大天使Lord Metatron 對 “揚升” 與 “人體蛻變”過程的靈性指導(5-2)
大天使Lord Metatron
對 “揚升” 與 “人體蛻變”過程的
Profound message from Lord Metatron about Ascension and Transmutation changes in the physical human body Channeler: Laurie Gilmore
· Posted by Meindert Arends on November 21, 2012 at 6:55pm
Channeler: Laurie Gilmore
中文翻譯: 林琚月20121122
承續( 5-1)文
This void is to be used as a rest stop before you continue your journey. This void is an energetic place where nothing exists, and you are able to build a new picture of yourself and your life before you move to the next step. The void is an integration chamber, or perhaps I could describe it as a cocoon, where you can rest and form the beautiful butterfly you are to become in your next step.
這個 ‘空窗期’是一個暫時的休息 --- 在你進入下一個旅程之前. 這個 ‘空窗期’是一個 ‘充電處’ --- 那裡什麼都沒有 --- 你可以從重新描述出一個新的自己, 以及你的人生, 在你進入下一階之前. 這個 ‘空窗期’是一個重新整合之處 --- 像個 ‘繭’---在那裡你可以休息, 準備發展成美麗的蝴蝶 --- 那就是你的下一步路.
The first six steps of Light Body were structured for gradual change at all levels with regular spiritual awakenings interspersed with the physical, mental and emotional changes. From seventh level through tenth level Light Body the progress changes and is focused on one area of your experience at a time.
‘光體進化’ 發展的前六階 --- 是一個循序漸進的全方位改變 --- 伴隨著靈光點點的靈性復蘇, 穿插在身體的, 心理的以及情緒的改變上. 而從第七階到第十階 的‘光體’ 發展 --- 改變進程集中在各別經驗的改變上 --- 一個一個來體驗改變.
For example, in seventh level most of you experienced your first descension of spirit, and a noticeable spiritual awakening with it.
舉例而言, 大部份人在第七階時會第一次感應到 ‘靈能’ 的下降與進入自己身體 --- 然後你明顯的感受到一種靈性的覺醒.
You may have manifested clairvoyance, clairaudience, or a kinesthetic awareness of energy with the awakening. I am discussing this level in the past tense, because currently the planet is shifting into the beginning of ninth level.
你可能開始有 ‘透視未來’ (未卜先知) ‘千里耳’(天耳通)現象 或是一種隨著靈性覺醒而產生的伴隨的 ‘體內能量覺醒的動態感覺’. 我是用過去式在討論這些事 --- 因為目前地球已經轉上第九階改變的開端了.
It is a very painful experience to be at a lower vibratory rate than the planet you exist on, which is the case for those who are below eighth level. Because you are reading this article, I am certain you would be somewhere between the void of late eighth level, to eleventh level in the Light Body progression.
對於那些目前還低於第八階的讀者而言 --- 這對你是很痛苦的經驗 --- 因為你的振動頻率目前是低於地球的振動頻率的! 但因為你此時此刻在閱讀本文 --- 我確定你的振動頻率應該是介於第八階的尾端到第十一階的‘光體’ 發展
You would not have an interest in spiritually oriented literature if you were in the lower levels. Eighth level Light Body creates body changes in some extreme ways. Physical symptoms similar to viral syndromes are very common. During this level, you may have noticed that you caught a cold once a month.
如果你的振動頻率在較低層次 --- 你對於閱讀 ‘靈性文章’ 不會有興趣.
第八階的‘光體’ 發展在身體的改變上有些很極端的表現. 身體上的徵兆很像 體力失去的感冒症狀. 在這階段你應該已經注意到你每個月都感冒一次.
Other symptoms are headaches (behind the eyes) as the optic nerve pathways for light are turned on and the pineal gland becomes activated. You may have earaches, air pressure changes, itching inside the ears, as your hearing structures are rewired to decode light transmissions, and excessive perspiration or diarrhea as you drop density from the cells of your body.
其它症狀像 ‘頭痛’(在耳朵後面) --- 當松果體的光的路線被打開啟動. 你可能開始感到耳朵痛, 耳壓升高, 耳朵癢, --- 當你的聽力通道被重新連線來接收光的傳輸, 以及過多的流汗或是拉肚子 ---這是你的身體在清除細胞稠密物質的過程.
One perspective on these changes is that you are adding a third physical strand to your D.N.A. For some, the body may resist the density drop because of the descensions of spirit. A symptom of that resistance is weight gain.
關於這些改變的一個理解角度 --- 是你的D.N.A.在增加一條新的線軸. 有些身體會抗拒這種來自 ‘靈能’ 的進入所造成的身體稠密度的改變! “發胖”就是這種抗拒的症狀.
Human bodies have a tendency to try to cope with descensions by becoming bigger to contain the spiritual mass coming into it. The only effective way to stop the weight gain once it has started, is physical exercise.
人體有習慣性的 ‘擴大’來容納這些 ‘靈能’ 的進入. 唯一在此時控制體重的方法 --- 就是 ‘運動’!!!
I mean very hard exercise such as weight lifting, bicycling, running, or swimming. The exercise must be sufficient to begin building muscle mass. Creating muscle mass will protect your nervous system, for the energies coming in with each descension is much stronger than your nervous system is accustomed to.
