
Beloved Ones,

The call to go within becomes ever more insistent as the energies intensify and the shift of the ages moves inexorably forward. There are crossroads ahead and decisions and choices to be made. Each of you is aware that there is no going back and that you have become living conduits of Creator Source energy. You are each a walking conduit for the Light of God that never fails and this realization is now beginning to click into your awareness. Everything that you do in your mundane lives is of utmost importance because you always stand in your Light and your integrity.


這 個請求你們走入內在的呼籲變得越來越緊迫,因為這些變化強烈的能量和時代轉變的力量正勢不可擋的向前行進中。前方出現了十字路口,選擇和決定都將被做出。 你們每個人都已經瞭解現在沒有回頭路可走,現在你們已經成為了造物主源頭能量活生生的管道。你們每個人都是造物主之光的人身顯化,它從未隕落,那麼這份理 解現在就在開始敲擊你的意識。在你平凡生活中你所做的每件事情都是極其重要的,因為你總是會站在你自身的光和誠實正直中。

Around you lies the evidence of the changes that are occurring and this will be seen by the masses of Humanity as the days pass swiftly in the ensuing months. Those of you who have been transmuting your own dense energies from the very cells of your body now vibrate with pure energy that flows constantly through your meridian channels. You are holding this Light for All upon this Planet and serving as living conduits of pure energy. As you are aware, this pure energy is much needed to further transmute the chaotic ones that still create confusion, fear and so much sorrow, sadness and unhappiness within the hearts of Humanity.

圍 繞你們生活的轉變證據正在不斷呈現中,通過群體大眾的反應就會被看到,而日子也快速的流逝進入到下個月。你們中那些正在轉變身體每個細胞稠密能量的人現在 就與純淨的能量共振中,它正持續不斷的通過你們子午線通道匯入進來。你們正為了這顆星球上所有的眾生持有這股聖光能量,作為純淨能量活生生的管道服務一 切。由於你們的理解,這股純淨的能量就被大量的需要去更深遠的轉變由那些內心混亂的個人依舊在製造的混亂和恐懼能量,而同時這麼多的悲痛,悲傷與憂愁也根 深蒂固的駐紮在人類的心靈中。

Know that this too shall pass and those around you in close vicinity, your Loved Ones, have been the recipients of the higher frequencies which emanate from you and this has effected many changes within their consciousness and understanding. This will become more and more evident in their comprehension of the work that you have come here to do and any tensions and differences that had developed between you will dissipate as though by magic. In other words, Dear Ones, they will come ‘on board’ in the coming days. They too, have chosen their paths to Oneness and were chosen to stand beside you in support as their awakening occurred.

請 明白這些都將會過去,在你周圍那些與你關係緊密的人,你所摯愛的親人們,也一直是這些更高頻率的接收者,它就是由你這裡發散而出,那麼這就在很多方面充分 的在他們意識和理解中產生大量的改變。在你對他們所蘊含的理解和包容工作中這會變得越來越明顯,而正是你來到這裡要參與的工作,那麼任何在你們之間已經發 展出的緊張和差別都會由你所驅散,就仿佛如魔法一般。(譯者:在這裡我是深有體會,當我不斷以愛的高頻率去影響我周圍一切的時候,我的家人是直接受益者, 那麼對於那些正在擔心家人的朋友,這應該就是最好的解釋了,以愛去影響你深愛的人,不要擔心他們的未來,一切都會在神聖秩序中)。摯愛的親人們,以另一種 說法就是,在即將到來的日子裡他們都會登船。他們也同樣,已經選擇了自己通往合一的道路,也曾經因為這個原因而被挑選伴隨你左右,由於他們自身覺醒的發展而支持你。

The awakening of Humanity is in full progress now and people are seeing the futility of striving to work within the old system because it is no longer being supported by the higher energies coming in. There is a dawning of a new way of relating that will honor the inherent right of each Soul to stand tall in their own power and sovereignty while honoring the same rights in their Sisters and Brothers. As this practice becomes more fully realized, many old paradigms that kept Humanity enslaved in the lower consciousness realms will simply cease to exist. The World will be the richer for it as each person takes responsibility for all that they do and begin to strive to create a better life where all are included in the benefits that can be obtained.

現 在人類的偉大覺醒正全面發展中,人們正看到在腐朽與陳舊的系統中所參與工作的徒勞無用,因為這些都不再受到正不斷進入更高能量的支持。(譯者:很多人都感 到自己不再想去參與當前塵世的工作,都是這個原因,更高能量不再支援)。。這裡就存在著一種由全新方式所帶來的初晨之光,它將會尊重每個靈魂的固有權利並 支持他們矗立在自我的權利和主權中,同時也尊重他們兄弟姐妹們的同等權利。由於這種實踐越來越被充分的理解,許多把人類束縛在較低意識層次實相的舊有範例 將簡單的消失無存。世界將變得更加的富饒,因為它,每個人都會承載起自己所能成就的所有責任,並開始努力去創造一種更美好的生活,在其中所有一切都包含在 了能夠被獲得的收益中。

It is incumbent upon each Initiate upon the Path to observe the signs by watching the birds and animals around them. When Earth changes are about to take place, these creatures serve as warning. Watch them closely in your area and look deeply at everything that is around you. Send them Love and reassurance that all is well. Their internal guidance systems are being depleted during the movement of the electro-magnetic currents as they occur. You will notice that some of the birds that usually migrate from the North to warmer climates for the winter are not leaving their nests and this might become more prevalent as the energies spiraling to the Earth become stronger. Think of yourselves as the agents who bring Divine Order to all things as you go about your daily lives, for in reality, it is so!

對 於每個剛走上這條道途的人來說,現階段的事情就是去觀察這些跡象,通過觀察圍繞在他們身邊鳥獸們的行為。當地球上每次轉變即將發生的時候,這些生物都會對 於警告起反應。請在你們的區域內近距離的觀察它們並對圍繞著你的每樣事物都保有深深的關切之心。對它們送出你的愛,並再次確信一切都很好。這些動物內在的 導航系統在電磁流活動的發生期間正被不斷的消磨。你們會注意到其中那些通常會從北極向溫暖氣候帶遷徙的鳥兒因為冬天的到來卻不再離開巢穴,這會變得越來越 普遍,因為地球的能量渦流變得更加的強大。作為在日常生活中把神聖秩序帶給所有萬物的代理者,請感謝你自己,因為事實上,它就是如此!

Until next week …
I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒


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