擁抱這波能量的人, 將在未來幾個月感到困難與倍受挑戰. 危機會發生, --- 所以做好心理準備 --- 如果你遇到一些障礙的話. --- 要明白它們發生的意義 --- 所以重新校準你的 “企圖心”, 然後持續走在你 “進化”的路上! (---就對了!)

The old world, and 3rd density processes are being shredded and can no longer exist in the current 4th density which is actually a 5th dimensional reality where the earth is now residing. Although the changes will not be immediate, governments, political structure, monetary systems, social infrastructure, communication and technology are all being transformed.

舊的世界, 以及3D的稠密度已經被撕碎了--- 而且在目前4D的密度中早就不存在了 --- 而且事實上地球目前已經居住在5D維度的現實之內了. 雖然這改變不會是立即的, 但是, 政府們, 政治架構, 金錢制度, 社會制度, 通信媒體, 與科技都已經在 “被” 改變當中!

There will still be some degree of polarity, however you will have more flexibility in space and time and experience greater synchronicity. In 3rd density, there was a time lag between your creations and how they would manifest into physical reality. In 4th density, that time lag will be greatly reduced and the manifestations may be immediate for many.

仍然還會有一些程度的二元性, 但無論如何, 你在時空當中會有更多的彈性, 而且可以經驗更大程度的 “同時性”事件. 3D, 在你的創造與顯化在現實中的速度有個 ‘時間差’. 4D, 這‘時間差’被大幅度的降低了. 而對某些人而言 --- ‘顯化現實的能力’可能是立即的.

Depending on your geographical location, you have approximately ten days until December 22rd to follow your excitement and passion to create positive intentions that will echo throughout the planet. Optimal integration will take place from December 21st to December 22nd. You will feel different during this period and must write down your intentions so they are out of the mind and on paper as you will have many ideas that may escape you after this critical period.

依照你地理位置的差別, 你有大約十天直到20121222日來用熱情與激動來創造一個會迴響遍全地球的 “正面心態積極的企圖心”. 最高的 “統合”會發生在2012122120121222之間…在這段期間, 你會感覺不一樣, 而且你必須寫下你的 ‘盤算’--- 這樣它就從你心中跑到紙面上去了 --- 因為你會有許多想法--- 在這關鍵期過去之後你可能會忘記掉. (--- 所以要記得寫下來.)

This will have an amplifying, integrative and unifying effect on those around you including the entire collective as a whole. Eventually, you come to embrace this integrative energy so well, you will wonder how it was possible to accomplish anything on the opposite side of this spectrum. It will be a stark contrast to the segregated and decon


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