


The 2012 Portal and the New Beginning

a message from Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn
Sunday, 25 November, 2012

來自大天使麥克的信息由Celia Fenn傳導


The Energies for November/December 2012


Beloved Family of Light....what a Joyful moment as we approach the final moments of the Earth's Transition and Transformation into a Multi-Dimensional Environment for the Children of Light! The Earth Keeper Council and the Council of Elders stand ready to begin their work with the Solar Council and the Galactic Council as the 2012 Stargate opens.....


Beloved Ones, this is a time of Great Celebration and Achievement. All that you have worked for is about to manifest before your eyes! We know how hard you have worked in this period of Transition, and how you have held the Energies of Peace and Balance within your own lives, so that these might also manifest on the Earth. You have created the Crystal Temple of the Divine Flame within your own Hearts, and this Sacred Space that you hold within is now ready to begin to manifest in the material world as well. We would say again to you that it is so important that you hold this energy of Balance in your own Heart, and that you be the center point for Heaven and Earth and Divine Masculine and Feminine energies. As you hold these energies in your Hearts, you become the transmitters for the Light Codes for the New Multi-Dimensional Earth!


At this time, the Energies will be intense, and you can imagine it as though the Earth were a space ship and as she passes through this Stargate there is great turbulence in the hyperspace continuum. You will feel this turbulence as energetic disturbances in your life, but if you hold that center of Light and Balance in your Heart, you will align with Divine Love and Compassion, and you will become that Still Point at the center of all. Others will appreciate the Calm and Serenity that you are able to bring to their lives at this time.


As you prepare for this Moment of Culmination and Graduation, we ask you to be aware of your Feelings and Thoughts and Actions. Hold within yourselves always the Highest Frequencies of Light and Peace, and know that you are helping to hold a Field of Divine Love, Peace and Compassion for the Earth as she passes through the 2012 Portal to take her destined place within the new Golden Rose Galaxy and on the Galactic and Solar Councils of Light!


The 11/11 Stargate and the Initiation of the Light Codes of Athena Solara and Apollo Solaris


Beloved Family of Light, it was also our Joy and Privilege to work with you at the time of the 11/11 Portal on the 11th of November and the Solar Eclipse on the 13th of November. At this time, the Earth made her final alignments for the transit of the 2012 Portal, and also your Light Bodies made new connections that would assist them to work with the energies of the 2012 Portal.


At this time, the Energies of Athena and Apollo were initiated into their New Era roles as the Guardians and Custodians of the Earth/Solar portals that connect the Earth with her Twin Flame Star, the Sun or Solaris. They were given the names Athena Solara and Apollo Solaris. Together they embody the Solar Energies of the New Sun, Solaris.


Athena was previously the Archetypal Feminine energy of Wisdom and Strength, and also the Goddess of War. Now, as the New Earth rises, she is reborn as the Solar Divine Feminine Goddess of Light, embodying Wisdom, Strength, Compassion, Power and Peace. In the New Earth there will be no more war, and where the presence of Athena Solara is found, there she will shower the Golden Energy of Divine Compassion and Wisdom. After she was activated into the Earth's Harmonic Field at the Solar Eclipse on the 13th of November, she immediately went to work to assist in bringing Peace through the Solar Light Codes of Compassion and Power to those areas where it was most needed. You may call on her presence and energy wherever you would like to bring Peace and Compassion, and the deep gentleness and power of the Light Consciousness of Athena Solara.

雅典娜在過去是智慧與力量的女性能量的原型,也是戰爭女神。現在,由於新地球的崛起,她也獲得了重生,成為了神聖的太陽光之女神,體現智慧,強健,慈悲, 力量與和平。在新地球將不再有戰爭,在這裡雅典娜的太陽陰性面相將被發現,在這裡她將展現出神聖慈悲與智慧的金色能量。1113日日食她啟動了地球和 諧能量場域之後,通過慈悲與力量的太陽之光,她隨即忙碌於給那些急需帶來和平的地區支持的工作中。在你希望帶來和平與慈悲的地方,你就可以請求她的出現與力量,以及這深深的溫柔與雅典娜太陽女神的光之意識的力量。

Likewise, her partner Apollo Solaris, embodies the Light Codes of the Solar Divine Masculine. Apollo was always a Solar archetype, but in his new Archetypal role he becomes the embodiment of Light and Power, of Creativity and Manifestation and Joy. Where Athena brings Peace and Balance, Apollo enables the Creativity and Manifestation that will create the Structures of Peace that will form the New Earth.


