“揚升” 是 “蛻變”& “爛世界”就是 “完美世界”!
“揚升” 是 “蛻變”& “爛世界”就是 “完美世界”!
--- 阿根廷 ‘綻藍兒童” MATIAS DE STEFANO 對揚升準備的提示!
Posted by Jose Ignacio Contreras on November 19, 2012 at 3:10am
中文翻譯: 林琚月11\1912012
In the days between now and the December 9, 2012, you will feel, so me more and more powerful, the culmination of energy grip and acceleration while crossing the Earth ... for Einstein-Rossen bridge has led and implies. You will notice, as well, the call from the heart for your life unfold along the following parameters and perceptions:
Simple Life, focused in the Here and Now, disconnected the old world and experienciada in Freedom
從現在到12\9\2012, 你將會感覺到更多更強大的能量的累積與控制, 並且會不斷加速以穿越地球… --- 這是因為 Einstein-Rossen bridge 愛因斯坦的蟲洞理論不但已經發生而且就是這樣!同時你會注意到 --- 你心靈對你的呼喚 ---隨著屬於你生命劇碼的特點與理解力會出現如下呼喚: 簡單的生活, 專注在這裡與當下, 與舊的世界觀保持距離, 同時 “體驗自由的感覺”.
A) Practice a simple life: hold in your heart the wise words of Francis of Assisi:
need little, and what little I need, I need some.
To do this, slows your pace of life, lighten your schedule, put your everyday spaces of silence and inner encounter, reduces your belongings, moderate your consumption levels and well calibrated your real needs, eat healthily and restrained and, as far as possible, gradually reduce your homework and chores (also in nature "consciencial" and "spiritual") and all that I suppose effort.
A) 過簡單的生活: 記住義大利聖人法朗斯斯Francis of Assisi的話: 只有一些些需要, 而我需要的那個部份, 我只需要一些.
要做到這樣 --- 就放慢你生活的步筏, 行程安排得輕鬆一些, 固定留給自己安靜的空間與時間去深入內心, 減少擁有的東西, 吃得少一些, 仔細衡量你真實的需要, 吃得健康一些, 有節制一些, 在可能範圍內, 逐步的減輕工作量與雜事以及其它努力! (同時在內心保持覺知與靈性!)
Put yourself in the Here and Now: As you can Reduce the "time travel" (from past to future and vice versa) with whom you spend precious energy you'll need for your Metamorphosis. And in your daily life, desengánchate of that drug called future-that drives tomorrow let the happiness and freedom that you enjoy today, and focus increasingly on the present moment: when chew at meals, when you brush your teeth, walking down the street, driving, ...
專注在這裡與當下: 當你可以降低你現在的時間旅行速度時 --- (從過去到未來, 以及 “反過來” “回到過去”的時間旅行) --- 你珍貴的精力是你將會需要來支撐你的 “蛻變”(Metamorphosis)的!!! 所以在你每日的生活中, 要 “戒掉” “對未來的毒癮”而不要 “一直追趕著明天” !!! 享受今天的快樂與自由!!! 練習 “越來越” “專注”在 “當下”!!! --- 當你在齟嚼食物時, 當你在刷牙時, 當你在街上走路時, 當你開車時…
Disconnect from the collapse of the old world: everything old Desengánchate still surrounds your life, without allowing the inevitable deterioration of the exterior Crispe your mood and your inner peace. The outside world is like a hurricane whose intensity and magnitude are be increasing. Put yourself in your "eye" in the eye of the storm, where you will enjoy quiet, calm and serenity even in the midst of turmoil. And from this state of peace, direct your energies to fight what has expired and became obsolete in your heart, but to create anything new in it late. It is therefore very important that you put so much of your addition to the so-called media (television and radio news, newspapers, ...) as arguments and rants with those around you about what the outside world happens (conflicts, crises, controversies thousand "today", ...).
與正在崩潰的舊的世界觀保持距離: 那些正在崩解中的舊現實仍然圍繞著你, 不要讓那無法改變的外界的毀壞妨害你的心情, 和你內心的平靜. 外界的環境目前像一個颶風, 它的強度與範圍正在不斷擴大. 把你的眼睛放在風暴的颱風眼, 那裡你會享受到安靜, 平靜, 寧靜, 即使你身處在風暴當中. 從這樣的平靜當中, 集中你的精力去對抗你心中知道已經結束的過時的所有事情, 但是把新的創造留待未來再來從事! 所以非常重要的是 --- 你需要 “加入”你個人的意見到 “主流媒體”(如電視新聞\報紙\收音機新聞等) 的辯論與吵鬧當中去 --- 關於這世界目前到底正在發生什麼事? (關於那些爭執, 危機, 重要議題, …等所有的 ‘時事’!)
