
2012/07/31 11:39

Sierra Neblina: Takes Us Backstage on Disclosure


Posted by Steve Beckow July 28, 12

2012728 Steve Beckow貼出



Geoff West and I interviewed Sierra Neblina yesterday (July 27, 2012) on the pace of Disclosure generally and the significance of the Olympics for Disclosure. Sierra is a Pleiadian starseed with a braided walk-in and a representative of Earth to the Galactic Federation.

Geoff West和我昨天採訪了Sierra Nebilina (2012727)有關大揭露的進度,以及奧運會對於大揭露的重要意義。Sierra是一個昴宿星星際種子,是一個麻花辮型靈魂附體者,是一個地球在銀河聯邦的代表。(譯注:有關Sierra的介紹,參見【1-4】)

She revealed that the galactics are trying to push the hand of some government leaders to acknowledge that the time for Disclosure is well past. For the galactics things are just not going fast enough.


Sierra tells us that Earth officials have until August 4th before matters are taken out of their hands and pass into the hands of the galactics. Aug. 4 is the divine deadline for terrestrial leadership to impact events around Disclosure.


There are different levels of energy being beamed towards the Earth and different alignments of planets and August 4th is one of those alignments.

Prior to August 4th, the galactics have not been able to just come down here and land. That would have been in violation of the human planetary evolutionary processes. Past Aug. 4, the needs of the Divine Plan for Ascension take precedence over the free will of the people opposing Disclosure.


She said that time after time officials have sat on their hands after agreeing to plans. Now their hand may need to be forced if they dont start to allow certain things to happen. The galactics have said to world leaders: If you dont get back on track we will use the Olympics for our purposes.


She said that there were agreements to put the right people in the right place during the Olympics. The galactics work by setting up several different scenarios, rather than just one. It could be that an actual galactic person a participant in the games comes forward to show their true higher-dimensional form during the Olympics or a ship lands during an event or sightings occur where newspeople are watching.


Sierra said that well know things are generally about to break when someone in the U.S. government steps forward or that it starts to come through the U.S. news.


There have been increased sightings for some time now. The quality of witnesses coming forward has been incredible, she says. Its happening a lot but it just isnt getting to the airwaves fast enough. There are a lot of people filming right now but what they produce has not been allowed to come to air.

The galactics wont be satisfied with a broadcast in which viewers are seeing something happen in a nebulous room. They want people to be able to see the ships in the sky with their own eyes.


The U.S. and other governments have been given a chance to release the information that they have or the galactics will do it.


Sierra said that a go team from the 2012 Scenario and InLight Radio will actually go on site and report developments. Geoff West has been given his early notice that he will be pulled over. Sierra felt such a call was imminent.

Apparently Ill need to complete my process, which Ive called Absorption, before I get the call.

Sierra說,一個來自2012 Scenario網站和Inlight電臺節目的“行動小組” 實際上將會在網站上報導進展。Geoff West早就接到通知他將會被拉到路邊(做好準備)。Sierra感覺這樣一個要求是即將來臨的。似乎,在我接到這樣一個請求之前,我將需要完成我我稱為“吸收”的過程。(譯注:有關“吸收“,參見【5-6】)

The Denver shooting was an attempt to divert a plan President Obama had to have a high-ranking American official come forward and make Disclosure through the release of documents. It put that plan on the hoist and forced Obama to go back to his contact and say What are we to do now?



Other governments have abided by their deadlines for document release but every time the American government moves to release documents a fire or a shooting occurs.


Sierra saw President Obama in Farrahs hospital room and feels he has a strong walk-in presence. Hes full of compassion. She said a lot more on the subject but again it wouldnt be prudent to discuss it now.


Sierra discussed the special significance of Denver to President Obama and for his presidency, explaining why he had to come to Denver and set things right. But that discussion also has to wait.


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