Beloved Ones, you may choose to work with these New Energies in different ways, but they will support you in the expression of your desire to being Peace and to Create a New Earth Society after you have passed through the 2012 Stargate.


The 2012 Portal and the Star Grid Energies and the Multi-Dimensional Light Cities


So, Dearest Family of Light, we would also speak with you about the work that we have engaged with together with Family of Light in 2012. We have worked to create a Grid system of Geometrical "Stars" or Merkabas, that Encode and Transmit the Higher Frequencies and the Intentions of Peace. These Stars were designed as Co-Creations with Family of Light, and their purpose is to strengthen the Field of Peace as the Earth transitions through the 2012 Portal and into the Multi-Dimensional New Earth.

所以,最摯愛的光之家族,我們也想對你們說,在2012年裡我們與光之家族已經合力所從事的工作。我們已致力於建立一個星星幾何學的網格系統,或者叫 梅爾卡巴,它編碼並傳遞了更高的頻率與和平的意圖。這些星星曾經被設計為與光之家族的共同創造,它們的目的就是強化和平的領域,作為地球通往2012門戶 的過渡,進入多重維度的新地球。

The first star was created together with Family of Light in April of 2012 in Riga in Latvia , in the presence of the Devas and Elementals of the Forest World. Family of Light there had gathered together to share in a number of Ceremonies to activate and connect with the Elemental Energies of the Sixth Dimension and the Forest World, and to connect with the Rainbow Bridge to the Higher Dimensions that had been activated in Lapland in Northern Norway and Finland in 2011 and 2012. The Bridge had been reconnected and the Energies were flowing freely, and so the Star of Riga was co-created in a powerful Ceremony and celebrated with Song and Dance. This was followed by the Creation of the Star of Moscow in July, where Family of Light came together, including some of those who had co-created in Riga, to work together to create the Star of Moscow. Then in August, Family of Light in Turkey came together to co-create with Us the Stars of Istanbul, Izmir and Damascus . This was followed in October by the Creation of the Star of Berlin, in northern Germany , and the Star of the Bodensee in southern Germany and on the border with Switzerland , Austria and Germany .

第一顆星曾經在20124月在拉脫維亞的裡加與光之家族,在提婆神與森林王國元素的出席下一起被合力創造了出來。在那裡光之家族聚合在一起分擔了許多神聖幾何的激活,並連接了第六維度和森林王國的基本能量元素,並且與通往更高維度的彩虹橋建立了連接,它已經在挪威北部的拉普蘭和芬蘭分別在2011年與 2012年被激活。這座橋已經被重新連接,能量獲得了自由的流動,同時『裡加之星』也在一次強而有力的儀式和歌舞歡唱的慶祝儀式中被聯合創造了出來。緊隨其後的是在7月份莫斯科之星的創造,在那裡光之家族走到了一起,包括那些已經在裡加共同創造的人們,一起合作創造了這顆莫斯科之星。隨後在八月,光之家族在土耳其與我們合力創造了伊斯坦布爾,伊茲密爾和大馬士革之星。隨後在十月份創造出了柏林之星,在德國的北部,以及德國南部,在瑞士,澳大利亞和德國邊境 的的博登湖之星。

Each of these stars is a Sacred Geomterical Icosa-dodecahedron Crystal of Light, spinning at high frequency and transmitting the intention of their Creators, to bring Peace and Love to the New Earth and to the Cities where they are located. They work with Free Will and Choice, making the Light Codes available to those who would open their hearts and receive. The Stars are also linked together in a Star Grid that will assist the Ascension of the Earth at the 2012 Portal.

