(上) Serapis Bey塞瑞匹斯貝: 20130324“開悟” 與 無有條件的萬有的 “合一”

2013/03/28 15:43

Julie Miller – Ascended Master Serapis Bey: Unconditionally One With All Existence

Sunday, March 24, 2013

感謝娜達 補充說明:

娜達LadyNada2013-03-26 10:08:09 [舉報]




Thanks to Wes Annac/ Aquarius Paradigm

Channeler: Julie Miller

中文翻譯: 林琚月20130325

Unconditionally ONE with ALL Existence

Ascended Master, Serapis Bey’s Weekly Message ~ March 22 – 29, 2013

揚升大師Serapis Bey塞瑞匹斯貝: 每週訊息2013 0322 --- 0329

Received by, Julie Miller March 22, 2013

The highest and foremost goal within your existence is your evolution; your achievement as a beloved human being is the freedom from suffering, the finality of ignorance and being reunited with your Self the ultimate expansion and meaning of your journey is the path that leads into the most esteemed state of completeness. Freedom has always been the main goal regardless of tradition or culture that brings you home to pure enlightenment. A freedom that is not founded on completeness of Self is really simply a denial of your true existence. Dear ones, actual freedom will include transcendence from such things as ignorance and negativity

你的存在最高最大的目的 --- 就是 發展自我’


你做為一個 ‘親愛的人類’的 ‘成就’--- 就是遠離痛苦的 ‘自由’+ 愚癡無明的 ‘結束’ + ‘本我合一’! --- 你的旅途的意義與最終的擴張 --- 就是走上這條達到最值得尊敬的 ‘自我完整性’.

“自由’ --- 向來是最主要的目標 --- 無分種族或文化 --- 都追尋最純粹(至高) ‘開悟’! 假如 ‘自由’ 沒有建立在 ‘自我完整性’ 上面 --- 那就是對你的真實的存在的否定! 親愛的一們, ‘確實的自由’會包括 ‘超越’ --- 比方: 對無知\無明的超越, 以及超越自己的負面能量.

You are encouraged to come to the realization that enlightenment does not free you from what is false, instead it evolves you into what is true; what is found at the heart of all things is the wholeness that defines the complete awakening of your soul’s purest and truest identity. The journey that brings you into the esteemed state of completeness and wholeness cannot be caught by any physical or even earthly mentality – this concept goes beyond any conceivable imagination that is created within your mind. The state of complete wholeness is found only by transcending the element of forgetfulness, and then you will find yourself at the truth of your Self that is continuously evolving and emerging.

我鼓勵你們了悟 --- “開悟 的意義不是讓你去從 ‘虛假 中解放出來, 取而代之的 --- “開悟 的意義是讓你去發展成長入 “真理\真相當中. --- 在所有事情的追根究底之後會發現 --- 關鍵的是 每件事的 完整性’” --- 這個 ‘完整性定義了完全的 覺醒 --- 你靈魂最純粹最真實的 ‘本我 的覺醒! --- 這個 (覺醒與尋找自我完整性的)旅途可以將你帶入一個可敬的完整狀態 --- 但是這 ‘完整性 不是任何物理的或是地球心智所能理解的 --- 這個 ‘本我覺醒概念 是遠超過你心智的任何想像力所能猜測的. --- 而且這個 ‘全然完整的境界只能在超越了你的 遺忘 之後 --- 才能被找到! --- 然後你會在 ‘本我 處發現本來的自己 --- 那個一直在發展成長中與與萬有融合中的自己.

When you are able to recognize that your wholeness is unique and individual from all other dear souls, you awaken an inner state of knowing that expands all existential foundations beyond the normal thinking of the mind. It is here dear ones where your soul demonstrates through your realization of your complete multifaceted existence that goes well beyond your normal realm of understanding, yet it is within you to reach every time you take the time to go within and discover more of your true Self. Your innermost self is timeless and provides you with endless knowledge that over time becomes valuable wisdom.

當你有能力去認出你的完整性是獨特的, 是個人化的, 與眾不同的, 你就覺醒了一個 真知 --- 那會把你生存的基礎擴大到超過正常心智所能思考的範圍之外. 就是在這裡 --- 親愛的一們, 透過你對完全的多面向的存在方式的了悟 --- 你的靈魂展現了 --- 遠遠超越你正常的實相維度的 ‘理解力’, --- 可是任何時候只要你花時間走入你的內在, 你就可以到達那個世界, 併發現出更多的 ‘真我’! --- 你最內在的 ‘本我’ 是完全無限的, 而且可以提供你永無止境的知識 --- 那在一段時間之後會變成非常有價值的智慧.

Time after time from going within, letting go of all that no longer serves a higher purpose for your advancement of attaining a higher realm of consciousness you bring your Self into the process of rebirthing your whole and complete presence. Sometimes you may not recognize this when it happens, but when you do it is a glorious moment to embrace and rejoice. It is not possible to discuss reaching this state of wholeness and completeness and soul recognition as being separate from the united importance of your soul within your absolute reality. It is from the actual Power of this union with your Highest Self that your soul emerges fully awakened. It is understood dear ones that the path you are on will lead you to a journey that will bring you towards completeness will be found fixed in the development of your Inner Self.

