
2012-02-16 15:25
Dearest Brother and sisters it is time that youconsciously create with the best intent of all that are involve, later whichwill expand to all kingdoms and realms of your reality. It seems that othersare starting to dream the same dream as you. "Unity the through expressionof the heart." 親愛的兄弟姐妹們,現在是你們帶著為所有人服務的目的,以服務於“一”的意識創造的時刻了,很快你們的意識會擴展到你們的真實的每個角落。看起來你們周圍的人們正在開始做和你們一樣的夢。“通過心達到的統一狀態”。
This requires you to have confidence in who you are andyour truth, and remember not to force your perspective of reality on another.Thus you may have a higher consciousness of what is going on around you in yourworld, Try to understand if you may, that each being hold a unique perspectiveof reality.. This is important because not all is going to agree with you, butif you can convey your truth through well articulated vocabulary you can thanorchestrate how they receive much of your higher understandings. 這 需要你們對自己是誰,以及對你們的真實有充足的信心,請記住不要把你們的真實強加給別人。這樣你們有可能會擁有更高層次的意識,並瞭解到你們周圍的世界發 生了什麼,如果你們可以的話請試著這麼做,每個存有都握著一個獨特的真實的觀察角度。這是非常重要的,因為並不是所有人都會同意你們的觀點,但是如果你們 可以通過組織得很好的語言表達你們的真實,你們會發現傾聽者可以更好地接受你們高層次理解的知識。
At first you may not know of what subject they have muchwisdom, for you to stem your conversation to evolve it to a higherunderstanding, so try not to encourage the ego as if you know all about whatthat is transpiring. You may be surprise to learn a thing or two yourself. Sokeep an open mind and heart. 剛開始的時候你們可能並不知道他們在哪個領域擁有更多的智慧,在交談的過程中你們逐漸會對他們有更高層次的理解。,所以你們交談的過程中請不要裝作你們知道正在發生的所有事情。你們甚至可以在和他們的交談中學習到新的東西。所以,請保持開放的心,開放的意識。
For those who you resonate with, feel free to ask to keepin contact, for there's a reason for everything. You may have to work togetherin the near future. You will be surprise that many people aren't as lost as youmay have prejudged, so give each soul an opportunity. Let your experiences comenatural, and naturally it will flow. Don't expect them to get all of what youare saying either, so don't be frustrated if the conversation doesn't go towhere you expected. Always take the opportunity to help expand their wisdom. Ithink it is wise to share the part of the process that you find much exciting,this way you will speak with conviction in your knowing . 對 於那些對你們的話語有反應的人們,請敞開心和他們繼續保持聯繫,因為所有事情背後都有它的原因。也許在不久的未來你們會在一起合作。你們會驚詫於很多人們 並不像你們預想的那樣迷失,所以如果交談並沒有達到你們期待的目的,請不要灰心。請抓住可以幫助他們擴展智慧的機會。我想分享你們認為最有意思的部分是非 常明智的,這樣你們可以從你們瞭解的部分開始交談,並說服你們的傾聽者。
Most are quite familiar to an extent about the MayanCalendar, and the only reference really they can make is the ideal of cataclysmduring the end of the year, because they do not yet share the wisdom you haveaccumulated, only what the media have created. This really is an opportunityfor you to share greater truth about what you know about the ascension processand a shift in consciousness of humanity. If you are patient in yourconversation and not too excited you'll be surprise how much you could slipinto your conversation. If you wish your conversation to lead to the expandingof greater truth as our presence and our Inner Earth civilizations, well wewould say let it be gradual and you will do just fine. It serve no one tobombard with sporadic information that may challenge their believes right away.It also help if you have a general understanding of their perception ofCreation and the Creator. 