大天使加百列 2012年1月14日 被稱為寧靜的愛

大天使加百列 2012年1月14日 被稱為寧靜的愛

大天使加百列 2012114日 被稱為寧靜的愛

2012-01-14 23:31

Beloved Ones,



I wish to have discourse on the quality of Love calledsilence. When One goes into silence, it is an act of Love for Self for it iswithin One’s inner workings, within One’s heart, that the true authentic Selfis found. By practicing silence periodically, a connection to the Divine withinyou is established and a greater flow of guidance and direction flows to you.In silence then, away from worldly distractions, is found the truths thatsustain and nourish and feed One’s Soul and Spirit.

我 想和你們在這裡討論被稱作寧靜的愛。走入寧靜的狀態的時候,你們正在釋放一種對自己的愛,因為寧靜的愛存在於人們的內心。當人們處於寧靜狀態的時候他們會 看到真正的自己。通過定期地進入自我寧靜狀態,你們可以建立和內在的神聖的聯繫,從而允許更強大的引導和支持的能量流向你們。然後,你們可以從外界的干擾 中脫離,從而尋找到支持並滋養著你們靈魂的真實。


Practicing silence within opens up different perceptionsand perspectives that might otherwise never have come to light. It is insilence that One comes to know Oneself with clarity and truth, once all theouter noise of One’s daily thoughts and to do lists are quieted. In this sacredspace is found greater meaning and purpose to One’s life, a communion withhigher aspects of Oneself that uplift, inspire and empower One’s Being. It isin times of inner silence that many great ideas and works are born and broughtinto manifestation to be shared with others.

進 入寧靜狀態會為你們打開不同的視角,從而以一種不同的方式向你們揭示走向光的通道。通過寧靜,人們可以清晰並真實地瞭解自己。一旦人們將外界思想被排除在 外,你們的心會變得異常安靜。在那安靜的神聖之地你們會發現生命更偉大的意義和目標,你們可以和更高層次的自己交談,從而鼓舞進入寧靜者的存有。在進入寧 靜狀態的時候,很多偉大的想法會誕生,繼而思考者可以將這些想法通過和周圍人分享的方法將這些想法變為現實。


When One sits in silence, the energy that permeates yourenergy field or aura is filled with particles of golden Light, for a connectionwith the Divine within you has been established and a feeling of bliss may comeupon you. In silence many treasures from within you are found. In silence aflow of Divine creativity takes place and begins to blossom into manifestation.In silence many profound and empowering thoughts and remembrance’s of One’s ownDivine nature come to the surface of awareness and a greater confidence inOne’s abilities ventures forth.

進 入寧靜狀態的時候,彌漫在你們能量場或者光環的能量會充滿金色的光之粒子。因為這時候一個和你們神聖的內在的聯繫會被建立,一種被深深祝福的感受會走向你 們。在寧靜則狀態,你們內心的財富會被挖掘出來。在寧靜中,神聖的創造力會產生並且慢慢綻放。在寧靜中,很多深邃的,鼓舞人心的思想和回憶會浮出意識的表 面,從而進一步激發你們向前探索的勇氣和力量。


In One’s interactions with others, it is many times an actof Love to maintain silence when the speaking of words would wound or hurtanother. Silence can bring unity and healing in relationships with others.Silence can bring greater clarity and awareness in any situation that does notfeel comfortable. The act of silence reinforces One’s inner knowing andintuitive promptings. There is a vast richness to be tapped into when Onepractices this quality of Love. Inner silence is a time to nurture and giveLove to yourself for it is only when you can Love yourself that you can thentruly Love another.

在 交流的過程中,隱藏在寧靜中的愛有時候比會傷害到對方的言語更有效。寧靜可以讓人們之間的心貼得更近,可以治癒人們之間曾經傷害的感情。寧靜在人們感到不 適的時候帶給人們覺察的意識。寧靜的可以加強人們強化人們對自己的瞭解,可以引出發自內心真正願望。除此之外,在實踐寧靜的愛的時候,人們還能發現更多內 心的財富。內心的寧靜是滋養並將愛給予自己,因為只有當你們真正愛自己的時候,才可以真正地愛周圍的人。


In silence, One becomes an observer of the flow of life allaround you and opens the door to different dimensions of consciousness thatreveal many wonders and miracles. The portals of imagination open wide andjoyful and playful journeys to other realms can take place. Silence is filledwith poignant and endless possibilities as One traverses the rays of Light withthe Angels. Silence brings a deep appreciation of beauty in all its wondrousforms.

在 寧靜中,人們會變成他們 圍生命之流的觀察者,寧靜會打開不同維度意識的大門,從而向人們揭示很多奇跡。想像力的大門會大大地敞開,從而開始你們快樂而有趣的在其他領域的心的旅 行。寧靜充滿了靜靜而打動人心的美,當人們在寧靜中和天使們一起進行光之旅行的時候,寧靜帶給人們無窮的可能性。寧靜帶給人們一種對周圍一切美好事物深深 的感激讚美之情。


Silence is a profound gift of Love to Oneself that fillsyou with a sense of peace, balance, equilibrium and a sense of the rightness ofyour place in the world. Upon the wings of silence, I leave you now to ponderon my words.



I AM Archangel Gabriel


 通靈者:Marlene Swetlishoff





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