
Dear friends, I am Mary Magdalene. You know me, my figure and face have become part of your history, and thereby have become distorted and marred. But you know my origin, because we live from the same source – the space within the heart, the Home of the soul.


You have been moved by the same desire that possessed me during my life on Earth. A longing, a desire for truth, for what is real, for the essence. A desire to live from your soul, from inspiration, from your core – that is what matters for you.


To live in this way can hurt. It brings you to the darkest parts in yourself, because to live from your inner core means that everything must be seen. The Light needs to shine on everything, so you can become one and complete unto yourself. Many people are engaged in a struggle with themselves, and this is painful to see.


People often live by images, pictures, and idealized sets of rules of how to be a successful human being who is recognized and respected by the world. Then before you know it, you are carried away by the opinions and demands of the mainstream of society. You feel you need to adjust to their way of thinking, so you can appear attractive and good in the eyes of the world.

人 們通常通過想像,畫面和理想化的規則設定來界定一個成功的人該如何的表現才能被世界所認可和尊重。那麼在你知道它之前,你就會被這些評價和社會主流媒體的 要求帶進入迷的狀態。你感到自己需要不斷調整以迎合這類的思維方式,這樣你才能夠顯得引人注目,在世界的眼中變得很好。

This takes you away from your inner core, and in this way, you disconnect from yourself. But still there is a voice that says: “go inside, discover who you are. In that open space of no judgment, you can discover who you are: the light and the dark parts, and all you have been through: your feelings, emotions, and reactions.


To love yourself is to allow that open space within yourself, and to be with yourself and observe what is there. Yet again comes that voice from the outside, all too often the voice of fear, that says: “be good, be obedient, and adjust to the norm; do not appear different or strange in the eyes of other people, and you again lose the inner dialogue with yourself and that open space.

要 愛你自己就要允許你內在的這個空間開啟,誠實的對待自己並觀察什麼出現在了那裡。不過再次會出現來自外在的聲音,所有這些通常都基於恐懼,會說:“要好, 要服從,與普通標準相符合;不要顯得不同或者在其他人的眼中顯得奇怪”,於是你再一次失去與內心的對話,失去與那空間的連接。

You force yourself into shackles; you judge according to the standards of the outside world, society, and by doing so you hurt yourself. So you are pulled back and forth between the call of the world, which so often is the voice of fear, and the cry of the soul, which would lead you inward, to the core of who you are. And how can you deal with that battle, that tug-of-war between inside and outside, between the core and the external?

你 強迫自己走進桎梏中;你評斷自己要與外在世界與社會的標準相符合,通過這種行為你卻在傷害著自己。所以你在世界的呼籲聲中反反復複,而這聲音都通常是基於 恐懼,而你的靈魂在呐喊,它希望指引你走入內在,進入到你本質的核心中。你要如何的處理這鬥爭,這個在內在與外在間的拔河戰爭,在核心本質與外部的鬥爭中 你要如何處理呢?

Listen to the voice of your heart. Choose for yourself; choose the way you want to go in this life. Decide to do it with all your strength, unconditionally! Take the plunge into the deep, where real love prevails. But know in that deep space there is no bottom, and it can feel like a leap into the abyss, into the void. You will no longer be supported by the approval, compliments, and recognition of others; you will stand alone.

請 聆聽你內心的聲音。為自己做出選擇;選擇這條你希望走入的生活。帶著你所有的堅強下定決心去做,無條件的!孤注一擲的走入深層的內在,在那裡真實的愛會盛 行。不過要明白在那個深層空間裡沒有按鈕可尋,它感覺會像是跳入一個無底深淵,進入到空無中。你不再被來自他人的認可,恭維和承認所支持;你獨自一人。

Feel, for awhile, the immense space in the center of your heart, where there is no judgment, and no idealized images of where you should go. Only Being is present there, pure Being. Can you stand that much freedom, or would you prefer to stay on the leash of norms and values provided by others? Can you take that dive into the depths? Can you truly live?


Life challenges you to take a leap into the unknown, which is scary. However, to restrict yourself to the narrow path of the known, and not live fully, is worse. You then become a slave to impulses from outside yourself, and you lose “you and no longer feel happy. Finding true satisfaction in life can come only from going with the current of your heart.


Your heartbeat, which is unique in the universe, alone knows the road. And sometimes, if you get lost, there needs to be a dark time, to bring you back to yourself, to help you remember who you are in your deepest core. All outer certainties fall away, and insofar as you were living according to exterior standards and ideals, you have the feeling that everything is lost, that you have fallen into a deep, black hole – and this feels awful! It is called The Dark Night of the Soul, yet it is but a passage. You are being taken to a Gate, one that opens to something beyond, something greater; a vista that your usual sight, conditioned by fears and old ideas, cannot envision.

你 的心跳,在宇宙中是獨一無二的,獨立的知曉這條路。有時候,如果你迷失了,會有一段黑暗時期,然後把你自己帶回到真我中,幫助你回憶起內心最深處的本質。 所有外在的肯定都消失了,而在此之前你都一直生活於根據外在的標準和理想化的規則而生活,你感受到每件事情都丟失了,你深深的陷入了黑洞中---這種感覺是可怕的!它被稱為“靈魂的黑暗之夜”,但是它也僅僅是一條通道。你正被帶到一座大門前,它對某些超越其上的事物開放,某些更偉大的事物;而你通常的展望,受到恐懼和舊思想束縛的條件是無法想像的。

Imagine you are in a dark tunnel. You cannot even see the walls of this tunnel, and you feel surrounded by nothingness. There is nothing wrong with nothingness. In its essence, nothingness is neither bad nor evil; it is absolute openness without any preconceptions or expectations on which to rely. Yet nothingness evokes fear in you, as if it will destroy you. What nothingness does destroy are old identities which you thought were part of you. But know that who you really are cannot be destroyed, cannot disappear. It is eternal, and as limitless as the space in your heart of which I spoke earlier. That space is there –always. Imagine that you accept nothingness and the lack of certainties, and at the same time, you feel your strength and independence. You then are not bound to this world; you are free in the depths of your being!

