【Divine mother】2012年12月10日 建議的12.21冥想

2012/12/20 09:54

Divine mother20121210日 建議的12.21冥想

(2012-12-20 07:40:04)

Divine Mother(母神)建議的12.21冥想

Divine mother(母神)通過Linda傳導 20121210


So, anchor in your heart, drop your cord, your being, your energy, and anchor firmly in the heart of Gaia, and then come to me, in the home of the 13th octave, to me, and anchor with me.

錨定在你的內心,扔下你的束縛,你的存在,你的能量,牢固的錨定在蓋婭的心,然後來到我(Divine Mother, 母神)這,第13個八度音的家中,與我一塊錨定。

Use the ray of your preference, whether it is emerald or my blue, a magenta, the blue of Michael, it matters not. But from this place of your heart anchoring, begin to send the energy, or simply allow the energy to flow throughout your entire expanded grid, which, for most of you, is about the size of the United States or Canada or Europe. You can think of yourselves as that big right now.


Feel the points of light that connect to your entire field, so you are not just talking about your physicality. Turn on and allow those all to be ignited. It will be a brilliant light. Then allow and send energy, for every connection, the multidimensional, the dimensions of all your lines, all your grid lines, to be ignited, fired up. And sit with this for a few minutes at least.


Then, go further out to Gaia and see her beautiful grid, which is already ignited. But if there are any points that you notice that can use more love, then connect with that grid. This is not a mental exercise. This is not a visualization, child. Connect and merge with the entire grid of Gaia, set in motion by my mighty archangels long ago.


Once you have done that, and allowed that absorption, then tackle the biggest challenge and the gift of connecting with the entire grid of humanity, every point of light, every individual grid, until you know you are part of that infinite collection of light. And if you are able, or so inclined, you may continue out to your star brothers and sisters and to the outer universe.


But the first three steps of your grid, the grid of Gaia, and the grid of humanity, are very important. Then you finish by allowing us to connect you to our infinite grid, to our infinite light, to our infinite love. I will be waiting for you.


This is not simply an exercise. It is a new way of being and being in your presence and your field, and you allow that to continue on right through, yes, certainly the 21st, but to the end of the year, until you are completely immersed.


Because what is Ascension? It is being in the heart, in love and in unity with us, and with each other and your sacred self. It is letting go. It does not in any way diminish, reduce your beauty or your light. Quite the opposite: it enhances beyond your understanding your capacity to be and to be in creation with us.




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