不斷的不斷的, 從走入內在, 放掉所有那些不再適合你晉級到更高維度覺知的更高目的的 ‘習氣 --- 你就把自己帶入了一個重生你自我顯現的完整性與全部. 有時候你可能沒有瞭解到這點, --- 你在釋放轉變自我時 --- 可是當它發生時(找到自我時) --- 那是一個最快樂最值得擁抱的時候. --- 想要來解釋到達這個 ‘自我完整與完全 的境界, 以及當靈魂認出了自己是從你內在最絕對的真象裡 --- 重要的合一態中被分離出的這件事情時 --- 要說清楚它是幾乎不可能的. --- 因為 ‘只有 當你的靈魂與你最高的 ‘本我’ ‘合一 之後, 這確實的力量才能讓你的靈魂全然的覺醒. 親愛的一們, 請務必要明白 --- ‘內在自我發展的這條路 --- 是被確認的 --- 絕對會把你帶入 ‘自我完整性 的旅途.

It is essential dear ones to not dwell in states of confusion but to surrender your Self to the yearnings of your heart and to trust that your heart will lead you to your individual consciousness of the purest expression of your Self. When you finally realize your dynamic potential, your soul also embarks to join with higher realms of consciousness and each of you when reaching this state will realize the importance of awakening your multidimensional body that holds within each dear soul your I AM Presence. Comprehend dear ones that your complete wholeness will illustrate the purest reflection of a universal excellence that comes from your heart in the form of LOVE.

非常重要的事是 --- 你不要居住在混亂當中 --- 而要臣服自己於你的心的渴望 --- 相信你的心會把你帶入 ‘你最純粹的真我的表達狀態中’屬於你 ‘個人化的覺知意識’! 當你有一天終於理解了你非常具有爆發性的潛力時, 你的靈魂也開始參與了 ‘更高維度的覺知意識’, --- 而你們每個人當到達這境界時, 都會理解到 ‘覺醒’ ‘你多維度自我’ 的重要性 --- 那個在 ‘你的每個親愛的靈魂分身’ 中的 ‘我是’ 之存在本體. 試著理解這點 --- 親愛的一們 --- 你完全的完整性所述說與表達的 --- 是一個宇宙卓越的存有的純粹映照反射 --- 而且是從 ‘愛的能量’中從你的心中發射出來的 ‘宇宙純粹的卓越本質’!

In order for your soul to become complete, you only need to attain complete alignment of your human self and within your own personal identity the process of awakening will occur. This process does require a great deal of dedication and commitment as through this part of your journey you will need to extend your maximum level of integrity within your own personality before you can be free to recognize your true Self. And yet, dear ones if by chance your individual personality ripens to the ultimate level of achieved wisdom and purity, you will be unable to assimilate your current embodiment with your eternal essence.

為了讓你的靈魂變成完整 --- 你只需要去 ‘對齊連線’ ‘人類的自我’ 與你 ‘個人的印記’ --- “覺醒”的程式就開始了. --- ‘程式’ 確實需要許多的 ‘奉獻\付出’與 ‘承諾’ --- 因為透過你這部份的旅程 --- 你會需要把你自己個性中最高限度的 “正直\正義”延伸出來 --- 這樣你才能讓自己自由(不受負面能量控制)的去 ‘認出’你的 ‘真我’! 而且雖然如此, 親愛的一們, 假如萬一你的個人化個性成熟到最高限度 --- 達到 ‘真智慧’ ‘純粹性’時 --- 那你將會無法用你 ‘永恆的元素’ 去吸收你目前化身的環境狀態.

It is crucial to understand dear ones that the consciousness of your soul needs to be developed to the point that it can assist as a more than adequate conduit for your awakening and transcendence.You are encouraged to see the state of completeness as a blossoming of multidimensional awakening that you evolve through the various states beyond the normal workings of your mind, Earthly wholeness, soul awakening, and transcendence of the Ego and finally surrender. As you arrive to the path of wholeness and completeness it is important to remember dear ones you are forging ahead on your journey to advance in your evolution and to knowingly serve your soul’s purpose in order to gain enlightenment.

親愛的一們, 非常關鍵的是 --- 你必須瞭解 --- 你靈魂的覺知意識需要被開發到一個點 --- 那時它不只是一個來做為你的 ‘覺醒與轉變’的適當的 ‘接收傳導器’而已. 我鼓勵你們去認識理解 --- ‘自我完整’ 的境界 --- 就像一個 ‘多維度的覺醒’的盛放 --- 在那時你已經透過不同的階段而發展超越了你地球心智, 你地球的完整概念, 靈魂的覺醒, 以及 ‘小我心智’ 的改造以及最後‘小我心智’的完全降服. --- 隨著你到達 ‘自我完全’ ‘自我完整’ 的道路上之時, 非常重要的是 ---親愛的一們, --- 你要記得 ---

你在你旅途上往前去的目的是要 ‘晉級發展’ 以及去 ‘有覺知’ 的去為你靈魂的目標來服務 --- 你才能到達 ‘開悟’!

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