想 像一下你處在一條黑暗的隧道裡。你甚至看不清隧道的牆壁,你感到被虛無所環繞。對於虛無來說不存在錯誤。這是它的本質,虛無既不是壞事也不是惡魔;它只是 完全不帶有任何的先入為主的概念或者期待來依靠的開放性而已。不過虛無會喚起你的恐懼,就好像它會摧毀你。而虛無會摧毀的只是在過去屬於你那部分的舊身 份。你也要明白你是不可能真的被摧毀的,也不會消失。它是永恆的,就像你內心的空間一樣沒有限制,這點我在先前提到過。這空間就在那裡---總是如此。想像你接受了這虛無和肯定性的缺乏,同一時刻,你感受到了自己的堅強和獨立性。你隨後不再束縛於這個世界;你從存在的深淵中得到了解脫!

Continue to imagine you are going through that dark tunnel and suddenly a Gate appears in front of you. Look at what that image does for you: are you afraid of the Gate, or do you want to go through it? Are the doors heavy and closed, or is one door ajar and is there Light that shines through from the other side? Just take it in; you do not have to do anything.


Imagine now that you stand before that Gate and put your hand against it. Allow the energy of the Gate to flow through you. The Gate is the threshold beyond which lies the new, that which your soul wants to show you –when you are ready to see it. By placing your hand on the Gate, you become acquainted with the new, and with what wants to flow into your life at a rhythm that suits you. See if you can receive it; the energy of the new, the energy of Home and of your soul.


Allow it to flow through your hand and into and throughout your entire body, in a way that feels good –not too little and not too much. The energy flows around and through your head, your shoulders, and your heart; and goes even deeper: into your stomach, your pelvis, your tailbone, and through your legs to your feet.


And be aware, if you are in The Dark Night of the Soul, there is something new awaiting you beyond the Gate, although it still cannot be seen with the eyes you have now. With new eyes, you will see that reality on the other side of the gate, and you will develop these new eyes by letting go of the old way of life; when you grasp no more onto certainties and survival patterns to which you clung before.

請 瞭解,如果你正處在靈魂的黑暗之夜裡,也有著某些嶄新的事物在等待著你並超越這座大門,雖然它依舊無法被你當前的眼睛所看到。但帶著嶄新的眼睛,你就會看 到這份實相在大門的另一頭,而你通過放棄陳舊的生活方式,就會發展這些新的眼睛;那時你就不再更多的緊握住自己過去堅持的外在的肯定和生存的模式。

How do you recognize when you are ready to let go of the old? Often it is through feelings of discontent, anger, dissatisfaction, or despair and hopelessness, which indicate that you no longer want things to be the way they have been. You could then be thinking: “I dont want to be here anymore; I dont want to live on Earth, but actually what you are saying is: I no longer want the old way; I dont want things as they have been.

當 你準備好放棄舊習性的時候要如何識別呢?它通常是通過不滿,憤怒,或者絕望的感受來體現,這就表示你不再希望事情以原來的方式體現。你就可以隨之而思索: “我不希望再在這裡了;我不希望生活在地球上了”,但是其實你真正要說的是:“我不再繼續老方法;我不再希望事情像過去一樣了”。

However, your mind, formed as it is by the past, may not have yet imagined that there are other ways, and therefore The Dark Night of the Soul becomes desperate and intense. As the old falls away, but the new has not yet arrived, being on that borderline and in that dark tunnel forces you to choose. Either you continue to follow the voice of your heart and remain faithful to yourself, or you retreat back into the voices from outside: that of fear, of the familiar, of the past.

但 是,你的意識,由過去的經歷而成型,也許還不能想像會存在其他可行的方法,也因此讓靈魂的黑暗之夜變得絕望與強烈。由於陳舊一切的消失,而嶄新的又還未到 來,便處於分界線的狀態,在那個黑暗的隧道裡強迫你做出選擇。你或許繼續追隨你內心的聲音並且忠誠於自己,又或許你撤回進入外在的喧囂中:那裡只有恐懼, 熟悉的,陳舊的過去。

So I entreat you: if you are now experiencing The Dark Night of the Soul in your life, stay with it, keep going inward, and feel what is there. If there is fear, uncertainty, sadness, or despair, do not judge it; stay with it and do not retreat from it.


Your Light is stronger than all those emotions, which are not the end point, but a halting place along the way. See the Gate in the distance, which is already there! Connect with the energy of the new, by way of that Gate. And one day the doors of that Gate will open wide – see it before you.


Maybe it is too much to feel it all now, but observe it for awhile from a distance. How will it be when that Gate opens wide, and you walk through it? What awaits you there? What feelings does it call up in you? You do not have go beyond the Gate yet, it will come – everything comes in its time.


But feel the promise of it now: the beauty of the Light there; the delight, joy and comfort of being there. Feel the serenity of life there and rejoice, because this road you are traveling on now – the one that feels like a dark night which boosts your fear leads there!


Keep that perspective before your eyes, and your path becomes easier. I hold you by the hand; feel my presence. Every time a Gate opens, it makes us happy and we feel more deeply united with you all. We are all connected to each other, and every step each individual takes, carries something of all of us to the Whole.


Mary Magdalene


© Pamela Kribbe 2012

譯者 U2覺醒

轉載自-- http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_6d1491d50102e3te.html

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