多 數人在某種程度上都對瑪雅日曆有所瞭解,從瑪雅日曆中他們所能聯想到的絕大部分都跟在年底會發生災難的預言有關,因為他們還沒有瞭解到你們所積累的知識, 只從媒體創造的扭曲的知識中對整個事件有些許瞭解。這確實是你們分享更大的真實的時刻,分享你們關於提升的過程,以及人類意識轉變的知識的時刻。如果你們 在交談過程中保持耐心,並保持平靜,你們會驚詫於你們深入交談的程度。如果你們希望你們的交談可以更進一步,談到我們的出現,以及我們地球內部的文明,我 們會說,慢慢來,你們會做到的。用支離破碎的資訊轟炸傾聽者的感官對任何人都沒有益處,因為這樣有可能極大程度挑戰傾聽者的信仰系統。如果你們對他們關於 造物主和創造過程的理解有些瞭解並將這些瞭解用在交談中,這些瞭解也會對你們的談話有幫助。
What our channel finds that works overtime is a smilewhile cross referencing your truth and theirs. And remind them that Creationexpands beyond our little blue planet, yet the importance of being here at thistime. We say ours because earth is much our home as it is yours. 我們的頻道發現在交流你們之間的真實的時候,微笑往往是非常奏效的方法。請在交流的時候提醒他們,造物主創造的範圍遠超我們這顆小小的藍色星球,當然,還要告訴他們在這個特殊時間呆在這裏的重要性。我們說“我們的星球”因為地球在很大程度上是我們的家,就如同她是你們的家一樣。
Remember every being has the freewill to choose what tobelieve so don't feel disappointed if they do not fully understand yourreality. Rather your conversation would act as an inception in their memoriesas the events unfold. This will give them the comfort of at least knowing asthings are happening. When in your conscious conversations make sure to restyour soul and reach the zero point in your being. This will bring your being toserenity with all the energies around you and you shall radiate with compassion,bliss and unconditional love. 請 記住每個存有都有自由意志去選擇相信什麼,所以如果他們不能完全瞭解你們的真實,請不要覺得氣餒。你們之間的談話會作為一種引言,在事件的發展過程中會留 在他們的記憶中。在事件發生的時候他們至少會有舒適的感受。在你們有意識的交談過程中,請確保讓你們的靈魂得到足夠的休息,並處在你們存有的零點狀態。儘 管交談時有各種能量圍繞著你們,零點意識狀態會將你們帶入一種心靜如水的狀態,你們會散發著仁慈,充滿祝福,以及無條件的愛的光。
These times should be fun as it enables you to leave yourcomfort zone within a limited circle of influence and expand, sharing yourspark with each being with whom you interact. 這會是愉快的時刻,因為它可以幫助你們離開自己有限的熟悉的領域,並且擴展,和傾聽你們談話的存有們分享你們神聖的火花。
We are the Pleiadian High Consuls along with otherGalactic Consuls that have choose to be here at this time. We laugh and rejoicealong with you because most of you are saying enough is enough and are doingwhat you know you need to be doing. There is no liberating force than self responsibilityonce assumed, we are here to help, but there are certain parts you play that wecan't and wouldn't play for you. And it is beautiful seen you embracing yourtransitional reality. Live Love and Laugh, dance in the beauty that is you. 我 們是昴宿星高級議會,以及很多在這個時間來到這裏的其他銀河系議會的集合。我們快樂地享受著和你們在一起的時間。儘管你們中的很多人開始失去耐心,但還是 繼續做著你們認為需要做的事情。這個過程中除了自我責任,並沒有其他任何什麼在束縛著你們,我們在這裏提供幫助,但是有些部分必須由你們完成,我們不能, 也無法替你們完成。看到你們擁抱著你們轉型時期的真實是件非常美妙的事情。請生活在愛和歡笑中,在屬於自己的美麗中輕舞。
資訊提供者:E-Galactic 翻譯:Cappuccino 資訊來源網址:http://lightworkers.org/channeling/152866/pleiadian-high-consuls-expanding-consciousness-through-conversation |