
Beloved Ones,

And so we come to an even greater increase in the energetic waves of Light that are bombarding your Planet. This energy will continue to bring up all issues and subconscious belief systems that anyone on Earth holds within themselves that have not yet been addressed or looked at. This will create stress for many people and it behooves the Lightworkers of the World to maintain a calm and peaceful state within your own energy fields in order to create and hold a steady balance to counteract all that might take place. Hold the space of love, empathy and compassion within your hearts and minds for all your loved ones and your sphere of influence.


現 在我們進入了一個光之能量更加增長的偉大層級中,它正轟擊著你們的星球。這股能量將繼續帶來所有事件和潛意識的信仰系統,源自於每個人的內在卻依舊沒有被 處理或者認真對待的。對許多人來說這會造成壓力,同時對於世界上的所有光之工作者們來說也理所當然需要在你自身的能量場中維持在一種平靜與和平的狀態,其 目的就是為了創造並持有一種穩定的平衡來中和所有可能發生的事件。請為了所有你珍愛的人,以及你所能影響的範圍在你的心與意識中堅定的持有愛,同理心與仁 慈。

Take time to be out in nature in order to connect with Mother Earth and send her your energies of love, empathy, compassion and support. More and more, your work here at this time is to be the stabilizing force, the uplifting force, the steady, calm force. Breathe deeply so that you ingest the higher pranic energies through your breath and hold these inside you for as long as is comfortable before exhaling. This will help you maintain stability as the World around you goes through the gamut of experience, both the high and the low. Every polarity that has ever been felt and experienced throughout the ages is coming up for review, dissipation and transmutation. You have been through the worst of it as the forerunners and now your task is to be here now as the grounding force.

請 花時間在戶外,身處於大自然中,為了與大地母親連接同時也向她發送你愛,同情,慈悲和支持的能量。越來越多,你在此地所進行的工作在此刻已成為這股穩定的 力量,振奮人心的力量,穩定與平靜的力量。請深深的呼吸,好讓你能夠通過自己的呼吸咽下更高層次的【普拉納能量】,並在你的內在盡可能持久的穩定持有這些 能量,在呼氣的時候讓自己融入舒適中。這會説明你維持一種穩定的狀態,因為圍繞著你的世界正經歷這種體驗的全部音階,同時包含著高層次與低層次。數個世紀 以來每個已經被感受與經驗到的極性正不斷浮現,其目的就是為了重新審視,隨後消散與轉化。你們已經作為先驅者通過了其中最糟糕的部分,那麼現在你們的任務 就是此刻處於此地成為決定性的根植力量。

Go with the flow of events as they unfold and stay in a space of peace and calm as much as possible. Affirm often that all is well and everything is perfect and is a part of the Divine Plan for the Earth and her inhabitants. This helps more than you can know, Dear Ones. Also be cognizant of the fact that you are also continuing in your integration with your Higher Self, your Holy Christ Self and your Divine Monad. Much is occurring on many levels and dimensions and you are capably giving assistance to the immediate tasks before you, even if you have no waking memory of it. Know that it is so.


Each of you is being led to those on Earth who can facilitate further openings and initiations as you become ready for them. This will continue to happen as your Higher guidance takes you to the people you most need to connect with. If funds are needed, ask that you be given what you need, then have faith that it will be supplied and given back to you. Your Higher Selves know what is required for you to move forward during these times and they need your absolute faith in them to take action in whatever way you are guided to in each moment. Stay aware and awake, Beloveds, and be observant to the synchronicities that take place.

你 們每個人正被引導向那些身處在地球上同時也能夠容易更多開放自己並接受啟蒙的人,而你也為了他們所準備著。由於你更高指導任務的到來,這會繼續的發生,把 你帶到這些最需要你説明的人那裡與他們建立聯繫。如果需要資金的話,就請求自己被提供所需的資金援助,隨後擁有信心的明白它會被供應與授予你。你的更高自 我明白什麼對你是必要的,進而在這些時期裡順利的前進,那麼就需要你對他們擁有完全的信任,在你被指引的每個時刻採取任何你能夠提供的行動。請保持覺知和 清醒,摯愛的親人們,善於觀察以同步性發生的事件走向。

These times you are living in ARE the Ascension and you are in it NOW, Dear Ones. Keep focused on your highest visions for a sparkling new World and let nothing distract you from it. Set the highest vision that you can for yourself and do everything you can to maintain this in the days to come. Connect within to bring up all the wondrous gifts that you have had locked away until the time was right. This IS the time and the puzzle pieces of your life begin to fall into a semblance of Divine Order and a much clearer picture of your purpose on Earth emerges.

當 前你們所生活的時刻就是揚升,你們現在就在它之中,摯愛的親人們。請持續聚焦在你最高的觀念中,為了一個閃閃發光的新世界,不要讓任何事情使你從它之上分 心。請為你自己設定可能的最高視角,去做你能夠做的任何事情在接下來的日子裡去維繫它。為了提煉出所有奇妙的天賦請連接內在,它們已經被深鎖了起來,直到 正確的時機才能得以顯現。關鍵是時間,你們生命的謎題碎片開始進入到一種神聖秩序的變貌中,同時你存在於地球上目標的一副更清楚的畫面也將得以浮現。

Until next week….
I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒


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