
2012/11/30 10:53


(2012-11-21 14:19:52)

TELEPATHIC MESSAGES : HAZEL Last Updated: Nov 18, 2012- 12:30:06 PM

Uriel-Wrap up Time
By AA Uriel thru Hazel



I have chosen to direct this message to the one who has placed herself at my disposal. She has offered to be the bearer of this my directive. I have come before now to alert one whom I have chosen to bring forth a short yet searing imagery that would depict what your world has to envision in a pronounced moment that will conclude a restless phase in your earth
s history. I chose to make that announcement to one who has not yet before been a bearer of messages so that others could see it through a fresh pair of eyes.

Many continue to dwell in denial of the truth and continue to carry the torch of the old and worn out teachings. This will not serve them for they will have to confront the very lies that have been spewed to them for ages and which they repeat ad nauseum.

The truth seldom sits comfortably. There remain many in ignorance of what is to transpire. The truth is too overwhelming and farfetched. They cannot consider a new world for to do so will upset their painted picture of what they know. But so shall it be. For the time is at hand now. Tremors will be felt on your earth plane as the earth kicks off her olden shoes in preparation for new wear. This is the primary time which precedes major activity on your earth. It has been foretold by the Father what is to be expected. Your linear time is moving very quickly now.

Your earth is being positioned for the final moment in the grand cycle which will terminate her revolution. This cycle will culminate in a darkened hue over lighting your sun that her rays may be regressed into her form but for a short time. You call it an eclipse but we refer to it as a
solar closure albeit a temporary one for a specific purpose. She will cease to smile but for a time as the rancid elements of your earth are ejected. So it is in indeed true how the story goes; for many of you think that this is a tale. This story I am here to tell you will have a real ending and all shall witness it. It is best that you seek now your own validation from the angels of the Divine so that you could prepare yourselves accordingly. Denial based on historical information will not serve you. Heed my words; there will be an ending to the charade and the Father has chosen the method to ease the pain of the earth before she makes her ascent.

The globe will enjoy days of darkness and when the light comes on again a new feeling will be had by all. This is not doomsday as some have prophesied. This is in fact the day of deliverance; Divine deliverance. No aliens are coming to steal you or your planet, but your star brothers will come to your rescue; your star brothers of pure light. Do not be fooled by the naysayers and the fear mongers- seek the truth and only the truth and you shall be given. Cleanse your mind from your beliefs and programming; for what is going to happen will happen and we the guides of the earth do not wish to see you flounder in confusion.
整個星球將體驗這黑暗的日子。當光明再臨,所有人將有全新的感覺。這不是一些人預言的世界末日。這是救贖和解放之日,神聖的解放!沒有外星人來盜竊你們和星球。你們的星際兄弟、純淨之光,將來解放你們。不要被拒絕和恐懼的販子所愚弄 -- 尋求真理、只尋求真理,你們將得到它。清理意識中的信仰和程式。將要來的一定會來。我們地球導師們不想看到你們在困惑中掙扎。

So I Uriel come to announce that indeed I am real- quite real and very present as a Divine energy working with your earth and humanity. It will behoove you to at the very least to consider what I say and seek confirmation from your inner divine.

Uriel come to say that this is wrap up time, so join us in serving the truth and let go of the lies as the time for its death is upon you,
Peace be with you.

I AM Uriel of the ONE light.

Candace: yesterday in my work with CM I mentioned a GLP thread in which one there received a stunning vision with AA Uriel and he took quite a beating. He is the one refered to in this piece above.

The GLP thread is: http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message2053518/pg35 I have made an extensive appearance in it and I took a few there to the woodshed.

Hazels Website is www.pathtofreedomistruth.com



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