我說的是 ‘很激烈的運動’--- 像 ‘舉重’, 騎腳踏車, 賽跑或游泳. 運動量要大到可以練出肌肉. 肌肉可以保護你的神經系統, 因為目前進來身體的能量是遠超過你的神經系統所能負荷的!
A dipose tissue cannot protect the nervous system as muscle does by accepting the overflow from the nervous system. Adipose tissue will “fry” as these energies overflow, and the result is damage to the insulin receptors within the cells.
This throws the metabolism out of balance, and the result is weight gain.
廢物處理細胞組織將無法像肌肉一樣保護你的神經系統 --- 當能量大量進入的時候. 廢物處理細胞組織會 ‘燒焦’---當能量大量進入的時候 --- 反而會損壞細胞中的 ‘胰島素’接受器. 這時身體的新陳代謝就會出狀況, 不平衡 --- 其結果就是 ‘發胖’!!!
The muscle mass created by exercise will take the overload from the nervous system, and will convince the body consciousness that it is “big enough” to hold the spirit. You may begin to notice flashing colors on your inner screen, geometric equations moving through your mind, or hear a hum. This is the beginning of the translation facility, and will allow you to turn light code into cognitive understanding and comprehension.
鍛煉出來的肌肉能夠協助承擔神經系統的過度負荷壓力, 而且會告訴身體的感應系統 “夠大來負擔” 新來的靈能了! 你可能會開始在內裡感應到一些一閃而過的顏色, 一些幾何計算會飄過腦中, 或是會聽到 ‘撼嗯’ (HUM)聲. 這是你內部翻譯機制的啟動, --- 讓你能解讀 ‘光’的訊息 成為你的認知系統可以接受的理解與了悟!
The grids around the planet constantly transmit messages to the life forms incarnate on the planet. These messages come through in a form called light packets, and are coded. I call it “light code”. This information must be “decoded” or converted to conscious thought, so you can understand it and use it in your life. These messages are designed to give instruction, and to explain what is occurring energetically at the higher dimensional frequencies.
地球外面的靈性柵欄系統一直不斷的傳輸訊息給轉世在地球上的生命體. 這些訊息都由 ‘光的小郵包’ 送到, 而且都附有密碼. 我稱之為 ‘光碼’ “light code”! 這些密碼必須被解密, 並轉讀入思想的認知體系, 所以你才能理解並將之應用在你的生活中. 這些訊息是設計來給予指導, 並解釋正在發生的事 --- 目前在更高維度層面的能量頻率變化.
If you are a sensitive who can hear the hum, a sharp tone, buzzing, please acknowledge this to your guides. They are trying to assist you to get the light code transmissions, but they cannot verify that you hear it unless you respond. Your guides will try to assist you by turning up the volume and frequency of the audible light code until they see a response from you.
如果你夠敏感能聽到 ‘hum’聲音, 一個尖銳的聲響, 嗡嗡聲, 請告訴你的指導靈!!! 那是祂們試著在協助你得到 ‘光碼’ “light code”傳輸, 但祂們無法確認你是否有聽到 --- 除非你有反應! 你的指導靈會一直試著調高音量和頻率讓你能聽到‘光碼’ “light code” --- 直到祂們看到你的反應為止.
The light code as a hum, can become very annoying and even physically uncomfortable. If you are experiencing this symptom, “ask” your guides to turn down the volume and calibrate the frequency so it will not be irritating or debilitating for you.
‘光碼’ “light code”的 ‘hum’ 聲可以變得很討厭而不舒服, 如果你有這些症狀, 請求你的指導靈調低音量和重新校準頻率免得那聲音太刺耳或 讓你神經衰弱!
These eighth level changes can take up to two years for a human. It has taken three years for the planet.
第八階的改變在人體可能要兩年. 在地球則要三年.
Ninth level is about integrating the spiritual changes from seventh level and the physical changes of eighth into your physical life. In ninth level, relationships are your focus, for it is through relationships that you test yourself and the changes that have been wrought within you.
第九階的改變工作 --- 是將第七階的靈性改變和第八階的身體改變整合入你生活的物質實象. 在第九階, ‘人際關係’ 是你的重點. --- 因為只有透過‘人際關係’的處理你才能測試你自己改善的狀況 – 那些鍛燒入你裡面的變化.
You may find that any relationship based on control or manipulation becomes intolerable, and many relationships end during this phase. You may also find that your work in the world changes as you integrate your new identity. The void of ninth level Light Body can be very painful, for after so much focus on relationships, this void requires you to ultimately be alone with yourself.
你可能會開始感覺 – 任何以控制或操控為主的‘人際關係’現在變得無法忍受! 而許多‘人際關係’就在這階段裡結束了. 你也會發現你的工作開始改變 --- 當你整合出了一個新的自我的時候. 在第九階的 ‘空窗期’ 可能會很痛苦. --- 因為在如此投入於‘人際關係’的處理之後 --- 這個 ‘空窗期’最終會要求你獨處一段時間
After all, the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you have, is it not? Ninth level ends (and sometimes begins) with fairly massive descensions, giving you yet another relationship to integrate as a part of your process.
歸根究底, 你和自己的‘關係’才是你擁有的最重要的 ‘關係’, 不是嗎?
轉載自-- http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/jw!x_p1GXmTAAUlkEWOu3gS.rs-/article?mid=8944&prev=8945&next=8943