【阿斯塔指揮部網站】重要:梅塔特隆(一)----白色天鷹歸來! (2013-04-22 16:34:21)

梅塔特隆(一)----白色天鷹歸來! (2013-04-22 16:34:21)
【傳導】James Tyberon
LORD METATRON: The Return of the White Eagle
問候你們,大師們!我是梅塔特隆,光之主,在愛中祝福你們!一個精神的隨從和我們一起參加了這次聚會,那些是揚升大師團隊---稱為白色天鷹,最高品質的集體能量,親愛的家人們,你們很多人在更高的面向中都是其組成部分。 2013年是新地球之年,這也是非常特殊又充滿能量的時間。
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in an embrace of love ! We are joined this gathering by an entourage of Spirit., by those Ascended Masters of the group termed the White Eagle, a collective energy of highest virtue of which many of you are a part in higher aspect. Dear Ones, 2013 is Year One of the New Earth and it a very special, very powerful time.
It is particularly suited for the Co-Creation of Highest Good for Humanity and the New Earth. It is the Year in which Dharma is returned to and through the Sedona Vortexial Aperture to North America. Wesak 2013 on the Full-Moon Eclipse is then a clarion call to all who have taken the soul contract to be a part of this co creative anchoring. Many are called, and many will answer. It is a sacred oath and completion. It is the Return of the White Eagle.
We tell you that those of the LeMurian Realm, those of the Law of One of Poseida of the Atlantean Golden Age are a soul group who has shared group incarnations into many realms, many epochs. These began in Mu before duality Earth, and continued into Atlantis, Og, Rama, Egypt, Greece, Judea, Europe, Camelot, Tibet, and indeed, the American West.
Collective Soul Grouping - White Eagle This 'Soul Group, is one in which many of you on the Path of Spirit are and have ever been within. It is the core of many of the spiritually enlightened eras of the planet. Including then group incarnations into the times of the Atla-Ra, Horus & Isis, Akhenaten, Jesua ben Josef, Buddha and the White Eagle and White Buffalo. And it is the White Eagle & Buffalo that is beckoning this group to Wesak 2013.
For this time is heralded as the return of the spirit of truth & virtue to the Red Lands of America, a virtue of Spirit that once resided in the land. It is a time foretold, it is a time that has come, and a sacred fulfillment is at hand. It occurs at WESAK in the 13th resonance, for the wisdom of the Golden Age of the Spiritual Elders in the Redlands of the Americas were and always have been closely connected to the energy and lands of Tibet.
We tell you many Tibetan Masters were part of the Golden Age of Wisdom among the 'White Eagle' clan of Elders of the Red Tribes. The soul group that came under the White Eagle aspiration in the Americas, you see, were previously in Tibet . That is why so many of the spiritual traditions of Tibet were mirrored in the traditions of the Elders of the Hopi , Navajo, Zuni and Lakota..
這也是為什麼,你們如此眾多的人回憶起充滿力量的時代,作為霍皮、納瓦霍人、拉科塔人等等人類化身並連接到原始美國智慧之時代,雖然這些宏偉的紀元已經過去,但它現在將要復活,如同古代預言《達摩再來》所說。因為寶瓶時代的轉換和陰離子場變遷的結果,偉大的喜多納“旋渦門戶” 將成為北美敞開之頂點,從喜多納沙漠擴展至被稱為大峽谷的地方。
That is why so many of you you recall that powerful time and connect to the Native American Age of Wisdom, with incarnations as Hopi, Navajo, Lakota and such...and although that grand era has passed, it is now to revitalize as foreseen in the ancient prophesy of the 'Return of Dharma' . Because of the Aquarian Shift and its resulting changes in the anionic field, the greater Sedona 'Vortexial-Portal' will be the apex of the opening for North America, extending from the Sonoran Desert to the region of that termed the Grand Canyon.
Within this resonance an entourage of Spirit will be manifest. Because of the timing and harmonic oscillation to this area, a rebirthing 'download' frequency will be uniquely centered here, for this timing represents the prophesied return of Dharma to the Red Lands. There has always been a special connection between the areas of Tibet/Nepal and Sedona. In ancient times a hyper-dimensional tunnel of Inner and Omni Earth existed between these two sacred zones of the Earth.
It is evidenced yet today in the linguistics of the Pueblo Native Americans and the Tibetans. In 2013 it is being reactivated and dharmic codes will be downloaded and disseminated. Seeds of change will be brought forth, and indeed change is needed. The Anasazi & their later separation into tribal sectors of the Pueblo Native Americans have untold histories of interaction with not only the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, but also with the blue-skin race of ancient Mu.
In the epoch of time that is referred to as the ending of the 4th world by the Hopi and Zuni, the Pueblo people did indeed interface in the inner Earth with all of these as well as the inner earth savant of the ancient Tibetan people. Such intermingling has continually occurred up until a few millennia. That is indeed why many of the Pueblo resemble the oriental races of Tibet and Nepal.
The Rhombic Quadra Rebirth From April into May 2013 there is a triad of Eclipses that combine with the June Solstice to form an utterly astonishing Rhombic Quadra of Energy Points. It is the third eclipse, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of WESAK that is the absolute apex , crystalline crown of these extraordinary cosmic insertions. It is the one, two three 'knockout' punch of ecliptic energy, each of the first two, lead to the omnipotent aspect of the third.
The May 24/25 Lunar Eclipse is truly a very profound rebirthing. It is in essence the 13-13-13. It occurs on the full moon of WESAK. It is absolutely a time for renewal, and is of unimaginable fortitude. It is enhanced as only this stirring collation of astrological cosmic influences could be. And each human will receive this in a way tailored and defined by their light quotient, attitude and system of belief.
Those of Mastery will be aware of the importance, and will deeply feel the call to join together to co create the changes needed and afforded by this apexial aperture. It is time for co-creation of the New Earth. Appearance of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance In the WESAK opening an extremely rare & tangible interface with the benevolent extraterrestrials of the Sirian Pleiadean Alliance will manifest.
They will be present, will be felt, sensed, and indeed viewed by many within the dimensional overlapping in this portal. Codes will be received that complete the Triple Date energies, forming, combining all into 'One-ness', that then is truly the 13th frequencial field, and WESAK 2013 is in that sense the 13-13-13. A critical coded completion will occur within the truly extraordinary blend of Cosmic, Astrological and Telluric energies.
The full moon eclipse, Uranus-Pluto & Jupiter Saturn influences combine in such a manner that the dimensional veils are temporarily thinned to open an unprecedented corridor of Cosmic Unity. The legions of what is termed the Ascended Masters will be in the terrestrial interface for the 7 day phase of May 21-28, with apexial energies peaking May 24-27.
A Holographic Entourage of Spirit It is a moment of renaissance, of rebirth, a timeless poignant vector reaching temporarily into linear sequence in a phase that may be considered a holographic insert, one that has been planned for longer than you may imagine. It is a time for remember who you are, and the codes of knowledge will be received by the code carriers, and shared across the planet.
The timing of WESAK in the May 24 Full Moon Eclipse will bring in the presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters, the Avatars of Christos and Lord Buddha initially in twelve primary portals, which we are sharing herewith. Every area termed a power node will receive the energies, for indeed Spirit is present beyond the limitations of what is termed physical matter.
不管怎樣,密碼首先會通過特殊的走廊或端口傳播,並從12個主要地點被二次繼電進行分散,進入到144個點中,第三步則是傳播至全球。 2013年中,最初下載的12個主要之點與寶瓶座轉變的離子有關。這12個點是:
Śrī Pada(斯里蘭卡)
米納斯吉拉斯(巴西一州Sao Tomas des Letres)

【傳導】James Tyberon
LORD METATRON: The Return of the White Eagle
問候你們,大師們!我是梅塔特隆,光之主,在愛中祝福你們!一個精神的隨從和我們一起參加了這次聚會,那些是揚升大師團隊---稱為白色天鷹,最高品質的集體能量,親愛的家人們,你們很多人在更高的面向中都是其組成部分。 2013年是新地球之年,這也是非常特殊又充滿能量的時間。
Greetings Masters ! I am Metatron Lord of Light, and I greet you in an embrace of love ! We are joined this gathering by an entourage of Spirit., by those Ascended Masters of the group termed the White Eagle, a collective energy of highest virtue of which many of you are a part in higher aspect. Dear Ones, 2013 is Year One of the New Earth and it a very special, very powerful time.
It is particularly suited for the Co-Creation of Highest Good for Humanity and the New Earth. It is the Year in which Dharma is returned to and through the Sedona Vortexial Aperture to North America. Wesak 2013 on the Full-Moon Eclipse is then a clarion call to all who have taken the soul contract to be a part of this co creative anchoring. Many are called, and many will answer. It is a sacred oath and completion. It is the Return of the White Eagle.
We tell you that those of the LeMurian Realm, those of the Law of One of Poseida of the Atlantean Golden Age are a soul group who has shared group incarnations into many realms, many epochs. These began in Mu before duality Earth, and continued into Atlantis, Og, Rama, Egypt, Greece, Judea, Europe, Camelot, Tibet, and indeed, the American West.
Collective Soul Grouping - White Eagle This 'Soul Group, is one in which many of you on the Path of Spirit are and have ever been within. It is the core of many of the spiritually enlightened eras of the planet. Including then group incarnations into the times of the Atla-Ra, Horus & Isis, Akhenaten, Jesua ben Josef, Buddha and the White Eagle and White Buffalo. And it is the White Eagle & Buffalo that is beckoning this group to Wesak 2013.
For this time is heralded as the return of the spirit of truth & virtue to the Red Lands of America, a virtue of Spirit that once resided in the land. It is a time foretold, it is a time that has come, and a sacred fulfillment is at hand. It occurs at WESAK in the 13th resonance, for the wisdom of the Golden Age of the Spiritual Elders in the Redlands of the Americas were and always have been closely connected to the energy and lands of Tibet.
We tell you many Tibetan Masters were part of the Golden Age of Wisdom among the 'White Eagle' clan of Elders of the Red Tribes. The soul group that came under the White Eagle aspiration in the Americas, you see, were previously in Tibet . That is why so many of the spiritual traditions of Tibet were mirrored in the traditions of the Elders of the Hopi , Navajo, Zuni and Lakota..
這也是為什麼,你們如此眾多的人回憶起充滿力量的時代,作為霍皮、納瓦霍人、拉科塔人等等人類化身並連接到原始美國智慧之時代,雖然這些宏偉的紀元已經過去,但它現在將要復活,如同古代預言《達摩再來》所說。因為寶瓶時代的轉換和陰離子場變遷的結果,偉大的喜多納“旋渦門戶” 將成為北美敞開之頂點,從喜多納沙漠擴展至被稱為大峽谷的地方。
That is why so many of you you recall that powerful time and connect to the Native American Age of Wisdom, with incarnations as Hopi, Navajo, Lakota and such...and although that grand era has passed, it is now to revitalize as foreseen in the ancient prophesy of the 'Return of Dharma' . Because of the Aquarian Shift and its resulting changes in the anionic field, the greater Sedona 'Vortexial-Portal' will be the apex of the opening for North America, extending from the Sonoran Desert to the region of that termed the Grand Canyon.
Within this resonance an entourage of Spirit will be manifest. Because of the timing and harmonic oscillation to this area, a rebirthing 'download' frequency will be uniquely centered here, for this timing represents the prophesied return of Dharma to the Red Lands. There has always been a special connection between the areas of Tibet/Nepal and Sedona. In ancient times a hyper-dimensional tunnel of Inner and Omni Earth existed between these two sacred zones of the Earth.
It is evidenced yet today in the linguistics of the Pueblo Native Americans and the Tibetans. In 2013 it is being reactivated and dharmic codes will be downloaded and disseminated. Seeds of change will be brought forth, and indeed change is needed. The Anasazi & their later separation into tribal sectors of the Pueblo Native Americans have untold histories of interaction with not only the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, but also with the blue-skin race of ancient Mu.
In the epoch of time that is referred to as the ending of the 4th world by the Hopi and Zuni, the Pueblo people did indeed interface in the inner Earth with all of these as well as the inner earth savant of the ancient Tibetan people. Such intermingling has continually occurred up until a few millennia. That is indeed why many of the Pueblo resemble the oriental races of Tibet and Nepal.
The Rhombic Quadra Rebirth From April into May 2013 there is a triad of Eclipses that combine with the June Solstice to form an utterly astonishing Rhombic Quadra of Energy Points. It is the third eclipse, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse of WESAK that is the absolute apex , crystalline crown of these extraordinary cosmic insertions. It is the one, two three 'knockout' punch of ecliptic energy, each of the first two, lead to the omnipotent aspect of the third.
The May 24/25 Lunar Eclipse is truly a very profound rebirthing. It is in essence the 13-13-13. It occurs on the full moon of WESAK. It is absolutely a time for renewal, and is of unimaginable fortitude. It is enhanced as only this stirring collation of astrological cosmic influences could be. And each human will receive this in a way tailored and defined by their light quotient, attitude and system of belief.
Those of Mastery will be aware of the importance, and will deeply feel the call to join together to co create the changes needed and afforded by this apexial aperture. It is time for co-creation of the New Earth. Appearance of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance In the WESAK opening an extremely rare & tangible interface with the benevolent extraterrestrials of the Sirian Pleiadean Alliance will manifest.
They will be present, will be felt, sensed, and indeed viewed by many within the dimensional overlapping in this portal. Codes will be received that complete the Triple Date energies, forming, combining all into 'One-ness', that then is truly the 13th frequencial field, and WESAK 2013 is in that sense the 13-13-13. A critical coded completion will occur within the truly extraordinary blend of Cosmic, Astrological and Telluric energies.
The full moon eclipse, Uranus-Pluto & Jupiter Saturn influences combine in such a manner that the dimensional veils are temporarily thinned to open an unprecedented corridor of Cosmic Unity. The legions of what is termed the Ascended Masters will be in the terrestrial interface for the 7 day phase of May 21-28, with apexial energies peaking May 24-27.
A Holographic Entourage of Spirit It is a moment of renaissance, of rebirth, a timeless poignant vector reaching temporarily into linear sequence in a phase that may be considered a holographic insert, one that has been planned for longer than you may imagine. It is a time for remember who you are, and the codes of knowledge will be received by the code carriers, and shared across the planet.
The timing of WESAK in the May 24 Full Moon Eclipse will bring in the presence of the Angelic Realm, the Ascended Masters, the Avatars of Christos and Lord Buddha initially in twelve primary portals, which we are sharing herewith. Every area termed a power node will receive the energies, for indeed Spirit is present beyond the limitations of what is termed physical matter.
不管怎樣,密碼首先會通過特殊的走廊或端口傳播,並從12個主要地點被二次繼電進行分散,進入到144個點中,第三步則是傳播至全球。 2013年中,最初下載的12個主要之點與寶瓶座轉變的離子有關。這12個點是:
Śrī Pada(斯里蘭卡)
米納斯吉拉斯(巴西一州Sao Tomas des Letres)