Take on the challenge of Freedom: It's time to stop demanding improved prison conditions, instead, out of jail. Their bars are virtual and have generated yourself with your fears, burdens, guilt and weights, your care and your happy with your self-limitations mental, prosecutions, comfort and control and the need for recognition, security and protection. Aim it in your heart, it was time Freedom!. And freedom is not what humanity has ideologically from the mind, but the absolute absence of fear, that your heart will be replaced by an enormous trust in Providence, Life, Perfection of what is and innate wisdom that accumulate within us all.
接受體驗自由的挑戰: 現在不應該再繼續要求 “改善監獄狀況”了! 現在是要求 “出獄”的時候!!! 他們監獄的鐵柵欄是 “虛擬”的 --- 你給自己創造了 ‘恐懼’, ‘負擔’,‘罪惡感’, 以及 ‘壓力’ ‘擔憂’ …因此造成了你對 ‘自我設限’ 的 ‘快樂’, 對 ‘自我處罰’, 對 ‘舒適感的定義’, 對 ‘控制的定義’ , 對 ‘被認可的需求’ ‘安全感’ 以及 “被保護’的需要!!! --- 告訴自己的心吧!!! --- 現在該是自由的時候了!!! ‘自由’ 不是人類以前的 ‘心智智慧’ 的那種定義! --- 而是 “完全沒有恐懼”的 “自由”!!! 你的心將會被一種巨大的, 充滿信任的, 神聖狀態所取代!!! 一種充滿生命力的狀態, 與 “與生俱來”的 “智慧” 與 “完美的一切”會逐漸積累在我們心中!!!
B) internalises that nothing has to change because everything is perfect!
The third dimension has its reason for being and will always exist in Creation (as any musical note, such as "my" in the musical scale). On free will, there will always be spiritual dimensions that want to experience it embody the experiences dimensional vibrational level of its own. So do not try to remove or change it once for you, in your process consciencial such kind of experience and is old news. Practice Acceptance and internalizes strongly that nothing has to change because everything is perfect!.
B) 內化這個重要概念吧! --- 沒有東西需要改變因為每件事都是完美的!!! ‘第三維度世界’ 有它存在的理由!!! 而且永遠會存在 “造物”之中. (就像音符中永遠有個 “我的”在音譜當中.) 在自由意志裡面, 將永遠有個 ‘靈性層面’ --- 它會想要 ‘附體’ 在一個自己的經驗頻率裡面去體驗自己. 所以不要為了自己而試著去解除或改變 ‘現狀’! --- 在你認知的經驗的進程 --- 這些都老訊息了!!! 要練習 “接受”!!! 內化這個重要概念吧! --- 沒有東西需要改變因為每件事都是完美的!!!
What you're starting to live is not change, but an evolutionary Metamorphosis born within you and share in the moment with Mother Earth and many other spiritual dimensions embodied in humans. Captures the difference between change and metamorphosis and focus on the latter. If you have trouble, follow the example of the caterpillar will transform into a butterfly.
你現在開始在 ‘生活’ 的現狀其實不是一個 “改變” --- 而是一個正在 “發展中的蛻變”進程!!! 你的內在起了變化, 而這個時間與地球母親的 ‘變形’, 以及其它 ‘靈性維度’空間地球人的 ‘變形’ 都發生在同一時候!!! 體會一下 “改變” 與 “變形”的不同!!! 並專注在 “變形”上!!! 如果難以理解, 就想一下 “毛毛蟲”怎麼變成蝴蝶的例子吧!
The caterpillar does not arise with his metamorphosis changing anything in your environment or anything that she does not like or do not accept, but, naturally, feel the inner call to meditate in silence (in the chrysalis or cocoon), activate components ties of their DNA and become a butterfly to start a new life.
毛毛蟲在 ‘變形’ 的時候 --- 不會隨著你環境中的, 或任何你不喜歡或不接受的事情起舞, 而是, 自然的, 感受到內心的呼喚而去安靜的冥想!!! (在晶體之中或是繭中), 自然而然的啟動它們DNA中的零件, 而變成一隻蝴蝶並開始一個新生活!!!
If you expect changes, this expectation descentrará and disorient you. And if you wait, it's because your heart still has not caught Acceptance, in this case, the acceptance of the old world and your old life. Underlines this: the old world is just as perfect as the new. Everything fits and has its place in the Cosmos and Creation, the third dimension and the world in which you take thousands of years building your life experiences and conscienciales. The Life and Consciousness are One, but are deployed in a free and vital Diversity and consciencial which are fruit of love, of that life and consciousness are manifestations.
如果你正期待著改變的發生, 這期望會讓你崩潰, 反而讓你分心!!! 而如果你等的話 --- 那是因為你的心仍然沒有理解 “接受”的重要性!!! --- 這裡指的是 ‘你的舊世界’ 與 ‘你的舊人生”. 在這句話下麵劃條線吧! --- 舊的社會與新的社會是一樣完美的!!! 每件事都發生得剛剛好! 每件事都在宇宙中與造物中有它一定的位置. --- 這第三維度空間以及這世界是你花了幾千年來建造你的人生經驗與覺知的地方! “人生” 與 “覺知” 其實是同一件事! ---但被放置進去了一個自由的,