這其中的每一顆星都是一個神聖幾何學的正二十至十二面體的光之水晶,旋轉在極高的頻率並傳遞著它們創造者們的意圖,給新地球和他們所蒞臨的城市帶來和平與愛。他們帶著自由的意志和選擇工作著,制定了這些可以使用的光之編碼給那些開放自身心意和接納的人們。這些星星也同樣在一種星星柵格彼此連接著,將支持 2012門戶地球的揚升。

The last of these Stars for the 2012 Star Grid, will be Co-created in New York City in December 2012. We shall be present there to work with Family of Light once again, and to co-create the Star of New York that will carry the Intention of Love and Peace for the City. At this moment the stars in the East will link with the Stars in the West, to create a bridge between the USA , Europe and the Middle East as an Activation Point for the Ascended Earth energies.

這些星星為了2012星之柵格的最後組合,將在2012年的12月在紐約被聯合創造。我們也會出席到場與光之家族再一次的合作,為城市創造出攜帶著愛與和 平意圖的紐約之星。在這個時刻處於東方的星星將與西方的星星建立連接,在美國,歐洲和中東地區建立一座橋梁,作為揚升地球能量的激活點。

But, we will also work to initiate the first Multi-Dimensional Golden City of Light in New York City !


Beloved Ones, know that as the New Earth is born, the Paradise Codes that were activated in 2005 will move into Higher Activation and will begin to work also with the Great Cities of the Planet. It is in the Cities that Transformation is most needed, and the Golden Multi-Dimensional Cities will be focal points for the seeding of the New Energies and for New Ways of Living in Harmony with the Earth and all her Beings.


At the 2012 Portal, the Star Grid will assist in activating the New Earth Light Codes for each of the Cities where the Stars were created, and in transmitting these Codes to those Cities who choose to make the shift into Multi-Dimensional Golden Cities of Light!


We do invite you, wherever you may be, to join with us in holding the energies for the Multi-Dimensional Golden Cities of Light of the Future New Earth.


Beloved Ones....it is indeed a most Wonderful and Exciting Time for All on Planet Earth!


What You Can Expect at the 2012 Portal


Beloved Family of Light, contrary to what many others have said, we have always old you that the 2012 process would be carried through with the Intention of Peace and Grace, and without Disaster and Catastrophe on a Global Scale. And so indeed it Is!


You, as Awakened Family of Light, came here to serve this very Purpose of holding the Sacred Space of Peace and Love so that the Earth could enter into the New Dream of the New Earth without having to go trough the upheavals and traumas of destruction.


But we aks you to be aware, that there are many prophecies and "dreams" that suggest chaos and fear, and it is necessary that you do not allow these to create an energy of anxiety and stress at this time. We ask you to turn away from fear and any who seek to create fear, and rather celebrate what has been achieved on your Earth and in the Galaxy!


You will pass through the 2012 Portal with the minimum of disturbance and with Joy!


Those who are "seasoned" Lightworkers and who are on the Ascension 2012 Teams, may indeed feel very tired, even to the point of exhaustion. You are holding the energy for the great change in your Light Body and in your Body. You are transmitting the New Light Codes day and night, so yes, you may feel very tired, but it will pass as you emerge on the "other side" of the Portal. Imagine that you are holding the spaceship steady as she transits the stargate, and that it is hard work, but yes indeed, Beloveds, it is worth it!

那些經驗老道的光之工作者們,他們就處於2012的揚升團隊中,許多人確實感到十分的疲憊,甚至是精力耗盡。為了這次偉大的轉變,你在自己的光體和身體中持有著這股能量。你正在日夜傳遞著這些全新的光之編碼,那麼是的,你也許會感到十分的疲憊,不過當你處於這座門戶另外一邊的時候它就會消失。請想象一 下,你現在就穩穩的掌控著這艘太空飛船,而她正穿越著星門,這是一件困難的工作,不過也當然,摯愛的,它是完全值得你付出的!

You may experience chaos in some way...chaotic dreams maybe...as the Collective Consciousness tries to deal with the Shift into Multi-Dimensional functioning. You may experience sleeplessness and anxiety and even a little depression and sadness as you deal with these energies, but focus on being within the Crystal Temple of the Heart, which is your own Sacred Space, and all will be Well!


Yes...it is the End! The End of the Old Earth of lower frequency, which is slowly disintegrating like an old and worn out dream. And it is the New Beginning of the New Earth...the New Dream of Peace, Love and Abundance!


So, until we meet again on the "other side"...We wish you a Joyous Celebration of the 2012 Portal and Welcome in the Multi-Dimensional New Earth!


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