By Mother Nebadonia Thru Hazel
Jan 2, 2013 - 11:58:14 PM
This is the Year ofDestiny
thru Hazel Monday December 31, 2012
I AM Nebadonia, your Universal Mother. You may not have heard of ME but I minister to you through the energy circuit of the Holy Spirit. I come to join thee as you herald in another year in your calendar. Indeed this New Year that you set to welcome or have already welcomed will be the stepping stone for greater spiritual enlightenment for those who choose to plough the inner fields to uncover greater light from within. It is the year of DESTINY. For behold you must each choose your destined path. Your destiny cannot unfold without you choosing it. You are the creator of your destiny. No one can choose and create it for you but you.
我是內巴丹尼婭,你們的宇宙之母。你們或許還未聽說過我,但我通過聖靈之能量回路照管著你們(注:聖經中所說的聖靈HOLY SPIRIT,不是三位一體之中的GOD THE SPIRIT,前者是指地方宇宙內巴頓的創造母神內巴丹尼婭的靈性回路,它遍佈整個地方宇宙)。在你們歡慶你們日曆中新的一年之時,我前來與你們同慶。確實,這個你們將歡迎或已在歡迎的新年,對於那些選擇了耕耘內在領域、以從內心發現更大光芒的人來說,將是更大靈性覺悟之跳板。這是天命之年。看吧,因為你們每個人必須都要選擇你命定之路。你不選擇它,你的天命就無法展開。你是你之天命的創造者。除了你,沒有人可以為你選擇和創造它。
You are leaving behind the old to engender the new but what will you choose to do differently; how will you choose to live your life this coming year? Are you going to make the choice or is someone else going to do this for you?
Your destiny is Sovereignty. Will you choose to embrace your sovereignty now and work towards its unfolding or do you intend to have grand intentions that will be left by the wayside when the weariness of life surmounts your inner will and resolve?
Beloved ones this is a year of DESTINY. How many comprehend what this means? I will enlighten you. For many the last year was meant to culminate in either the ending of the world or the birth of the ascension. Neither materialised. Why do you think this was? You sought to follow records which were out of date and placed your personal interpretation on the legacy. In fact most followed what was accepted to be the norm. How many sought independent confirmation of this from their God selves? It is easy to follow the crowd than to responsibly seek the truth. It is in fact truthful that you are in the spiral of ascension energies and greater energetic changes are taking place on an individual and planetary level. However dear ones your world has by no means ascended. There is much to occur before you reach this point.
Your dependence on the non occurring events should instil an important lesson that your destiny is your choice. If you choose to ascend then you must take the necessary action to ensure that you do. No one will do it for you. Ascension is the reward for your faithful Mother Earth. She has earned her right to ascend. Have you earned this right? If you choose to continue with warring ways, whether you war with yourself or others, then you create an energetic pattern where war will materialise in your outer world. Your inner reality will mirror your outer reality. Many are taking appropriate steps to clear their energy fields so that more and more light can rise to the surface. They are seeking to keep aligned with God’s energy and to be cognizant of their creations. Indeed this is significant and must be sustained if the recovery of their light within is to be optimised. There is much hidden beneath the surface that must be faced and transmuted. You who desire to ascend must attend to you inner health.
Many have chosen to follow instead of lead by their light. You follow often the false light given by others and forfeit the wisdom and truth of your personal inner light. You convince yourselves that a thing or event will occur and you hold on to it dearly with great belief. What happens when it does not? Little ones you have much to learn. I AM requiring you to follow the rhythm of God’s thinking. In other words I ask that you stand naked of your perceptions, beliefs and conditioning and invite the Father to think with you. I AM training you to think with your God mind NOT with or through the minds of others. I admit that what I suggest may require effort and perseverance on your part; however you cannot emerge into your God self if you are unable to connect with the God mind which you hold within you.
The year 2013 is the year of ‘ATON’. I do not say this in a trite or superfluous manner; meaning, I do not say this as you say every year is the year of the Lord. I say that this is the year of ‘ATON’. It will be the year of purposeful revelations; when the spirit of God will take over many in truth. This is the year when the world will be shaken into true knowledge. It is upon you. Rise to meet you destiny which has eluded you for too long. ATON will be present; for HE comes again to gift to the world HIS essence.
What is portended is not doom and gloom, save for those who choose to see it in this way; for they shall be the ones without knowledge, insight, perception or preparation.
The troops are marching in holding the lanterns for those in readiness. Your world is to be besieged by light. To those who have been indifferent you will have to take notice as it will be inevitable.
I reiterate that this New Year is to be the year of DESTINY. All will be turned upside down so that the reversal can begin. Your world is to enter a new and glorious phase in freedom. I forewarn you that much will resolve itself in this coming year. Tales will be told a good many years after the events of this coming year transpires. History will be remade.
I leave you with the words BRIGHT AND MORNING STAR.
I bless you and honour you as children of God. I ask that you bless yourself through the choices you make.
Mother Nebadonia.
Candace: for some who still may not realize what the 3rd Person Trinity IS, it is of course in the Infinite Spirit of the Creation, source of evolutionary mind. The Universal Mothers of each Universe are Daughters of the Infinite Spirit and gift evolutionary mind to their respective local universes. Mother Nebadonia is OUR Mother Spirit or Holy Spirit of Nebadon. Gaia as Mother Earth is Nebadonia's daughter, or I suppose you could say a Grandaughter of the Infinite Spirit, for people having some difficulty with this. The Mother Holy Spirit of our universe is NOT the same as the Spirit of Truth bestowed on this world that some Christians have confusion over as the 3rd Person of the Trinity. The world Bright and Morning Star are interesting here, as the Bright and MOrning Star IS Gabriel, CM's and Nebadonia's first born Son of Nebadon. So I don't know her hint or meaning here, I will let each reader discern for themselves.
To become a Sovereign means that you do not "follow" but self determine and thus do not give your mind and energy over to others. We have far to much following still on this world. To each of you reading this: